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In 1998, professional musician Spielberg was pregnant(怀孕的) with twin girls when she suffered complications. An emergency cesarean(创腹产手术) was performed during the 22nd week of pregnancy. Sadly, one of the twins passed away, but Valerie survived.

Valerie was born weighing only 12 ounces and was the size of a can of soda. She was so small that she didn't meet the hospital's premature baby weight limit necessary to receive life-saving treatment. A kind nurse put a finger on the scale and recorded her weight at 17 ounces, just enough to make her receive medical support.

It was touch-and-go. To make matters worse, the hospital was very loud and busy. Spielberg

thought it felt more like an emergency room than a healing environment. She wanted to drown

out(盖过) the noises of the hospital.

She couldn't bring her piano, so she played CDs for her daughter. Amazingly, Valerie improved. Her oxygen saturation levels increased, her blood pressure stabilized, and her heart's

rhythm became more steady. This wasn't a fluke一it happened again and again for four months.

And it affected all of the other babies in the room as well. Valerie's health continued to improve

after months of music and medical attention.

Having seen the amazing impact music had on her baby, Spielberg began working with music therapists. She also volunteered in nursing homes where she once inspired a silent man to speak with music. The elderly man's wife had passed away and the pain seemed too much for him to handle. He had cut himself off from the world and hadn't spoken in 6 months. When Spielberg unknowingly played his wedding song, the man broke out of his shell. He began singing and then asked to speak with his family.

Spielberg is still a professional musician. And these days she also teaches and speaks to audiences about the magic of music. Her daughter Valerie, now a healthy and happy young woman, has become a musician herself, playing both the piano and percussion.

(1) What do we know about Valerie from paragraph 2? A. She was in great danger. B. She was adopted by a nurse. C. She was too small to be weighed. D. She was given up by the hospital.
(2) The underlined word"fluke" in paragraph 4 refers to something that occurs____. A. suddenly B. quickly C. accidentally D. regularly
(3) What caused the man mentioned in paragraph 5 to be silent for months? A. An illness. B. An injury. C. Having no friends. D. Losing his wife.
(4) What does the text intend to show us through Spielberg's experiences? A. The power of music. B. The value of music. C. Her musical life. D. Her musical talent.
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The University of Exeter is launching a new program in September 2024 called the Master of Arts(MA) in Magic and Occult Science. This program is all about exploring ideas in a different way, according to its leader, Professor Emily Selove. 

Selove explained on BBC Radio 4's Today program that this degree in magic takes a fresh approach to studying history, science, philosophy, religion, and literature. It looks at these subjects from a unique viewpoint that hasn't received much attention from scholars before.

The university mentioned that this course will give students a chance to dig into the history and effects of witchcraft (巫术) and magic worldwide, including their influence on society and science. Expert s in various fields will teach the course and help students understand how magic has played a role in both Western and Eastern cultures. 

The University of Exeter already received more than a hundred inquiries for MA degree. The "innovative" MA has been created following a "recent surge in interest in magic", the course leader said. The interest in studying magic is on the rise, both within and outside of academic circles. This is because people are searching for fresh viewpoints on how we connect with other human cultures and the natural world, Selove explained.

Selove said that our ancestors had some interesting ideas that we may have ignored. These ideas have the potential to be valuable philosophical thoughts and could provide us with a new way of understanding society. "The MA in Magic and Occult Science would challenge the belief that the Western world is only characterized by rationalism(理性主义) and science while the rest of the world is associated with magic and superstition(迷信), "she added.

Furthermore, the university mentioned that this course can prepare students for various career paths, including teaching, consulting and tourism as well as work in heritage settings and museums, art organizations, and the publishing industry among other options. 

(1) What do we know about the MA in Magic and Occult Science? A. It provides a new way to study science and physics. B. It gives students the opportunity to be exposed to witchcraft. C. Its course focuses on the magic al world of Eastern culture. D. Its course allows students to do some magic experiments.
(2) What does the underlined word "surge" in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Increase. B. Drop. C. Success. D. Balance.
(3) What dose the MA in Magic and Occult Science challenge according to Selove? A. Not many students are interested in the degree. B. Some ideas about philosophy from our ancestors are ignored. C. There are no supernatural phenomena in the rest of the world. D. The Western world is regarded as a rational and scientific world.
(4) What does the university think of the job prospects for the graduates of MA? A. Challenging. B. Uncertain. C. Brilliant. D. Worrying.
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21 Spoons is a restaurant aimed at bringing back the appeal of intimate (亲密的) dining. "This restaurant kind of fell into my lap," says chef and owner Ann Butler, "I own the cooking school next door to it, and this space was empty for quite some time, and it seemed to be saying, ‘Do you want me?'"

After working in Fairfax and Chesterfield public schools, Butler started her cooking school, Edible Education, 12 years ago, hoping to change the dietary habits of kids.

The occurrence of the pandemic halted Butler's cooking classes, as students were unable to attend in person. "We didn't have any kids taking classes," she says. "I didn't know how long it'd be before we saw students again, so I thought, we got to do something." So, Butler opened 21 Spoons in March of 2021, focused on small plates and shared bites from ratatouille flatbread to deep-fried deviled eggs.

"I took it over at a time when everyone was closing their restaurants in Richmond," Butler says. This allowed her to start her new business in a way that made people feel more at ease during such a stressful time. Butler says the service and size of the restaurant-24 seats are what make people feel more comfortable and what allow them to open during the pandemic. "We opened during a time when everyone was scared, so we wanted to build a space where you could come and rest, back to old-school, old-fashioned service."

Butler says the architectural plat (建筑区) for the space was unit 20. "I saw somewhere that a chef has 39 spoons," she says, "and it was unit 20, so I thought, ‘How about 21Spoons?' since we opened in 2021."

While Butler says there'll be no 22 Spoons, she describes 21 Spoons as a "creative gift", allowing her to combine passions and build something beautiful for the community.

(1) What does the underlined word "halted" mean in paragraph 3? A. Stopped. B. Improved. C. Added. D. Reduced.
(2) Which word best describes the atmosphere of eating in 21 Spoons? A. Amazing. B. Inspiring. C. Relaxing. D. Touching.
(3) Why is unit 20 mentioned in the text? A. It is where the restaurant is currently located. B. It started Butler's passion for the food industry. C. It is associated with the menu of the restaurant. D. It offered inspiration for naming the restaurant.
(4) In which section of a website can we probably read the text? A. History and education. B. Food and drink. C. Art and music. D. Shopping and style.
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In the sprawling metropolis of Grayville, where skyscrapers touched the heavens and streets were constantly buzzing with life, there existed a unique place called "The Corner of Quietude". It was neither a park nor a building. In fact, it was simply a street corner, marked by a single lamppost with a peculiar sign: "Speak softly, for this is a place of solace".

Legend had it that anyone speaking beneath this lamppost, regardless of the surrounding noise, would find their words drowned out, replaced by an mysterious peace. Over the years, many had come to experience its magic. They spoke of heartbreaks, dreams, regrets, and wishes, seeking solace in its embrace.

Ella, a journalist new to Grayville, stumbled upon this corner during an assignment. Doubtful, she decided to test the legend. Whispering her deepest fears about her failing career and struggles in the big city, she was shocked when all she heard was a calming whisper, almost as if the world around her paused.

Ella dug into the history of "The Corner of Quietude". She discovered that decades ago, a musician named Alaric had lost his voice and would visit the corner every night, playing his silent tunes on a violin, hoping to communicate through his music. Some believed that the corner absorbed Alaric's yearning for expression and became a place for all who sought to voice their innermost emotions.

(1) What was unique about "The Corner of Quietude" in Grayville? A. It was the oldest park in this busy city. B. It was where Alaric played music every night. C. People found their words replaced by quietness. D. It was a silent zone where no sound was allowed.
(2) Why did Ella come to the corner in the first place? A. To check the legend. B. To whisper her fears. C. To meet the musician. D. To finish her assignment.
(3) How did Ella react upon experiencing the corner's magic? A. She felt it was just another city mystery. B. She immediately believed in the legend. C. She wrote an article to clarify the truth. D. She was surprised and felt a sense of calm.
(4) What is suggested about the musician Alaric? A. He was the founder of Grayville and the corner. B. He reclaimed his voice by playing at the corner. C. He played music to disrupt the peace of the corner. D. His silent tunes contributed to the corner's mysterious sense.
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