
Shawn Triplett, who now works as a volunteer at a local elementary school, was recently helping out at a shelter when he witnessed a damaging interaction between a mom and her young child after they had been displaced by the tornadoes.

"I saw a child crying in his mother's arms. She was crying too, but you could tell she was doing her best to look strong, " he recalls. "The boy told his mom, ‘I've lost my Christmas.' It was at that moment that I broke down and had to walk outside."

After taking a night to think about how he could best help, Triplett decided to ask friends and family to donate money so he could buy toys for the children who were impacted.

"I was going to give them back their Christmas, " he explained. "There was so much support in the community for water, generators and food, but nobody was thinking about the kids. At least, not in the way it should be, so close to Christmas."

Triplett ended up launching a GoFundMe page to help purchase holiday gifts for the children, which quickly spread on social media. Since launching the page three days ago, he had raised over $44, 000. He also partnered with the local supermarket, which provided a 25% discount on all purchases for him.

While the toys were fully covered by the donors, Triplett said he had been footing the bill for wrapping paper. He planned to deliver the gifts in person in a Santa costume closer to Christmas. "We chose to wrap them so that the kids get the full experience of what Christmas should be, " he said. "We're doing everything we can to normalize a traumatic (创伤的) experience for them, even if just for a few hours."

(1) What inspired Triplett to make an effort to help children? A. A mother's demand. B. A volunteer's appeal. C. A young boy's words. D. His childhood experiences.
(2) How would Triplett help the children? A. By purchasing school supplies. B. By giving them a normal festival. C. By launching more GoFundMe pages. D. By sending them necessities of living.
(3) What did the local supermarket do for Triplett? A. It did the delivery work for him. B. It provided all the supplies. C. It offered free wrapping paper. D. It took some money off his cost.
(4) What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Triplett made full use of the money he got. B. Triplett ensured the gifts to be more valuable. C. Triplett tried to make kids have a normal Christmas. D. Triplett had normalized the traumatic experience for kids.
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Earl Forlales, a graduate in Materials Science and Engineering, took inspiration from the bamboo hut his grandparents lived in outside Manila and created a house made of bamboo that can be put together in four hours to solve the chronic(长期的)shortage of affordable accommodation in the Philippines. His design won a £50,000 top prize from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors(RICS)in its Cities for our Future competition.

His house, known as Cubo, could be produced in a week, constructed in four hours and costs £60 per square meter. Its use of bamboo — which releases 35% more oxygen into the environment than trees — was praised by the judges. The ability of the houses to be constructed in any bamboo-producing area was one of the key attractions.

“The world's cities are growing all the time and there is a real need to make sure they are safe, clean and comfortable places to live in,” John Hughes, the competition's head judge and president at RICS, said. “As we look at our competitors, who are our next generation of leaders, I believe that real progress will be made in tackling the world's biggest issues.”

Forlales has already identified a suitable area of land to start building his Cubo houses. He plans to begin the work next year with experts from the RICS in an attempt to help relieve the huge pressure on housing in Manila, where a third of the 12 million population live in poor districts. He said, “I would like to thank RICS for the opportunity, and look forward to working with them to put this money to good use in Manila and then hopefully elsewhere around the world.”

(1) What contributes most to Forlales' winning the prize? A. The material of his house. B. The shape of his house. C. The design of his house.  D. The expense of his house.
(2) Which word can best replace the underline word “tackling” in Paragraph 3? A. Facing. B. Treating C. Covering. D. Handling.
(3) What can we infer about the Cubo house? A. It is created by Forlales and his parents. B. It can be constructed in a week. C. It has already been built in Forlales' hometown. D. It is environmentally friendly and economical.
(4) Which of the following provinces can Forlales's design be applied to? A. Jilin.  B. Inner Mongolia. C. Sichuan. D. Xinjiang.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

The Voice Magazine recently had a chance to chat with Miss Patel, a 21-year-old university student currently living in Edmonton, Alberta. "Honestly, I am not happy with Edmonton because it's too dead. No one socializes. Everybody likes to stay as it is. Personally, I haven't found one person who likes to grow in their life. People in Edmonton seem to settle for whatever they get."

When  asked how  she best  studies, Miss Patel  stated, "I was a kid who  always took  studies  for granted. Till one day I realized it's the most important thing. What keeps me motivated is my goal and the promises I have made to myself. I am completely focused on my career and studies, because believe it or not, hanging out with friends is a distraction.

And her advice for new students? "Online universities and studies can be very overwhelming. You know, there is too much stuff out there. You may miss out on 90 percent of stuff you really need. But join online groups, call the student center and ask tons of questions. Go through every detail provided in the course. Make a schedule by what time you will finish the course."

When not studying, Miss Patel is interested in "spirituality–gaining knowledge of nature, how to be the best version of yourself." She continued, "I hit the gym quite often as well."

When asked which famous person she would like to have lunch with and why, Miss Patel did not have any famous person in mind. She explained, "The respectful famous leads today were once a common man or woman. I would in fact love to just go on a special elite(精英) lunch with myself. I sit with myself and feel every emotion, making a list of my flaws and my positive characteristics. That way I am just getting a step forward of being a better human being. And who knows my betterment can lead me into being famous just like others!"

(1) What can we infer about Miss Patel from the first paragraph? A. She is honest and brave. B. She is intelligent and proud. C. She is outgoing and active. D. She is unconfident and content.
(2) Why does Miss Patel have the motivation in her studies? A. She takes studies for granted. B. She has an aim and commitment. C. She hangs around with her friends. D. She settles for whatever she can get.
(3) Why may an online learner miss most of the things? A. There are too many groups to join. B. The learner has to ask tons of questions. C. It is difficult to make a schedule of the course. D. The information online is too much to deal with.
(4) Why would Miss Patel have lunch with herself rather than a famous person? A. She regard herself as a famous person. B. Famous leads are common men or women. C. She can reflect on herself and make improvement. D. She can list the flaws and positive part of famous people.
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We offer art and performing classes to children, teens and adults. Our classes are listed on our website with direct links to register. Registration for our classes begins on May 25th.

Our Classes

We teach after-school programs, private and semi-private art classes. Summer. March Break and Christmas Day camps are available as well. Check out our online classes.

Join our art classes and develop your skills and creativity in painting, printmaking draw-ing- architecture, sculpture, fabric art, movie making, script writing, poetry confidence building skills and more. New programs are always being developed and are rarely repeated.

What Else We Do

We offer fun and exciting performance classes in our home base. Our home base is a beautiful studio designed by an architect as well as our two studios by the sea in Ambleside. We provide a creative setting for a hand on art and acting experience through classes and workshops. Specialized art education develops engaged, confident, well-rounded and creative chil-dren. Artistic activities train the brain to think spatially (空间地), solve problems creatively and support development in other subjects. Our elementary school programs bring exciting opportuníties for students to explore techniques and materials that are often beyond schools' art classroom resources.

Where We Offer Classes

For parents looking for the convenience of extracurricular opportunities for their children, they can have experience by bringing our classes to their local school with a choice of lunchtime and after-school classes. We love our group of mobile schools with their greatly supportive volunteers! Or you can have us come to you for private classes!

(1) How can the readers register the class? A. By telephone. B. By website. C. By telegraph. D. By mobile app.
(2) What can students learn in the studios by the sea in Ambleside? A. Performance. B. Architecture. C. Dancing. D. Painting
(3) What can we know about the class from the last paragraph? A. Most parents want extra classes for their children. B. Students can have classes in their local schools. C. Volunteers in the training offer lunch to students. D. Students can choose any place to attend the training.
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