
If you would like to share your knowledge about life at Monash and make a positive impact on others, becoming an education peer mentor (导师) is the perfect choice for you.

What are the benefits of Education Peer Mentoring?

— Receive priority access to professional development opportunities.

— Join our community of high-achieving Monash students.

— Develop your leadership, communication and teamwork skills.

— Meet and network with senior Monash staff and like-minded student leaders.

— Record this experience on your Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement.

— Gain rich experience for your resume (简历).

Who can apply?

— You have a desire to help new students get started and succeed at Monash.

— You are willing to talk about your own university experience.

— You should have strong interpersonal and communication skills.

— You have the ability to work with a variety of people from different backgrounds,

What are the requirements?

— You must be a student at an Australian campus for part-time or full-time learning. 

— You must be at least in your second year of study or above.

— You should be able to commit to supporting up to 20 fresh students through personal interactions.

— You should be able to commit at least 20 hours volunteering throughout the program in one semester.

How to apply?

— As a new peer mentor, send a written application through the new mentor application button.

— As a current peer mentor applying for this position again, send a written application through the returning mentor application button.

Once you've applied, we'll be in touch to let you know the outcome of your application.

Important Dates

Mentor applications open

9 January 2023

Mentor applications close

10 February 2023

Program starts

April 2023

(1) What do applicants gain from Education Peer Mentoring? A. They can gain rich life experience. B. They can have priority access to varied jobs. C. They can become senior community team leaders. D. They can network with other like-minded student leaders,
(2) According to this passage, applicants are required to       . A. be in their first year of study or above B. have a desire to communicate and help other students C. finish up to 20 hours volunteering throughout the program D. share university experience with people from the same background
(3) What should applicants do to get the position? A. Contact the school for application results B. Send written applications after program starts. C. Prepare written applications to apply for the program. D. Hand in applications only through the new mentor application button.
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You've heard that plastic is polluting the oceans—between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year. But does one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does. He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage, foreing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.

At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called "Strawpocalypse," a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash. Made of 168, 000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source (来源)of plastic pollution, but they've recently come under fire because most people don't need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled. Every straw that's part of Von Wong's artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes. Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.

In a piece from 2018, Von Wong wanted to illustrate (说明) a specific statistic: Every 60 seconds, a truckload's worth of plastic enters the ocean. For this work, titled "Truckload of Plastic" Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10, 000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they'd been dumped(倾倒)from a truck all at once.

Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.

(1) Which is the main idea of the text? A. Artists's opinions on plastic safety B. Media Interest in contemporary art C. Responsibility demanded of big companies D. Ocean plastics transformed into statues
(2) What are Von Wong's artworks intended for? A. Drawing public attention to plastic waste. B. Beautifying the city he lives in. C. Introducing eco-friendly products. D. Reducing garbage on the beach.
(3) Why does the author discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3? A. To explain why they are useful. B. To voice his views on modern art. C. To show the difficulty of their recycling. D. To find a substitute for them.
(4) What effect would "Truckload of Plastic" have on viewers? A. Worrying B. Calming C. Refreshing D. Challenging
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If social distancing is driving you a little crazy, here are four world's most beautiful natural pools for you to get relaxed.

Devil's Pool

Victoria Falls in southeastern Africa measures 108 metres tall and more than 1676 metres wide. But for some brave people, the top of the Falls, known as Devil's Pool, is just another swimming hole. With water levels at their lowest from September to December, large numbers of swimmers adventure into the pool.

Barton Springs Pool

Barton Springs Pool in Austin, U. S. , covers three acres and maintains a temperature of about 20 degrees year-round. Admission to the 5-metre deep pool ranges from midMarch until the end of September. For local residents (居民),the cost is $ 3 for adults and $ 1 for kids under 8 (non-residents pay $ 8 for adults and $ 3 for kids under 8).

Bondi Icebergs Public Pool

A 15-minute drive from Sydney's CBD sits the Bondi Baths at Bondi Icebergs. The historic 50-metre public saltwater pool has been around for more than a century and features a small beach, where you can enjoy the sunshine. The entrance cost ( $ 7 for adults; $ 5 for kids) isn't much considering the million-dollar view.

Dudu Blue Lagoon

Want to float (漂浮) in a quiet 30-metre-deep freshwater pool? Then check out Dudu Blue Lagoon on the northeastern coast of the Dominican Republic. The lagoon also features underwater caves, making it a popular diving destination.

(1) When is a good time to swim in Devil's Pool? A. March. B. June. C. August. D. October.
(2) How much should a British couple with a child of 7 pay to visit Barton Springs Pool? A. $7. B. $9. C. $19, D. $24.
(3) What can a tourist do in Dudu Blue Lagoon? A. Sunbathe on the beach. B. Float in a saltwater pool. C. Have a good view of the waterfall. D. Dive into the underwater caves.
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In 1998, professional musician Spielberg was pregnant(怀孕的) with twin girls when she suffered complications. An emergency cesarean(创腹产手术) was performed during the 22nd week of pregnancy. Sadly, one of the twins passed away, but Valerie survived.

Valerie was born weighing only 12 ounces and was the size of a can of soda. She was so small that she didn't meet the hospital's premature baby weight limit necessary to receive life-saving treatment. A kind nurse put a finger on the scale and recorded her weight at 17 ounces, just enough to make her receive medical support.

It was touch-and-go. To make matters worse, the hospital was very loud and busy. Spielberg

thought it felt more like an emergency room than a healing environment. She wanted to drown

out(盖过) the noises of the hospital.

She couldn't bring her piano, so she played CDs for her daughter. Amazingly, Valerie improved. Her oxygen saturation levels increased, her blood pressure stabilized, and her heart's

rhythm became more steady. This wasn't a fluke一it happened again and again for four months.

And it affected all of the other babies in the room as well. Valerie's health continued to improve

after months of music and medical attention.

Having seen the amazing impact music had on her baby, Spielberg began working with music therapists. She also volunteered in nursing homes where she once inspired a silent man to speak with music. The elderly man's wife had passed away and the pain seemed too much for him to handle. He had cut himself off from the world and hadn't spoken in 6 months. When Spielberg unknowingly played his wedding song, the man broke out of his shell. He began singing and then asked to speak with his family.

Spielberg is still a professional musician. And these days she also teaches and speaks to audiences about the magic of music. Her daughter Valerie, now a healthy and happy young woman, has become a musician herself, playing both the piano and percussion.

(1) What do we know about Valerie from paragraph 2? A. She was in great danger. B. She was adopted by a nurse. C. She was too small to be weighed. D. She was given up by the hospital.
(2) The underlined word"fluke" in paragraph 4 refers to something that occurs____. A. suddenly B. quickly C. accidentally D. regularly
(3) What caused the man mentioned in paragraph 5 to be silent for months? A. An illness. B. An injury. C. Having no friends. D. Losing his wife.
(4) What does the text intend to show us through Spielberg's experiences? A. The power of music. B. The value of music. C. Her musical life. D. Her musical talent.
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