1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A. B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

The Arctic,Atlantic, Indian and Pacific are the four oceans we learned about in the geography class. But now we have a new one. On World Oceans Day, which was on June 8, 2021, the US National Geographic Society announced it would recognize the Southern Ocean in Antarctica, bringing the global total to five.

Unlike the Arctic,Atlantic ,Indian and Pacific Oceans, which are defined by the continents that bound them, the Southern Ocean is instead characterized by the currents circling Antarctica. According to National Geographic,the Southern Ocean includes most of the waters surrounding Antarctica out to 60 degrees south latitude.

“Surrounded by the swift currents, it is the only ocean to touch three other oceans and to completely embrace a continent rather than being embraced by them," Sylvia Earle, US marine biologist and oceanographer (海洋学家),told The Daily Mail.

“Anyone who has been there will struggle to explain what's so amazing about it, but they'll all agree that the glaciers are bluer, the air colder, the mountains more spectacular (壮观的) and the landscapes more appealing than anywhere else they can go," Seth Sykora-Bodie, a marine scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,told National Geographic.

Due to the ecologically unique environment of the Southern Ocean, it's home to thousands of rare species. The ocean also has wider ecological effects. National Geographic hopes their revised maps will bring public awareness to the region, thereby encouraging the Southern Ocean conservation.

“We think it's really important from an educational standpoint, as well as from a map-labeling standpoint, to bring attention to the Southern Ocean as a fifth ocean." Alex Tait,National Geographic Society geographer, told The Post. “ So when students learn about it, they learn it's an interconnected ocean,and there are these regions called oceans that are really important."

(1) How is the Southern Ocean defined? A. By the location and latitude. B. By the size and depth of water. C. By the continents that divide it. D. By the currents around the pole.
(2) What can we learn about the Southern Ocean from Seth Sykora-Bodie? A. The scenery is more attractive than other parts of the world. B. There's a special ocean in the icy waters around Antarctica. C. It is an ocean to connect three oceans and one continent. D. It is unlike any other oceans with many unique species.
(3) Why did National Geographic revise the map? A. To promote the sales of maps. B. To arouse the public's curiosity. C. To protect the Southern Ocean. D. To update people's geographic knowledge.
(4) What is the best title for this passage? A. Antarctica Is Full of Attraction B. The US Announced a New Ocean C. Ocean Conservation Is On the Road D. The Public Are Crazy about a New Ocean
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Companies like Google, Apple and Intel offer some of California's most cutting-edge-and highest-paying-jobs. Last year, those three companies alone brought in more than 10,000 people from other countries to take those jobs.

Surely it'd be simpler for them to hire closer to home. Among the key reasons they don't is that too few Californians have the skills-in particular, the deep understanding of mathematics to qualify. It's something the state's new proposed math framework seeks to change.

The current system of mathematics teaching in the U. S. invites few students into the richness of thought and of learning. We blunt our children's possibilities nearly from the start, telling far too many of them at a very early age that math isn't for them. Sometimes those communications are clear and direct; they're planted in decisions, by schools or districts, to put students on different tracks as early as third or fourth grade and teach them that math often limits how far they can go.

My first assignment as a mathematics teacher was to teach 13-year-olds who had been assigned to the lower-level tracks. One girl understood the message of that ability grouping all too well. She caught me up short with the question, "Why should I bother?"

The question became our shared challenge. I gave her more difficult work so she could do well on the national mathematics exam. She passed that exam, which allowed her to train to become a sound engineer.

She had been told she was not good enough for mathematics-and it was not true. Too many students in California are given the same message-and it is one of the reasons the U. S. has relatively few students who are proficient in math. That's why California's new mathematics framework has been introduced.

(1) What does the author intend to show by mentioning some companies? A. Their competing advantage. B. Their hire in foreign countries. C. Their benefits from high tech. D. Their demand for staff qualification.
(2) What does the underlined word "blunt" mean in Paragraph 3? A. Reduce. B. Explore. C. Test. D. Accept.
(3) How did the girl feel about the ability grouping? A. Amused. B. Anxious. C. Helpless. D. Puzzled.
(4) What will be talked about next? A. Need for framework change. B. Contents of the new framework. C. Comments on the existing framework. D. Challenges from the framework making
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Honking cars, blasting stereos, babbling neighbors: consider it all part of the symphony that plays daily on New York City streets. Everyone knows the city is loud, and politicians have waged a long, losing war against noise. Now they have a new weapon: noise cameras.

The cameras, which are paired with a sound meter to detect noise of at least 85 decibels (分贝) from a source 50 ft or more away, have recently been fixed on certain streets in Manhattan's wealthy Upper West Side. It's part of a program run by the city's department of environmental protection.

It's not just New York City. Knoxville, Tennessee; Miami; and sections of California are working with the UK-based company SoundVue to add noise detectors on streets. SoundVue is owned by Intelligent Instruments Ltd, and Reuben Peckham, a director, said the baseline infraction (违规) of 85 decibels that the cameras register is "similar to the noise level from a lawn mower at the operator's position".

Peckham said the basic structure uses a microphone and algorithm (算法) to detect noise, and then logs the offender's license plate.

Erica Walker studies the relationship between community noise and health. She believes most noise comes from poor city planning rather than individual bad actions, and that noise cameras are merely Band-Aids for a more systemic issue. "I just think noise cameras are a very lazy and superficial (表面的) solution," she said. "A better noise mitigation (缓解) strategy should be a pro-peace perspective, where everyone has to come to the table and agree to a solution, rather than the city just shutting down the acoustical (声音的) culture of a community."

According to Audrey Amsellem, a lecturer at Columbia University, "the regulation of noise had more to do with the identity of the noisemaker than the sound itself." She also expressed concern about the surveillance (监视) capabilities of noise cameras. "Once these devices are fixed, they rarely come down," she said. "These are AI-driven, meaning capabilities can be added over time. We know that noise cameras are equipped with—at least—sensors and cameras. What other kind of data, apart from traffic noise, can they gather? Does this present a privacy risk for residents of the city?" The Guardian (October 5,2023)

(1) Which of the following statements is true concerning noise cameras? A. All streets in Manhattan's wealthy Upper West Side are equipped with cameras. B. Noises that are beyond 85 decibels and are from a source less than 50ft can be detected by the camera. C. SoundVue is owned by Reuben Peckham, a director. D. The cameras are noise detectors on streets to fight against city noises.
(2) What's the better solution to noise problems according to Erica Walker? A. Log the offender's license plate. B. Stop poor city planning. C. All sides concerned come to negotiate and reach a sound solution. D. Avoid individual bad behaviors.
(3) What was Audrey Amsellem worried about when it comes to noise cameras? A. The regulation of noise is illegal. B. These devices are expensive to upgrade. C. The cameras may invade residents' privacy. D. The AI-driven devices are harmful to human beings.
(4) What's the best title of the passage? A. Can Noise Cameras Reduce Sound Pollution in Big Cities? B. Bad Behaviors on New York City Streets C. SoundVue: a Promising Enterprise To Combat Noise D. Manhattan's Residents Are in Danger
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Stepping Out Into Nature

The classic road trip is more popular than ever. Here are several places to hit the open road.

Colo-road Trips

The Colorado Tourism Office has made it easy for road-trippers to explore the state's 24 Scenic & Historic Byways. A new microsite includes-an interactive map that enables travelers to explore options by region, interest or season. Travelers seeking inspiration can also access insider tips and side-trip suggestions for historic attractions, active adventures and highlight cultural opportunities.

The Beartooth Highway.

Visitors of this extraordinary byway experience the grand sights of Montana, Wyoming and Yellowstone Park. The windy 68-mile stretch introduces road explorers to one of the most diverse ecosystems accessible by auto. Breathtakingly beautiful, this All-American Road showcases wide, high alpine plateaus (高原), painted with ice blue lakes, forested valleys, waterfalls and wildlife.

Seward Highway, Alaska

The road that connects Anchorage to Seward is 127-mile treasure of natural beauty, wildlife and stories of adventure. The drive begins at the base of the Chugach Mountains, hugs the scenic shores of Turnagain Arm and winds through gold mining towns, national forests and fishing villages. Expect waterfalls, glaciers, eagles and some good bear stories.

The Lighthouse Trail, Maine

Travel the 375 miles between Kittery and Calais, Maine, visiting lighthouses along the way. Hear tales of shipwrecks (海难) and of the difficult and lonely life led by those who kept the lights burning brightly. If possible, visit the Maine Lighthouse Museum. where artifacts and hands-on exhibits for children provide an appealing break.

(1) What makes Colo-road Tips special? A. Good bear stories. B. A scenic beach. C. Hands-on exhibits. D. An interactive map.
(2) Where can you explore state of gold miners? A. Colorado. B. Montana. C. Alaska. D. Maine
(3) Which place is suitable for a family with children? A. Colo-road Trips. B. The Beartooth Highway. C. Seward Highway. D. The Lighthouse Trail.
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