
Researchers say they have used brain waves of a paralyzed man who cannot speak to produce words from his thoughts onto a computer. A team led by Dr. Edward Chang at the University of California, San Francisco, carried out the experiment.

"Most  of us take  for  granted how  easily  we  communicate  through  speech,"  Chang  told  The Associated Press. "It's exciting to think we're at the very beginning of a new chapter, a new field to ease the difficulties of patients who lost that ability. " The researchers admit that such communication methods for paralysis victims will require years of additional research. But, they say the new study marks an important step forward.

Today, paralysis victims who cannot speak or write have very limited ways of communicating. For example, a victim can use a pointer attached to a hat that lets him move his head to touch words or letters on a screen. Other devices can pick up a person's eye movements. But such methods are slow and a very limited replacement for speech.

Using brain signals to work around disabilities is currently a hot field of study. Chang's team built their experiment on earlier work. The process uses brain waves that normally control the voice system.  The researchers implanted electrodes on the surface of the man's brain, over the area that controls speech. A computer observed the patterns when he attempted to say common words such as "water" or "good. " Over time, the computer became able to differentiate between 50 words that could form more than 1,000 sentences. Repeatedly given questions such as "How are you today?" or "Are you thirsty," the device enabled the man to answer "I am very good" or "No, I am not thirsty. "The words were not voiced, but were turned into text on the computer.

In an opinion article published with the study, Harvard brain doctors Leigh Hochberg and Sydney Cash called the work a "pioneering study." The two doctors said the technology might one day help people with injuries, strokes or diseases like Lou Gehrig's. People with such diseases have brains that "prepare messages for delivery, but those messages are trapped," they wrote.

(1) How is the new method different from the current ones? A. It involves a patient's brain waves. B. It can pick up a patient's eye movements. C. It is a very limited replacement for speech. D. It can help a patient regain his speech ability.
(2) What does the underlined word "differentiate" in paragraph 4 mean? A. Organize. B. Learn. C. Distinguish. D. Speak.
(3) What was Leigh Hochberg and Sydney Cash's attitude towards the study? A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Doubtful. D. Critical.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. Researchers Found Good Methods to Help Paralyzed Patients B. Device Uses Brain Waves of Paralyzed Man to Help Him Communicate C. Years of Additional Work Needed to Improve the Communication Methods D. Device Uses Brain Waves of Paralyzed Man to Cure His Speaking Disability
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4 Popular Places to Go This Winter

Harbin, China

China Harbin's winter is for the brave ones—the average temperature is 1.8°F— but those who brave the cold will be rewarded with experiencing one of the world's largest winter festivals. 2021 marks the 37th Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival (January-March), when massive frozen structures rise and are lit up, transforming the city into a winter wonderland.

Lyon, France

Paris may be called The City of Light, but every December, light takes center stage in Lyon, France's third-largest city. That's when the annual Festival of Lights (around December 8) takes over, with light installations (装置) that transform the city's streetscapes into modern works of art. The city is also home to two Christmas markets (one in La Croix-Rousse; the other at the Place Carnot; through December 25).

Lima, Peru

Peru's capital Lima is home to the world's highest number of cooking schools per person. Aside from its delicate dining, the city also has great cocktail bars where you can taste classic or contemporary takes on the Pisco Sour. Combine that with the oceanfront setting and temperatures in the 80s, and you'll understand why Lima should no longer be ignored this winter.

Vermont, US

Winter in Vermont means skiing and snowboarding. Many resorts (度假胜地) have greatly upgraded their snowmaking abilities as part of a $15 million statewide program that replaced many outdated snow guns with new, low-energy models. These new machines will also improve the quality of snow surfaces and lengthen the season, meaning this will be one of the best winters for skiing and riding in Vermont in recent memory.

(1) What similarities do the first two places have? A. They are decorated with lights. B. They offer snow sculptures. C. They have three-day festivals. D. They are extremely cold.
(2) Which provides a good chance to buy a Christmas gift? A. Harbin. B. Lyon. C. Lima. D. Vermont.
(3) What's new to the resorts in Vermont? A. Skiing and snowboarding. B. A longer winter. C. Cooking schools. D. Updated equipment
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Today, methane (甲烷) is a central but under-appreciated part of the fight against climate change. Human activity releases far less methane than carbon dioxide, but methane packs a heavier punch. Over the course of20 years, a ton of the gas will warm the atmosphere about 86 times more than a ton of carbon dioxide. Chief among the reasons for methane emissions (排放) are the gassy output of raising farm animals ( cows release it most) , rice production ( certain environments involve micro-organisms that make it) and the fossil fuel industry( pipelines leak it) .

Carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for centuries, making it hard to reduce its concentrations. By contrast, methane has a half-life of roughly ten years. If new emissions can be cut to below the rate at which old emissions reduce, the concentration of methane remaining in the atmosphere will soon fall, slowing global warming.

A big step would be to stop millions of tons of methane from leaking out of fossil fuel industry each year. Natural gas operators will be able to sell more gas in exchange for an acceptable investment so as to monitor and repair leaks. The International Energy Agency estimates that 40% of methane emissions from fossil fuels can be cut at no cost for firms.

The harder task is to reduce emissions from agriculture, but even here farmers can draw on new ideas, including developing new forms of feed for farm animals, and changing how rice field is irrigated.

However, politicians and the public tend to ignore the effects of cutting methane emission. But dealing with the gas with the efforts of the ordinary people would have a large effect at a relatively low cost.

(1) What do we know about methane from the first two paragraphs? A. Raising farm animals releases most methane. B. A ton of methane will warm 86% of the atmosphere. C. It drops faster than carbon dioxide if its emission cuts. D. Fossil fuel is the fundamental cause of methane emission.
(2) How can natural gas operators do to help? A. By selling more gas. B. By turning to fossil fuels. C. By repairing the leaks. D. By exchanging for investment.
(3) What might be discussed if the passage continues? A. Why politicians ignore the effects of cutting methane. B. What ordinary people can do to cut methane emission. C. Which method of cutting methane is at the lowest cost. D. How we can reduce emissions from the agriculture industry.
(4) What might be a suitable title for this passage? A. Banning the Use of Methane B. Cut Methane Emission, Now C. Methane — Solution to Clear Air D. The Relation of Methane and Carbon Dioxide
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Snowboarding genius Su Yiming made a name for himself by winning China's first Olympic gold in the sport on Tuesday. By cleanly stomping back-to-back 1800 tricks, the teenager landed the biggest prize so far in his young career—gold in the men's Big Air at the Beijing Winter Olympics. The notable achievement realized a childhood dream to reach the peak of the sport, which he began to learn at the age of 4.

Now with two shinning medals hung around his neck, the 17-year-old described his superb Olympic debut (首秀) as an unbelievable experience that has made all his sacrifices worthwhile. "This feels so surreal that I've finally accomplished what I've dreamed of since I was little," said an emotional Su.

Over the past four years, Su has combined his talent with hard work to produce one of the swiftest rises to prominence the sport has ever seen. When the Shougang Big Air venue hosted its first international event, Su was an unknown qualifier, who didn't even make the final runs. Just over two years later, Su is the name on everyone's lips at the venue s Olympic debut—drawing the whole nation's attention to the sport he loves.

"The biggest motivation (动力) for me is my love for snowboarding," Su said, when asked about the secret to his success. "In snowboarding, I feel like I can show my own style and creativity. Every time I ride my board, it's always a joyful moment. I hope through my experience, I can inspire more young people to get interested in the sport."

Su, a former child actor who featured in action movies, said the Olympic gold will encourage him to seek for more breakthroughs—even beyond his athletic career. "I enjoy snowboarding just as much as I enjoy acting," said Su, who turns 18 on Friday. "I think I still have a lot of possibilities to explore in my future career either in snowboarding or in acting. But now I just want to enjoy the moment and celebrate it as the best possible birthday gift."

(1) What does the underlined word "landed" in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Arrived. B. Gained. C. Created. D. Dreamed.
(2) According to Su himself, what is his secret to his success? A. His acting experience. B. His talent and hard working. C. His passion for snowboarding. D. His life dream of achieving success.
(3) Which of the following words can best describe Su? A. Talented and thoughtful. B. Generous and productive. C. Creative and kind-hearted. D. Hard-working and devoted.
(4) What's Su's attitude toward his future? A. Upset. B. Hopeful. C. Anxious. D. Careful.
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