1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

In 2007,the African Union announced an ambitious project-to plant the Great Green Wall(GGW),a band of trees that would stretch the length of the Sahel.

The GGW is an ecological restoration project designed by African people for African people. Heavy rains, droughts, wildfires and landslides have all become common throughout the world. But nowhere is quite like the Sahel. In this huge African region, climate change has materialized in a dramatic manner. In some cases, the severe conditions have left people with no option other than to migrate elsewhere to survive. It was with all of this in mind that the extraordinary, but heavily debated project was first put forward.

Fourteen years have passed since the initiative formally kicked off. The stated goal was to create a 15-kilometre-wide, 8,000-kilometre-long green belt of trees and other plants that, by 2030, would span(跨 越)the entire width of the Sahel, from Senegal to Djibouti.Overall, 100 million hectares(公顷)of land would be restored by 2030.Once completed, it was announced, the wall could end up capturing(俘获)250 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, while its creation and upkeep could create ten million jobs in rural areas.

Looking at the project as a whole, there's still a long way to go. According to a status report by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, about four million hectares of degraded land have been restored. This means that progress towards the 100 million hectares target stands at just four per cent.

"When we started restoring the soil, we realized the area at risk was much wider than we initially thought, "explains Elvis Paul Tankmate African Union's GGW coordinator. "We had few funds to push the initiative as much as we wanted to. There was skepticism among investors, who didn't understand the project, but also among the African states themselves, which needed time to figure out if the GGW was a priority. "

(1) What is the purpose of the GGW project? A. To improve local ecology. B. To develop rural economy. C. To predict climate patterns. D. To strengthen regional ties.
(2) What do the statistics in paragraph 3 show of the initiative? A. The service period. B. The total budget. C. The targeted groups. D. The expected benefits.
(3) How does Elvis Paul Tangem feel about the project? A. Skeptical. B. Worried. C. Confident. D. Satisfied.
(4) What message does the author intend to convey in the text? A. African countries should stand together. B. The progress of the GGW project is slow. C. Fighting climate change is our top priority. D. Natural disasters are worse than we thought
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By 2050, our global population might have been beyond nine billion, bringing with it an expected 70% increase in global demand for meat and fish. As a result, the growing demand for soya-based farm feed is driving massive destruction of forests at an alarming rate, and sea animal populations have halved in the last four decades due to widespread overfishing.

With 10 million pounds funding, part of the Government's Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, a start- up company Entoeyele is leading a cooperation that will build the UK's first industrial-scale insect farm. Black soldier flies (黑水虻) are used to convert food waste from farms and factories into a sustainable, organic insect-based protein feed, as an alternative to soya, for farmed animals, namely pigs, chicken and fish, In short, the company is using food waste to create insect protein to feed the animals that we eat, while reducing carbon dioxide emissions (排放) and deforestation.

Following its formation in 2017, Entoeyele spent time developing its technology as part of the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre United Kingdom (ESA BIC UK), which is managed and partly funded by STFC. Entoeyele acquired the expert knowledge to develop a network of cutting edge sensors, originally designed for use in space, to monitor and optimize (优化) the black soldier flies' lifecycle. They combined this with big data analysis to develop their proprietary technology to mass- rear flies, scalable for industrial use. STFC's Dr Sue O'Hare, Operations Manager at the ESA BICUK, said, "Entoeyele is a first- class example of how space technology can be applied to address one of the most important global challenges we currently face- how to feed the world without harming our planet."

It is fantastic to know that the ESA BIC UK, part of the world's largest business incubation program for space tech start-ups, was able to provide the right environment and support to play a part in the early development of this world changing technology. This is a significant milestone for Entoeyele as it seeks to make a real and positive impact on making our food supply chains more environmentally sustainable.

(1) How does the author develop his opinion in paragraph 1? A. By listing questions. B. By presenting facts. C. By making comparisons. D. By stating arguments.
(2) What does the underlined word "convert" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Transform. B. Exchange. C. Dip. D. Add.
(3) What is the Dr Sue O'Hare's attitude to Entoeyele? A. Negative. B. Pessimistic C. Supportive. D. Ambiguous.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Food Waste Is a Global Challenge B. Increasing Population Threats Our Planet C. Entoeyele Puts Space Technology into Use D. Using Insects to Turn Food Waste into Animal Feed
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Malavath Poorna,a 13-year-old girl from India, is the daughter of a poor farm laborer who earns barely $600 annually. Belonging to the lowest Indian social class, Poorna had determined to make a mark and be a source of inspiration to other backward people belonging to her community. Therefore, with the encouragement from her parents, Poorna participated in a training program meant for outdoor activities.

While preparing for her Everest climb, Poorna took training in the mountains of Darjeeling and Ladakh. At the end of the strict training sessions, she and another boy of 18 called Anand were the only two selected to climb Everest because they showed "a higher degree of toughness and endurance".

Malavath Poorna proved that the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in whether a person is strong-willed or not. On 25th of May 2014, she along with 16-year-old Anand Kumar, ascended(登上) the 29, 029-foot peak(山峰) and created history by becoming the world's youngest woman to ascend Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world.

Three days after she arrived at the Everest base camp on 15 April, 2014, sixteen local people got killed by a deadly avalanche(雪崩) on the Nepalese side. However, this could not stop Poorna from her peak. Moreover, Poorna's accomplishment is even more extraordinary since she climbed the peak from the more difficult Tibetan side instead of taking the easier Nepalese side which most climbers chose. Her ascent has been called a rare achievement by Mingma Sherpa, a Nepalese guide who has climbed all fourteen of the world's peaks over 8, 000 meters.

(1) Why did Malavath Poorna take part in a training program? A. Her parents forced her to survive on her own. B. She planned to earn a lot of money by herself. C. People in some rich communities motivated her. D. She wanted to be a role model in her community
(2) What played the key role in Malavath Poorna's success? A. Luck. B. Education. C. Determination. D. Friendship
(3) What makes Malavath Poorna's climb especially extraordinary? A. Her intention to assist her fellow climbers. B. Her good cooperation with her team member. C. Her rescuing local people in a natural disaster. D. Her reaching the peak from a more challenging side.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. A famous climber's struggle. B. A poor girl's inspirational story. C. A role model's life challenges. D. A dreamer's way to be wealthy.
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A study of Australian teens' Instagram (a popular photo social media platform) usage found 57% of Australian teenagers use it, while 30% reported being contacted by a stranger, and 20% reported being sent inappropriate unwanted content.

Facebook is considering launching a version of Instagram for children under the age of 13 to safely use it. Currently the company does not allow people who are under 13 to create an account on the platform. A spokesperson for Facebook, announced the company was exploring a parent-controlled version, similar to the Messenger Kids app that is for kids between 6 and 12.

"Increasingly kids are asking their parents if they can join apps that help them keep up with their friends. Right now there aren't many options for parents, so we're working on building additional products that are suitable for kids, managed by parents," the spokesperson said. "We're exploring bringing a parent-controlled experience to Instagram to help kids keep up with their friends, discover new hobbies and interests, and more."

In a blog post, the company noted that although people were asked to enter their ages when signing up for Instagram, there was nothing to prevent them from lying about their ages at registration. Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning in association with the registration age to determine people's ages on the platform.

The company also announced plans to roll out new safety features, including preventing adults from messaging children under 13, sending safety notices to children when they are messaged by an adult who sends a lot of friend requests, and making it more difficult for adults to find and follow children using the search function in Instagram. Children will also be encouraged to keep their profiles private at the point of registration.

(1) What do the numbers in paragraph 1 mainly illustrate? A. Instagram's security risks in teens' usage. B. Instagram's popularity among young people. C. Instagram's resistance to teens' social interaction. D. Instagram's initiative for children to post photos.
(2) What does Facebook expect of the additional version of Instagram? A. It will not require registration. B. Kids can use it under parental monitor. C. It will replace the Messenger Kids in the future. D. Kids can keep in closer touch with parents through it.
(3) How will Instagram identify the users' ages? A. By sending safety notices to the users. B. By looking through the users' profiles. C. By checking over the registration information. D. By combining technological recognition with the input ages.
(4) What can be the best title for the text? A. Facebook: A Company Devoted to Developing New Products B. Australia Attempts to Prevent Illegal Behavior on Social Media C. Facebook Is to Build a Version of Instagram for Children Under 13 D. Instagram: A Platform Building Connection Between Parents and Children
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