1. 阅读理解

Honking cars, blasting stereos, babbling neighbors: consider it all part of the symphony that plays daily on New York City streets. Everyone knows the city is loud, and politicians have waged a long, losing war against noise. Now they have a new weapon: noise cameras.

The cameras, which are paired with a sound meter to detect noise of at least 85 decibels (分贝) from a source 50 ft or more away, have recently been fixed on certain streets in Manhattan's wealthy Upper West Side. It's part of a program run by the city's department of environmental protection.

It's not just New York City. Knoxville, Tennessee; Miami; and sections of California are working with the UK-based company SoundVue to add noise detectors on streets. SoundVue is owned by Intelligent Instruments Ltd, and Reuben Peckham, a director, said the baseline infraction (违规) of 85 decibels that the cameras register is "similar to the noise level from a lawn mower at the operator's position".

Peckham said the basic structure uses a microphone and algorithm (算法) to detect noise, and then logs the offender's license plate.

Erica Walker studies the relationship between community noise and health. She believes most noise comes from poor city planning rather than individual bad actions, and that noise cameras are merely Band-Aids for a more systemic issue. "I just think noise cameras are a very lazy and superficial (表面的) solution," she said. "A better noise mitigation (缓解) strategy should be a pro-peace perspective, where everyone has to come to the table and agree to a solution, rather than the city just shutting down the acoustical (声音的) culture of a community."

According to Audrey Amsellem, a lecturer at Columbia University, "the regulation of noise had more to do with the identity of the noisemaker than the sound itself." She also expressed concern about the surveillance (监视) capabilities of noise cameras. "Once these devices are fixed, they rarely come down," she said. "These are AI-driven, meaning capabilities can be added over time. We know that noise cameras are equipped with—at least—sensors and cameras. What other kind of data, apart from traffic noise, can they gather? Does this present a privacy risk for residents of the city?" The Guardian (October 5,2023)

(1) Which of the following statements is true concerning noise cameras? A. All streets in Manhattan's wealthy Upper West Side are equipped with cameras. B. Noises that are beyond 85 decibels and are from a source less than 50ft can be detected by the camera. C. SoundVue is owned by Reuben Peckham, a director. D. The cameras are noise detectors on streets to fight against city noises.
(2) What's the better solution to noise problems according to Erica Walker? A. Log the offender's license plate. B. Stop poor city planning. C. All sides concerned come to negotiate and reach a sound solution. D. Avoid individual bad behaviors.
(3) What was Audrey Amsellem worried about when it comes to noise cameras? A. The regulation of noise is illegal. B. These devices are expensive to upgrade. C. The cameras may invade residents' privacy. D. The AI-driven devices are harmful to human beings.
(4) What's the best title of the passage? A. Can Noise Cameras Reduce Sound Pollution in Big Cities? B. Bad Behaviors on New York City Streets C. SoundVue: a Promising Enterprise To Combat Noise D. Manhattan's Residents Are in Danger
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