
Today, methane (甲烷) is a central but under-appreciated part of the fight against climate change. Human activity releases far less methane than carbon dioxide, but methane packs a heavier punch. Over the course of20 years, a ton of the gas will warm the atmosphere about 86 times more than a ton of carbon dioxide. Chief among the reasons for methane emissions (排放) are the gassy output of raising farm animals ( cows release it most) , rice production ( certain environments involve micro-organisms that make it) and the fossil fuel industry( pipelines leak it) .

Carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for centuries, making it hard to reduce its concentrations. By contrast, methane has a half-life of roughly ten years. If new emissions can be cut to below the rate at which old emissions reduce, the concentration of methane remaining in the atmosphere will soon fall, slowing global warming.

A big step would be to stop millions of tons of methane from leaking out of fossil fuel industry each year. Natural gas operators will be able to sell more gas in exchange for an acceptable investment so as to monitor and repair leaks. The International Energy Agency estimates that 40% of methane emissions from fossil fuels can be cut at no cost for firms.

The harder task is to reduce emissions from agriculture, but even here farmers can draw on new ideas, including developing new forms of feed for farm animals, and changing how rice field is irrigated.

However, politicians and the public tend to ignore the effects of cutting methane emission. But dealing with the gas with the efforts of the ordinary people would have a large effect at a relatively low cost.

(1) What do we know about methane from the first two paragraphs? A. Raising farm animals releases most methane. B. A ton of methane will warm 86% of the atmosphere. C. It drops faster than carbon dioxide if its emission cuts. D. Fossil fuel is the fundamental cause of methane emission.
(2) How can natural gas operators do to help? A. By selling more gas. B. By turning to fossil fuels. C. By repairing the leaks. D. By exchanging for investment.
(3) What might be discussed if the passage continues? A. Why politicians ignore the effects of cutting methane. B. What ordinary people can do to cut methane emission. C. Which method of cutting methane is at the lowest cost. D. How we can reduce emissions from the agriculture industry.
(4) What might be a suitable title for this passage? A. Banning the Use of Methane B. Cut Methane Emission, Now C. Methane — Solution to Clear Air D. The Relation of Methane and Carbon Dioxide
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A. B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

The Arctic,Atlantic, Indian and Pacific are the four oceans we learned about in the geography class. But now we have a new one. On World Oceans Day, which was on June 8, 2021, the US National Geographic Society announced it would recognize the Southern Ocean in Antarctica, bringing the global total to five.

Unlike the Arctic,Atlantic ,Indian and Pacific Oceans, which are defined by the continents that bound them, the Southern Ocean is instead characterized by the currents circling Antarctica. According to National Geographic,the Southern Ocean includes most of the waters surrounding Antarctica out to 60 degrees south latitude.

“Surrounded by the swift currents, it is the only ocean to touch three other oceans and to completely embrace a continent rather than being embraced by them," Sylvia Earle, US marine biologist and oceanographer (海洋学家),told The Daily Mail.

“Anyone who has been there will struggle to explain what's so amazing about it, but they'll all agree that the glaciers are bluer, the air colder, the mountains more spectacular (壮观的) and the landscapes more appealing than anywhere else they can go," Seth Sykora-Bodie, a marine scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,told National Geographic.

Due to the ecologically unique environment of the Southern Ocean, it's home to thousands of rare species. The ocean also has wider ecological effects. National Geographic hopes their revised maps will bring public awareness to the region, thereby encouraging the Southern Ocean conservation.

“We think it's really important from an educational standpoint, as well as from a map-labeling standpoint, to bring attention to the Southern Ocean as a fifth ocean." Alex Tait,National Geographic Society geographer, told The Post. “ So when students learn about it, they learn it's an interconnected ocean,and there are these regions called oceans that are really important."

(1) How is the Southern Ocean defined? A. By the location and latitude. B. By the size and depth of water. C. By the continents that divide it. D. By the currents around the pole.
(2) What can we learn about the Southern Ocean from Seth Sykora-Bodie? A. The scenery is more attractive than other parts of the world. B. There's a special ocean in the icy waters around Antarctica. C. It is an ocean to connect three oceans and one continent. D. It is unlike any other oceans with many unique species.
(3) Why did National Geographic revise the map? A. To promote the sales of maps. B. To arouse the public's curiosity. C. To protect the Southern Ocean. D. To update people's geographic knowledge.
(4) What is the best title for this passage? A. Antarctica Is Full of Attraction B. The US Announced a New Ocean C. Ocean Conservation Is On the Road D. The Public Are Crazy about a New Ocean
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Getting to know your money personality can help you rein in your spending habits and take back control of your personal finances. Here, finance saving money expert Pete Ridley at CarFinanceSaver reveals the UKs core money personalities, along with actions to adopt that reduce the negative consequences of each personality type. 

The Spontaneous Spender

A spontaneous spender refers to a person that exhibits a "spend now, think later" attitude. They can find it tricky to differentiate between "need to haves" and "nice to haves", and often feel "spender' s guilt". 

"Before you make a purchase, take time to decide whether the item is a ' need to have'  or a ' nice to have' . This will aid in avoiding splurges (挥霍) that provide short term satisfaction and post-spenders" guilt. " says Ridley. 

The Determined Saver

An underlying sense of worry and fear can be at the root of a persistent saver, and their determination to save disguises an overwhelming fear of money. "Saving is great, " says Ridley, "but it' s important to regard money as a friend and not an enemy. Always be sure to make non-essential purchases. These items don' t have to be a major expense, but just enough that you acknowledge that money can be there to be enjoyed and not just put away. "

The Money=Status

This personality type can live beyond their means by making purchases that they don' t need, striving to keep up with others and saying yes to friendship plans that they cannot afford, to keep up the appearance of financial wellbeing. 

"It' s here that you can adopt the 50/20/30 rule: 50 percent essential living expenses, 30 percent disposable income and 20 percent saving and paying debts, " suggests Ridley. 

This will maintain financial wellbeing while helping to acknowledge that money doesn' t necessarily equal status or even impress those around you. 

(1) Which type of money personality is not mentioned in the text?  A. Cathy struggles to check her bank balance. B. Eden tends to spend on impulse with little pre-planning. C. Gill demonstrates a determined saver approach to her finances. D. Joyce buys an unaffordable luxury to boast about her financial wellbeing.
(2) What does Ridley suggest people do if they are always making purchases to impress others?  A. Manage your money wisely. B. Spend some money on non-essentials for joy. C. Check your finances regularly. D. Take time to assess how much you love the items.
(3) In which section of a magazine can the text be found?  A. Health. B. Business. C. Finance. D. Culture.
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People often wonder about some of the best places to see. A good point of reference is to first look at attractions labeled as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These sites are culturally or physically significant places listed by the United Nations for their importance to humanity as a whole. Let's see some of them!

The Mogao Caves, China

Also known as the Mogao Grottoes, the caves are located along the cliffside above the Daquan River in Gansu province. First built in 366 and comprising 492 caves, the Mogao Caves are known as the biggest collection of Buddhist art in the world. As a landmark of the historic Silk Road, the Mogao Caves are a perfect display of Chinese art history over a period of a thousand years.

Redwood National Park, US

Lying in the mountainous region north of San Francisco in California, US, the Redwood National Park is significant for its collection of redwood trees—the tallest and oldest trees in the world—as well as its variety of sea and land wildlife. Once abundant throughout the temperate regions of the world, the Redwood trees of California are among the only living examples left of this old plant species, a biological group which has existed for 160 million years.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Situated in the Andes Mountains, this fascinating ancient city is remarkable both for its beautiful setting as well as its use of complex city planning. Standing at 2,430 meters above sea level, the city of Machu Picchu is shrouded in both mist and mystery. Researchers have yet to uncover the city's role in the Incan empire's use of astronomy and plant domestication.

(1) What do the three places have in common? A. They all provide shelter for wildlife. B. They all have existed for millions of years. C. They are all located on the top of a mountain. D. They all take on great significance to humans.
(2) What can we learn from the passage? A. The Mogao Caves mean a lot to the Silk Road. B. Redwood National Park is the only home of redwood trees. C. The Mogao Caves are the biggest collection of art in the world. D. Researchers have already figured out the role of Machu Picchu.
(3) Where is this passage taken from? A. A science book B. A traveler's journal C. A news report D. A trip guide
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