
In order to get rid of goldenrod from the city, the government of Wuhan is encouraging residents to report any findings of the plant, which is classified as a harmful alien (外来的) species.

Goldenrod is one of the most successful and widespread alien plant species. It is often referred to as "the flower of the devil", as it spreads extremely fast and causes other plants to die.

Besides Hubei province, the plant has also been found expanding in other provinces such as Jiangxi and Zhejiang. Although local authorities have tried to get rid of the plant, it is proving to be a difficult task. Goldenrod represents just one of the alien species that are aggressive towards the country's native species. Statistics show that by 2020, nearly 800 kinds of alien species had invaded (侵略)the country, among which 638 species have invaded the country's agricultural and forestry ecosystems, causing direct economic losses of about 200 billion yuan ($ 31. 36 billion).

At the United Nations Biodiversity Conference held in Kunming, Yunnan province, the invasion of alien species was the subject of discussions, as it was regarded as one of the two most important factors leading to the loss of biodiversity, the other being human-caused ecological damage.

China passed its Biosecurity Law on April 15, 2021, which provides the legal basis for preventing the invasion of alien species and protecting biodiversity in the country. The relevant departments also strictly carry out port inspections and quarantines (检疫)so as to keep harmful organisms out of the country, and they strengthen early warning and monitoring systems so as to address the invasion as early as possible.

However, while government departments are making every effort to prevent and control the situation, the participation of the people should not be ignored. It is also necessary, as Wuhan is doing, to encourage people to pay attention to invasive species and actively play a role in keeping them at bay. Preventing any invasion by an alien species and protecting biodiversity should not just be the government departments fighting alone, but also a people's war.

(1) What can we learn about goldenrod from the text? A. It originates in Wuhan. B. It does harm to people's health. C. It is a great threat to the surrounding plants. D. It causes an economic loss of about $ 31. 36 billion.
(2) What is Paragraph 5 mainly about? A. China's efforts to stop the invasion of alien species. B. Relevant departments' warning of goldenrod. C. The legal basis to protect biodiversity. D. The importance of port inspections and quarantines.
(3) What do the underlined words "keeping them at bay" mean? A. Keeping the invasive species out of the country. B. Building some barriers for the species. C. Preventing the flowers from growing fast. D. Keeping the alien species safe at the port.
(4) In which section of a newspaper can this text be found? A. Business. B. Culture. C. Entertainment. D. Opinion.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

The science of why insects gather around lights at night has never been nailed down. Popular theories propose that moths and other insects navigate (导航) by the moon and mistake lamps for moonlight, or that the insects fly towards light to escape coming danger. Now researchers believe they have a more convincing answer: contrary to current theories, insects are not attracted to light from far away, but become trapped if they fly close to an artificial light source. 

According to Dr Sam Fabian, study co-author and Imperial College London entomologist, moths and many other insects that fly at night evolved to tilt (倾斜) their backs to wherever s brightest. For hundreds of millions of years, this was the sky rather than the ground. The rick told insects which way was up and ensured they flew level. But then came artificial lighting. Moths found themselves tilting their backs to street lamps. This caused them to circle around the lamps endlessly the insets trapped by their evolution. 

Fabian and his colleagues filmed insect fight paths around lights in the lab. The videos reveal that time and again, moths and dragonflies turned their backs to artificial lights. which appeared to greatly change their fight paths. " If the light is above them, they might start orbiting it, but if it' s behind them, they start tilting backwards and end up flying in circles or diving toward the ground. 

Researchers have long waned that light pollution  is a big driving force in the dramatic decline in insect populations. Moths and other insects that become tapped around lamps, become easily caught by bats. The artificial lighting can also fool them into thinking it is daytime, causing them to bed down and skip a night' s feeding. 

There are, Fabian believes, helpful lessons from the research. " What this tells us is that the direction of artificial light matters. Could we change lighting environments to not trap insects? For we're facing a massive decline in insects around world, and artificial light at night is one of the factors that could potentially be leading to this decline. " Fabian said. 

(1) What do the underlined words " nailed down" in paragraph 1 mean? A. Popularized widely. B. Discussed openly. C. Defined accurately. D. Explored academically.
(2) Fabian' s study found that moths circle around the lamps endlessly because ____.  A. they can' t keep their balance. B. they use improper flight attitude. C. they lose track of which way is up. D. they are attracted to lights from far away.
(3) What is the significance of the research finding? A. It may lead to better conservation of insets. B. Natural enemies of insects will be got rid of. C. Artificial lighting will be greatly reduced at night. D. It may raise concerns for insects'  eating behavior.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Why insects lose their ability to fly at night. B. Why artificial light and evolution trap insects. C. How artificial light impacts inset populations. D. How insects evolved distinct strategies of fight.
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If you love chocolate,maybe you have eaten a bar of Cadbury's Bournville chocolate. But Bournville isn't just the name of an English chocolate bar. It's the name of a village which was built especially for workers at the Cadbury's chocolate factory.

George and Richard Cadbury took over the chocolate business from their father in 1861. A few years later, they moved the factory out of the centre of Birmingham, a city in the middle of England, to an area close to the railways and canals so that they could receive milk deliveries easily and send the finished products to stores across the country. More importantly, here, the air was much cleaner than in the city, and the Cadbury brothers thought it would be a much healthier place for their employees to work.

They named the site Bournville after a local river called “The Bourn” and “Ville”,the French word for town, was used because at the time, people thought French chocolate was the highest quality. The new factory opened in 1879. Close to it, they built a village where the factory workers could live. The Cadbury brothers thought their workers deserved to live and work in good conditions. In the factory, workers were given a fair wage, a pension and access to medical treatment. The village provided everything that workers needed including a shop,a school and a community centre where evening classes were held to train young members of the workforce.

The Cadbury brothers were among the first business owners to make sure that their workers had good standards of living. Soon, other British factory owners were copying their ideas by providing homes and communities for their workers designed with convenience and health in mind.

Today, over 25,000 people live in Bournville village. Over a hundred years since the first house here was built, the aims of its founders have still been carried out.

(1) Why did the Cadbury brothers choose the new site for the chocolate factory? A. It had clean countryside air. B. There were so many cows. C. A lot of people lived nearby. D. It was in the downtown.
(2) What is the name Bournville related to? A. A local town. B. A French word. C. An employee. D. A French river.
(3) What do we know about the houses in Bournville? A. They were used for finished chocolate. B. The workers used them free of charge. C. They were near the chocolate factory. D. The factory workers had the built.
(4) Which of the following best describes the Cadbury brothers? A. Careful. B. Conservative. C. Demanding. D. Pioneering.
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Last night my husband and I were taking a post-dinner walk in a nearby parking lot, where we saw a man bending over on the ground, crushing something with a rock. He was completely focused on his task and didn't look up at anyone passing by. We kept noticing him as we hung around the parking lot and guessed what he could be doing. I thought he was crushing stones to make sand, but why would he do that?

Finally we decided to go up and speak to him. He was crushing pieces of leftover bread that he collected from all his roommates to feed the birds that come there early morning. The large pieces of Indian bread would be difficult for the birds to eat, so he crushes them into a fine powder.

He's been doing this every night, by himself, for the last 3~4 years. What moved us more was that he was surprised when we were even taking an interest in this, since for him it wasn't a big deal. Every night, after reaching his bachelor accommodation from his job as a tailor, he goes around the village collecting leftover bread from all his housemates. He then eats a quick meal and comes here, and spends the next 1~2 hours, thoroughly crushing each piece and makes a neat pile for the birds, which will be gone by next evening.

When we asked him what motivates him to do this simple, small but committed act of service, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's just something small I do; so that the leftover bread doesn't go into the trash and the birds get food." We shared his story with the hope that it reminds us to be mindful of leftovers too and perhaps it might inspire someone to start something similar in their own area.

(1) Why did the couple decide to have a closer look? A. To satisfy their own curiosity. B. To show their love for wild life. C. To offer help to the great cause. D. To prepare food for birds.
(2) What does the underlined word "crushes" probably mean in Paragraph 2? A. Paints. B. Boils. C. Cooks. D. Breaks.
(3) What's the main purpose of the author sharing the story in the text? A. To ask others to collect leftover bread. B. To inspire others to crush leftover bread. C. To remind others to make use of leftover bread. D. To motivate others to make a difference to the world.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Meeting an Everyday Hero. B. Doing a Small Thing. C. Treating Birds Well. D. Crushing Leftover Bread.
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