
Many employees these days eat lunch at their desks, because it seems like a harmless way to cram (填塞) more work into the day.

They might not be so casual about it if they knew the habit was helping them pack on extra pounds. A study in the February issue of the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found people who ate while distracted ate more, and felt less full after lunch, than those who focused on eating.

Researchers served a nine­item lunch to 44 participants who were split into two groups. One group was asked to eat lunch while playing a computer game of solitaire (纸牌). The second group ate lunch without distractions.

The participants who were distracted by the game felt less full after lunch, according to the study, led by Rose Cooper, a researcher in experimental psychology at the University of Bristol. Even 30 minutes later, the solitaire­players gobbled down (狼吞虎咽) more snacks when they were offered, compared to those who had focused on eating. Worse yet, when researchers asked the participants to remember what they had eaten for lunch, those who had been playing solitaire had a much harder time remembering what they had consumed.

"The findings may help to explain the well­documented connection between sedentary (久坐的)screen­time activities and overweight," the study says. In addition to crowding out physical exercise, working or playing games on a computer may also cause us to gobble down larger amounts of food without thinking about it or even remembering that we have eaten.

The findings hold true for me. If I make the mistake of putting a bag of chips or a box of crackers on my desk at deadline time, I often pack in the whole thing without even realizing it. If multitasking makes our minds wander from the tasks we think we are getting done, as we have posted in the past, then why should eating be any exception?

(1) How did the participants with distractions react after lunch in the experiment? A. They felt full enough. B. They consumed more snacks. C. They did sports to lose weight. D. They forgot all about the nine items.
(2) What can we learn from the passage? A. Video games should be forbidden during the work hours. B. The group focusing on eating do better work than the other. C. Eating in the office is harmful to the work of the employees. D. It's easier for those focusing on eating to list what they eat.
(3) What may eating with distractions cause? A. Low efficiency. B. Laziness. C. Fatness. D. Absent­mindedness.
(4) What's the author's attitude towards the result of the study? A. Objective. B. Negative. C. Doubtful. D. Favorable.
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Winter sports are constantly evolving and new sports activities are regularly being created. This makes sure your next holiday in the snow is an unforgettable experience. 

Snow biking

The snowbike — a cross between a bicycle and skis — guarantees pure fun and a unique skiing experience for snow fans above six. Snowbikes can be used on well-cared-for slopes (斜坡) and riders navigate the slopes with the additional help of short foot skis. And it can be ridden without the rider having previous experience.


There is no other winter sport that gets you closer to nature. Due to the truly unaffected character of the slopes, snow and weather conditions have to be taken into special consideration when freeriding. Therefore, it is very important to be accompanied by a professional guide who knows the skiing area inside out and who is able to correctly assess the weather conditions. 


Snowshoeing is the perfect activity for those who want to explore the untouched winter landscape. The snowshoes distribute the weight of the person carrying them over a larger area so that the feet only sink lightly into the snow. Handling snowshoes is easy and does not require any previous experience: Simply fasten your snowshoes, pick up your sticks and off you go!


Snowtubing is an activity for winter fans of all ages and involves sliding down a snowtubing slope in a rubber tire. Snowtubing tracks are often located close to a ski lift. This gives the tuber the opportunity to immediately go back up the mountain after the ride. The activity is the perfect and fun end to a day of skiing. 

(1)  Which activity is the most demanding for skiers? A. Snow biking. B. Freeriding. C. Snowshoeing. D. Snowtubing.
(2) What do Snow biking and Snowshoeing have in common? A. They need no skiing experience. B. They depend on special skis. C. They are suitable for people of all ages. D. They take place on slopes with deep snow.
(3) Why are Snowtubing tracks usually close to a ski lift? A. To attract more tourists to get involved. B. To prevent the rubber tire sliding down. C. To create a fun ending to a day of skiing. D. To help skiers get to the starting point easily.
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Scientists have created the first lab-grown coffee, which they say "smells and tastes like the real thing". The Finland-based researchers used a process called cellublar agriculture, which includes taking out cells from a small plant or animal sample. In the latest example of lab-grown options, cell samples were taken from Arabica, a popular coffee plant that makes up 56 percent of global production. With lab-grown coffee, the researchers say that they can deal with problems facing the global coffee industry, such as a need for clearing space for coffee plants to keep up with an increasing need for the drink worldwide.

The research is being conducted at VTT Technical Research Centre based in Espoo, Finland — the country that drinks the most coffee per person. "The process uses read coffee plant cells," Dr. Heiko Rischer, head of plant biotechnology at Finland's VTT research center, said. "At first, a cell culture is started from a plant part, for example, a leaf. The formed cells reproduced on a specific nutrient medium. In the end, the cells are transported to a bioreactor from which the biomass is then harvested. The cells are dried and roasted then coffee can be brewed. "

The first collection produced by VTT in their laboratory smells and tastes like traditional coffee, according to the results of a "sensory analysis". After drinking a cup, Dr. Rischer said, "There is a surprisingly full smell. In terms of smell and taste, our trained sensory judgement and analytical examination has found the coffee bears similarity to ordinary coffee," he said. "The experience of drinking the very first cup was exciting."

The idea that coffee cells could be used to make coffee was presented back in 1974 by plant scientist P. M. Townsley. But the VTT scientists have put the theory into practice with their lab-grown brew, which they think could hit the market by 2025.

(1) What might be one of the causes of creating lab-grown coffee? A. Dr. Heiko has been devoted to genetically engineering. B. People in Finland drink the most amount of coffee. C. There exists an increasing demand market of coffee. D. The idea is based on a theory proving to be practical.
(2) What does the underline word "brewed" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Designed. B. Produced. C. Collected. D. Measured.
(3) What advantage does the lab-grown coffee have over the traditional one? A. Lab-grown coffee can be made in labs and therefore save space. B. Lab-grown coffee can be judged through people's senses. C. Lab-grown coffee tastes and smells better than ordinary coffee. D. Lab-grown coffee makes people drinking it more excited.
(4) What is the main purpose of this article? A. To present a research on man- made coffee. B. To solve coffee shortage troubling people. C. To introduce a new kind of Arabica coffee. D. To praise scientists sticking with creation.
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When travelling on the railway, I always arrive early to take photos or films of trains on my phone. I do it for my teenage boys. I'll text these images to them, and they'll text back saying "Great pics" and occasionally get very excited if I've videoed a rare engine.

My older one, Solomon, now 17, had an early and strong interest in trains. By the age of two, he had identified his favourite train of all—the Class 465, a four-car electric multiple unit. One day, passing the railway station, he started laughing with pleasure. A train was waiting at the far platform. It looked like a 465 to me by its shape and size, but Solomon noticed it had five cars instead of four and most important of all, the first three digits of its number were 376. It excited him that he had discovered not only a new train but a new set of number. Classes 465 and 376 are common, but each train has its own unique number. That is part of the appeal, specific details.

My younger boy, Valentine, 15, came to trains through a different route: new technology. I was walking past our local station when I saw something special. A new train I'd never seen before. If such a train could exist in my rundown local station, anything was possible. Science fiction just became a science fact. I had just seen the Class 395, the Javelin, Britain's fastest train. A few months later, there would be one leaving our station every half hour to London.

Valentine adored the Javelin. Trips became fraught because both boys wanted to travel on their favourite train—the Class 465 versus the Javelin. We negotiated with them—we'd take the 465 on the way there, the Javelin back home. Everyone was happy.

My husband is also a railfan. Having the boys has allowed him to pursue his passion. Trains are our shared passion, a timeless source of pleasure.

(1) Why does the author photograph trains whenever possible? A. To kill time. B. To make money. C. To share online. D. To delight her children.
(2) Why was Solomon so pleased while wandering to the railway station? A. He noticed five brand-new cars. B. He discovered his favourite train. C. He corrected his mother's mistake. D. He spotted a new set of train numbers.
(3) What does the underlined word "fraught" mean in paragraph 4? A. Luxurious. B. Thrilling. C. Stressful. D. Unlikely.
(4) What is a suitable title for the text? A. Trainspotting Bonds My Family. B. Trainspotting Satisfies My Children. C. Trainspotting Emphasizes Train Details. D. Trainspotting Witnesses Technology Development.
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