
By 2050, our global population might have been beyond nine billion, bringing with it an expected 70% increase in global demand for meat and fish. As a result, the growing demand for soya-based farm feed is driving massive destruction of forests at an alarming rate, and sea animal populations have halved in the last four decades due to widespread overfishing.

With 10 million pounds funding, part of the Government's Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, a start- up company Entoeyele is leading a cooperation that will build the UK's first industrial-scale insect farm. Black soldier flies (黑水虻) are used to convert food waste from farms and factories into a sustainable, organic insect-based protein feed, as an alternative to soya, for farmed animals, namely pigs, chicken and fish, In short, the company is using food waste to create insect protein to feed the animals that we eat, while reducing carbon dioxide emissions (排放) and deforestation.

Following its formation in 2017, Entoeyele spent time developing its technology as part of the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre United Kingdom (ESA BIC UK), which is managed and partly funded by STFC. Entoeyele acquired the expert knowledge to develop a network of cutting edge sensors, originally designed for use in space, to monitor and optimize (优化) the black soldier flies' lifecycle. They combined this with big data analysis to develop their proprietary technology to mass- rear flies, scalable for industrial use. STFC's Dr Sue O'Hare, Operations Manager at the ESA BICUK, said, "Entoeyele is a first- class example of how space technology can be applied to address one of the most important global challenges we currently face- how to feed the world without harming our planet."

It is fantastic to know that the ESA BIC UK, part of the world's largest business incubation program for space tech start-ups, was able to provide the right environment and support to play a part in the early development of this world changing technology. This is a significant milestone for Entoeyele as it seeks to make a real and positive impact on making our food supply chains more environmentally sustainable.

(1) How does the author develop his opinion in paragraph 1? A. By listing questions. B. By presenting facts. C. By making comparisons. D. By stating arguments.
(2) What does the underlined word "convert" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Transform. B. Exchange. C. Dip. D. Add.
(3) What is the Dr Sue O'Hare's attitude to Entoeyele? A. Negative. B. Pessimistic C. Supportive. D. Ambiguous.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Food Waste Is a Global Challenge B. Increasing Population Threats Our Planet C. Entoeyele Puts Space Technology into Use D. Using Insects to Turn Food Waste into Animal Feed
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Photography (and Art) Contest:Pets are Family, Too!

Are you a teen photographer, artist, or just a teen with a pet you love? Well, we have a contest for you! Now is the time to show off your favorite family members — your pets! Teen Ink is spending this month recognizing that pets are family, too. This contest is primarily photography-focused, but any artwork of your pets is allowed. Any and all teens wishing to share their pets are welcome to submit!

Photographs and artwork submitted may even be published in the July 2022 issue of our magazine!Five honorable mentions and one winner will be featured in our digital magazine. The winner will also receive a $25 Amazon gift card!

Even if you do not win or place as an honorable mention, your post may be featured on our social media — so, keep an eye out!

Deadline:May 31st, 2022


Submissions should relate to the topic (Pets are Family, Too!).

The contest will only consider entries by teens.

No inappropriate content.

There is no limit to the number of pieces you can submit!

Be creative;test your limits;use your fantastic skills!

Image quality requirements:at least 1600×1600 pixels (像素).


·Submit entries through our website. All entries submitted to Teen Ink are automatically considered for the photography / artwork contest.

·To make sure your submissions are included in the contest, include "2022 Pet Contest" in the first part of your submission's title (e.g., 2022 Pet Contest:Fluffy).

·You will be published online and potentially in our magazine!


·You will be published and your photograph / artwork will be featured in our magazine!

·Winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card!

(1) Who are the target readers? A. Photographers. B. Artists. C. Parents. D. Teenagers.
(2) What is the requirement for the entry? A. It must be a photo. B. It must be submitted online. C. It must be within word limit. D. Its theme must be about family.
(3) What information can we know about the contest? A. Its sponsors. B. Its judges. C. Its prize. D. Its entry fee.
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These days, many young people wonder if they would be better served by striking out on their own than pursuing a college education. In this rapidly evolving(进化)digital era, narratives of overnight success and entrepreneurial(创业的)glory have flooded our social media feeds, fascinating the digital natives of Gen Z into questioning the worth of an expensive traditional college degree. 

Contrary to popular belief, successful entrepreneurship is rarely seen among the young. Recent research suggests that the average age in the U. S. of founders when they launched their companies is 42, rising to 45 for those within the top 

0.1% of earnings based on growth in their first five years. That's even the case for high-tech startups. Indeed, successful entrepreneurship is frequently the result of years of learning, experimenting and risk-taking—traits cultivated over time.

Campuses create environments rich in intellectual diversity and foster cooperation among their inhabitants, promoting an entrepreneurial mindset. They encourage students to challenge established norms and develop their unique thinking patterns to create value-practices that are also key to entrepreneurial success. Thus, higher education is not just about attaining a degree; it's more importantly about acquiring the skills and experiences that inspire and enable the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

But some may doubt since formal entrepreneurship itself isn't typically a course of study, are all college majors capable of installing entrepreneurial skills? Let's examine the arts majors, which are often subjected to the most suspicion concerning their career paths. Consider a theater major. That curriculum often includes entrepreneurship-focused capabilities beyond stage direction, lighting, sound systems and performance. Students learn to mobilize resources, lead creative teams and navigate the uncertainties of a theatrical production-skills that are readily transferable to launching any entrepreneurial business.

Like a compass for the future, entrepreneurship guide s us toward a society that prizes critical thinking, nurtures(培养)intellectual curiosity and champions innovation. Let's not get swept away by short-lived trends or misleading narratives. Instead, we should appreciate the enduring value of college education.

(1) What do the figures in paragraph 2 indicate? A. The chance of success multiplies with age. B. Young people dominate high-tech startups. C. Quite a number of enterprises are in the red. D. Successful entrepreneurship isn't built in a day.
(2) Which of the following practice is the most crucial to entrepreneurial success? A. Sticking to one's own principles. B. Acquiring knowledge from textbooks. C. Developing a startup mentality. D. Following established norms and traditions.
(3) Why is a theater major mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To illustrate it is complex and demanding. B. To prove people's suspicion is reasonable. C. To show entrepreneurial skills can be integrated into all majors. D. To stress it is the launchpad for successful entrepreneurship.
(4) Which section of a newspaper does the text probably come from? A. Arts. B. Insights. C. Entertainment. D. News.
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Given that cancer is one of the deadliest diseases out there, any new development in our fight against it is highly praiseworthy. The latest breakthrough was made by Heman Bekele in 2023, a 14-year-old student from Virginia. The student has created a bar soap to treat skin cancer. Now, his findings have earned him the title of America's Top Young Scientist.

Bekele remembers he always saw people who were constantly hit by the glaring sun as a child. As he grew up and began to realize the risks like skin cancer were associated with sun exposure, the boy decided to come up with solutions.

While similar treatments are available, Bekele hoped to work on a more affordable alternative, especially for those in developing countries. "I wanted to make my idea something that not only was great in terms of science but also could benefit as many people as possible," Bekele says. It is often the simple solutions that are the most effective because soap is a daily routine for most people.

With the guidance of Deborah Isabelle, a product engineering specialist, Bekele made his soap by mixing regular soap with compounds (化合物) that slowly reactivate dendritic (枝状的) cells. When the soap is applied, it releases toll-like receptors into our skin. These receptors attach onto dendritic cells which reactivate them. The reactivated dendritic cells then join with TN io12 cells to fight cancer cells. Rather than a cure, Bekele's soap aims to help people's immune cells stay active while fighting skin cancer.

For now, the young scientist hopes to improve his invention and create a non-profit to distribute the soap among those who need it most. "I believe that young minds can make a positive impact on the world," Bekele said. "I have a strong desire to know how the physical world works and how to improve the lives of its inhabitants, and this challenge gives me the perfect platform to showcase my ideas."

(1) Why is Bekele's childhood experience mentioned in paragraph 2? A. To show his genius for scientific creation. B. To express people's eagerness for his soap. C. To explain his motivation to create the soap. D. To remind people of their similar memories.
(2)  What does Bekele expect about his soap? A. It can be admirable for the design. B. It can be available to more people. C. It will be effective in curing any cancer. D. It will be pioneering in terms of science.
(3)  What is paragraph 4 centered on? A. The treatment principle of the soap. B. The damage caused by skin cancer. C. The prevention measures of skin cancer. D. The professional evaluation of the soap.
(4)  Which of the following can best describe Bekele? A. Creative and loyal. B. Ambitious and plain. C. Curious and adaptable. D. Sympathetic and curious.
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