
Fiji is one of the world's top five honeymoon destinations according to a CNN.com travel poll (民意调查).

Nisa Bula — Welcome to Fiji. This heartfelt greeting is your warm invitation to visit a undiscovered paradise! More than anything else, the Fiji Islands are a unique destination, a South Pacific tropical island paradise of charm and cultural diversity. Its miles of unspoiled beaches, sparkling lakes and shining sunsets offer an experience you'll never forget.

From giant mountains to tiny atolls (环礁), Fiji's 300 tropical islands are as richly varied as the diverse friendly people who inhabit them. They equally welcome the couple in search of privacy or the group on the trip of a lifetime.

Year-round warm weather, a stress free environment and world-class facilities with first class service make Fiji as near as possible to paradise — a truly great escape.


●Snorkel (潜泳) and dive on large coral reefs

●Visit a traditional Fijian village

●Swim in the warm, crystal clear water

●Sail around the Yasawa Islands

A Few Facts:

Population: A mere 750,000 people inhabit the Fiji Islands — the majority of whom live on the two larger islands. Time Zone: Fiji is 12 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. Electricity: 240 volts — most resorts and hotels have 110-volt converters (转换器). Taxes: Currently, the rate of tax is 10%, which is applied to all goods and services supplied. Climate: Now you have found paradise! Fiji enjoys the perfect climate year round. November to April 86℉, May to October 79℉.

(1) What can we learn from the CNN.com travel poll? A. The heartfelt greeting is unique. B. There live friendly people in Fiji. C. Fiji is one of the top five attractions. D. Fiji is popular with newly married couples.
(2) Which of the following activities is recommended in Fiji? A. Wandering around a traditional village. B. Going skiing on the Yasawa Islands. C. Swimming in the cold and clear water. D. Collecting living coral.
(3) What kind of fact do we know from the last paragraph? A. Fiji is 12 hours ahead of Beijing Time. B. 10% tax will be paid for the services. C. December is the hottest month in Fiji. D. People rarely live on the two larger islands.
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The Netherlands is the only country in the world with more bicycles than residents. By 2023, the Netherlands has a total of about 25 million bicycles, with an ownership rate of 1.35 bikes per person. One study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that in the Netherlands cycling prevents about 6, 500 early deaths each year, and that Dutch people have 1.5 years longer life expectancy (预期寿命) due to cycling. 

"The time spent cycling was about 74 minutes per week for Dutch adults aged 20 to 90 years. The time was fairly stable over adulthood and reached its apex in the early days of retirement, in one's 60s. The death rate reduction, which was a direct result of the average time spent cycling for a certain age group, was therefore also the highest among the seniors who just retire, " said Jeremy Smith, an expert from NIH.

What is it that makes cycling so beneficial? Obviously, cycling is a form of exercise. It is a great form of cardio (有氧的) exercise , which gets your heart pumping and helps strengthen the heart muscle. Doing cardio may also help lower your blood pressure. 

Furthermore, solid evidence proves the link between cycling and better thinking skills. Even younger adults claim that a bike ride helps shift their thinking to a higher level — and research backs them up. In one small study, healthy, young men are required to cycle for 30 minutes everyday for 3 weeks. They also completed a series of cognitive ( 认 知 的 ) tests before and afterward. After cycling, they scored higher on memory, reasoning and planning, and they were able to finish the tests more rapidly than before. 

Besides all the benefits mentioned above, cycling, as many Dutch put it, is a way of life. In their simplest form, bikes are tools for travelling. But they're so much more. They are cognitive improvement, environmental protection, satisfaction and an expression of freedom. They bring people of same passion together and connect them to a greater journey of life.

(1) Why does the author list figures in paragraph 1? A. To compare the number of residents and bikes. B. To indicate the urgency for green transportation. C. To illustrate the link between health and cycling. D. To emphasize the accuracy of the study by NIH.
(2) What does the underlined word "apex" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. Target. B. Peak. C. Destination. D. Potential.
(3) What do we know about the study in paragraph 4? A. It justifies mental benefits of cycling. B. It teaches practical skills about cycling. C. It improves critical thinking of young men. D. It compares cognitive levels among different people.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. The Netherlands is a country with better thinking skills. B. The Dutch are proud of their long history of riding bikes. C. The social role of bicycles in the Netherlands is evolving. D. The health benefits of cycling for the Dutch are significant.
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Many studies have shown the learning-by-teaching effect. Students who spend time teaching what they've learned show better understanding and ability to remember knowledge than students who simply spend the same time re-studying. But why does teaching help?

Researchers did a study to test their idea that teaching improves the teacher's learning because it forces the teacher to find back what they've learned. They asked 124 students to spend ten minutes studying a text with numbers on a topic which is completely new to them. They told the students they could take notes while studying, but would teach the material afterwards without notes. After studying the text, the students were divided into four groups. In one group the students spent five minutes giving a lesson on the study material without notes. The other groups either spent the same time completing arithmetic (算术) problems, teaching with a script (讲稿) or writing down all they could remember from the text—a form of recalling practice. A week later, all the students took a surprise test of their knowledge and understanding of the text.

The important finding is that the teaching-without-notes group and the recalling-practice group performed better than the group that completed arithmetic problems and the group that taught with a script.

The researchers said the result shows that the benefits of the learning-by-teaching method are caused by recalling practice; that is, the learning-by-teaching method works only when the teaching includes recalling the taught materials.

The new findings have a practical suggestion for how the learning-by-teaching method is used in education. In order to make sure that students learn and remember an educational material, they should internalize (内化) the material before presenting it to others, rather than depend on notes during the presentation process.

(1) Why does the author give a question in Paragraph 1? A. To look for readers' answer. B. To introduce the topic. C. To keep a sense of mystery. D. To show off his knowledge.
(2) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. Why the study started. B. How the study was done. C. How many people joined in the study. D. What conclusion the researchers made.
(3) What should be stressed in school education according to the author? A. Previewing-by-teaching. B. Note-taking. C. Learning-by-teaching. D. Mind-mapping.
(4) Where is the text probably from? A. A history textbook. B. A newspaper. C. A guideline. D. A detective novel.
阅读理解 常考题 普通
3. 阅读理解

Whales are important animals in the sea. The organizations of the world are calling all nations not to kill or eat whales any more. But Japan's new whaling(捕鲸) plan is a great danger to the living of these large animals. It will also do harm to the sea interests (利益) of other surrounding countries including China, experts said.

After the Japanese government made its decision clear on Nov. 8, 2016 to catch 100 more whales in 2017, many animal experts in the world voiced their angry answers. According to a Japan News report, Japan caught 174 minke whales and 140 sei whales totally in the northwest Pacific Ocean in 2017. 

"After years of overfishing(过度捕捞),the population of minke whales in the northwest Pacific Ocean has been reduced to a dangerous level. Therefore, Japan should stop whaling in the area," said Wang Yaming, a leader of the International Whaling Organization. According to Wang, most whales living in the northwest Pacific Ocean are migratory(迁徙的)animals,and their traveling way is very close to the land of Russia, South Korea, North Korea, Japan and China. Japan's whaling will also have a terrible influence on those countries.

Although the world has stopped to catch and kill whales, Japan lies to others that its killing of whales is just for scientific purposes. However, many experts don't agree with it completely. "Japan should not kill more whales, as doing so would harm the international whale resources(资源). Japan's whaling in the northwest Pacific Ocean hasn't drawn much more attention because it hardly influences the interests of western countries. " Wang explained.

It is really high time for Japan to stop its whaling from now on. 

(1) What is the attitude of animal experts to the Japan's whaling plan? A. Surprised. B. Interested. C. Happy. D. Angry.
(2) According to the Japan News report mentioned in the passage, how many whales did Japan catch in the year of 2017? A. About 240. B. About 274. C. About 314. D. About 414.
(3) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Whales travel far from the land of Japan when they are migrating. B. Near the land of China, people could not find any whales at all. C. Overfishing made certain whales in the northwest Pacific Ocean fewer. D. Japan's whaling has nothing to do with the neighboring countries.
(4) What is the purpose of its whaling according to Japanese government? A. Scientific study. B. Food supply. C. Zoo interests D. Sea balance.
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