
What do work relationships, personal relationships and diplomacy have in common? First, they best function when based on purely positive energy.

I developed a more remarkable ability to relate to the people in my life after taking multiple courses from an organization. The organization offers advice far more than anything I've ever experienced. As an example of the benefits  of their teachings, my decade  conflict with my mom has turned into loving relationship. This turnaround was critical since she is now in her late 70s. This renewed love was worth my investment in training or the organization. Had I continued down my former path, I believe my life today would be one of suffering.

They teach never to criticize, condemn, or complain. I have applied these principles to great success in all my relationships. And the rewards have been astounding, beyond my imagination. But in my role of management at work, I need to learn how to combine authority with positivity.

Recently, however, I found a solution. In other words, I discovered the secret to maintaining authority in the workplace while maintaining pure positivity. For the most part, I found it in Napoleon Hill's How to Win Friends and Influence People. I found many of the same principles taught by the organization, but the guidelines were less optimistic in Hill's book. For instance, Napoleon Hill's advice on criticizing without offending suggests we start by mentioning the positives about the person and then follow up with criticism.

But, of course, the  organization  advises  against all complaints and I've concluded that work relationships, too, shouldn't have any criticisms. Instead, work relationships should focus on another of Napoleon Hill's strategies: focusing only on the positives while using suggestions instead of criticism. In other words, say, "That looks great. Do you think this addition might make it even better?" instead of "Here's what that is lacking."

(1) Why did the author take several courses from an organization? A. To mainly learn management skills. B. To enrich his technological knowledge. C. To deal with relationships in a positive way. D. To become more sociable as a successful diplomat.
(2) What did the author think of the change of his relationship with his mother? A. It did not come as a surprise. B. It had little to do with the courses. C. It was the result of his mother's great efforts. D. It was very important considering her old age.
(3) What does the underlined word "astounding" in paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Satisfactory. B. Unexpected. C. Unsurprising. D. Imaginary.
(4) Why did the author give the example at the end of the text? A. To show how powerful criticism is. B. To suggest replacing complaints with criticism. C. To show how to use suggestions instead of criticism. D. To advise readers to combine suggestions with criticism.
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Every year millions of breeding monarch butterflies in the U. S. and southern Canada search for milkweed plants on which to lay their eggs. Concern over shrinking habitat (居住地)has urged conservationists to create monarch-friendly spaces along roadsides, which are more than enough within the butterflies range and usually publicly owned. But traffic noise stresses monarch caterpillars out, a new study finds. They eventually do become desensitized to it—but that might cause trouble to them later on, too. 

Noise pollution is known to affect the lives of birds, whales and other creatures. But until recently, scientists had never tested whether it leads to a stress response in insects. When Andy Davis, a conservation physiologist at the University of Georgia, noticed online videos of roadside monarch caterpillars apparently trembling as cars came by, he wondered how the constant noise might affect them. Davis built a custom caterpillar heart monitor, fitting a small sensor into a microscope to precisely measure monarch caterpillars' heart rates as they listened to recordings of traffic sounds in the laboratory.

The hearts of caterpillars exposed to highway noise for two hours beat 17 percent faster than those of caterpillars in a silent room. But the heart rates of the noise-exposed group returned to baseline levels after hearing the traffic sounds nonstop for their entire 12-day development period, Davis and his colleagues reported in May in Biology Letters. 

This desensitization could be problematic when the caterpillars become adults, Davis says. A rapid stress response is vital for monarch butterflies on their two-month journey to spend winters in Mexico, as they narrowly escape predators(捕食者)and fight wind currents. 

Whether a noisy developmental period reduces monarchs' survival rates remains unknown, notes Ryan Norris, an ecologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, who was not involved in the study. But in any case, he believes roadside habitat almost certainly drive up the butterflies' death rates as a result of crashes with cars. " There is so much potential road habitat for monarchs and other insects一it would be such a nice thing to capitalize on, " Norris says. ‌" But you just can't get around the traffic. " Davis adds: " I think roads and monarchs just don't mix. "

(1) By ‌" They eventually do become desensitized to it" , the writer means that.  A. monarch caterpillars react less strongly to noise B. monarch caterpillars are stressed out by road noise C. conservationists are worried about butterflies habitat D. conservationists no longer create monarch-friendly spaces
(2) What inspired Andy Davis to explore the effect of noise on monarch caterpillars? A. There had been little research on monarch caterpillars. B. Videos showed cars crashed into monarch caterpillars. C. There was no such record of monarch caterpillars' heart rates. D. He found that monarch caterpillars shook with cars moving by.
(3) According to Andy Davis, how will exposure to noise influence monarch butterflies? A. They are likely to need more time to develop. B. They are likely to lose their way on their journey. C. They are more likely to be killed in their migration. D. They are more likely to die before they become adults.
(4) What is Ryan Norris most likely to agree with? A. Monarchs5 survival rates are decreasing each year. B. It is not recommended that roadside habitat be built for insects. C. More capital is needed to study monarchs? developmental period. D. Butterflies' rising death rates have nothing to do with moving cars.
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Tiny homes have been popular as home prices have climbed to new heights and people have looked for creative ways to downsize. We've seen many design concepts, including storage units and buses, but Jim Dotzenrod and his daughter Danielle recently came up with a unique one. The pair worked together on the family project to transform a 1973 train caboose (乘务员专用车厢) into the sleeper car.

The CR Station Train Caboose, as it's known on Airbnb, which has become somewhat of its own tourist destination in the small town that houses it, is available to rent for $124 a night, and has an excellent rating of 4.86 out of 5 from more than 300 guests on the booking website.

According to Insider, the project began when Jim saw a bunch of train cabooses along the side of the road during a drive out of town. He said he wondered if he could change one of them into a place where people could live or stay. So, he bought the 52,000-pound caboose for $8,000. Getting the caboose to its final home took some creative thinking and some heavy-duty equipment.

Danielle said the work was challenging, especially since she and her dad both have day jobs. But their schedules didn't stop them from finishing the project. "My dad can do anything he sets his mind to—like, absolutely anything—but my dad is so low maintenance himself," Danielle told the website. "So when we built this together it was a good combination because he could build whatever and have me pushing him like, 'Hey, let's make this as cool as we can.'"

This caboose also has Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, a refrigerator, a shower and more. So, if you're ever traveling in Iowa and want to experience something special, book a stay at the CR Station Train Caboose!

(1) What can we know about the CR Station Train Caboose? A. It can only be booked online. B. It has become a local attraction. C. It offers a new concept in home decoration. D. It was transported to the town with little effort.
(2) The words "low maintenance" in paragraph 4 indicate Jim Dotzenrod is ______. A. easy and pleasant to deal with B. determined to do what he wants C. excellent at building houses D. experienced in project design
(3) What is the purpose of the last paragraph? A. To introduce a lifestyle. B. To share an experience. C. To show a travel trend. D. To make an advertisement.
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Beginning 2020, the fifth generation of wireless technology is expected to be widely used throughout the world. The new network, called 5G, promises to give faster speeds and a higher capacity for the use of more devices. However, while some companies are competing to be the first to deliver 5G to the consumer, the environmental influences of the new network are being overlooked.

There is some evidence that the new devices and technologies associated with 5G will be harmful to ecosystems. The main component of the 5G network that will affect the earth's ecosystems is the millimeter waves. The millimeter waves that are being used in developing the 5G network have never been used at such scale(规模) before. Studies have found that there are some harms caused by these new technologies.

The millimeter waves, specifically, had a detrimental effect on birds. In a study, researchers observed that after exposure to radiation from a cell tower for just 5~30 minutes, the eggs of sparrows were disfigured. The disfiguration of birds exposed for such a short amount of time to these frequencies(频率) is significant considering that the new 5G network will have a much higher density(浓度) of base stations(small cells) throughout areas needing connection. The potential dangers of having so many small cells all over areas where birds live could threaten their population's survival.

Additionally, it was found that cellular devices were linked to many disturbances in the ecosystems of bees. In this study, beehives exposed for just ten minutes to 900MHz waves fell victim to colony collapse disorder(蜂群崩坏症候群). Bees are an incredibly important part of the earth's ecosystem. Around one-third of the food produced today is dependent on bees for pollination(授粉), making bees are a vital part of the agricultural system.

The impact that the cell towers have on birds and bees is important to understand, because all ecosystems of the earth are interconnected. If one component of an ecosystem is disrupted the whole system will be affected.

(1) What will probably cause the environmental problems with the wide use of 5G network? A. The lack of the density of base stations. B. The less mature devices and technologies. C. The lower capacity for the use of devices. D. The large amount of use of millimeter waves.
(2) Which of the following best explains the underlined word "detrimental" in Paragraph 3? A. Important. B. Unknown. C. Harmful. D. Potential.
(3) Why are bees important in the earth's ecosystem? A. They play a key role in food production. B. They can guide some pollinators to work. C. They are likely to reduce unpleasant noises. D. They rid disturbances in the agricultural system.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Should 5G Be Used in the Future? B. The Influence of 5G on Ecosystem C. The Research on 5G Technologies D. How Can Ecosystem Survive 5G?
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