
Being a blogger can be good business. Don't you believe it? Read on!

Meet Gary Vaynerchuk (GaryVaynerchuk. com)

Gary Vaynerchuk is a New Yorker who gained Internet fame because of a video blog that talked about everything related to wine. Through online video blogging, he built his wine business from a $3-million-dollar a year wine retail store to a $60-million-dollar wine wholesale business. Gary Vaynerchuk has built a multi-million-dollar empire relating to his personal brand.

Meet Rand Fishkind (moz. com)

Rand Fishkind is college dropout (辍 学 生 ) who started blogging about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) back in 2004 while working for a family-run web development company. He was also providing SEO consulting services for a few small clients. SEOmoz has left the consulting business since then and focuses on creating awesome SEO software instead. The company makes millions of dollars each month.

Meet Pat Flynn (SmartPassiveIncome. com)

Pat is one of the most inspirational bloggers in the world. After losing his job, he was forced to struggle to support his growing family. He started a website called Smart Passive Income to track his progress with various websites and online money-making- projects. He has since built massive followers and readership thanks to his honesty. Over the last 6 months, Pat has earned on average, around $50,000 per month.

Meet Andrew Sullivan (thedishdaily. com)

Andrew started his blog, The Daily Dish, near the end of 2000. By the middle of 2003, he was receiving about 300,000 unique visits per month. Just this year, Andrew made some big changes and decided to work on The Daily Dish full-time. On launch day in 2013, the blog reportedly took in over $330,000, charging $20/month per reader.

(1) After Gary Vaynerchuk started his video blog, ________. A. he spent most of his time making videos B. he fell in love with learning about wine C. his online security has been threatened D. his wine business really took off
(2) Why would people most probably visit Smart Passive Income? A. To learn how to find a job online. B. To learn how to make money online. C. To read very inspiring real-life stories. D. To know about the history of various websites.
(3) What can we learn from these bloggers' experiences? A. Being a successful blogger is very difficult. B. The Internet has greatly influenced our life. C. Successful bloggers can make a great fortune. D. Everyone can succeed as long as he doesn't quit.
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Humanitarian(人道主义的)groups and lawmakers have criticized Italian authorities for preventing migrants who were not considered to be "vulnerable(脆弱的)"from disembarking(登陆)from rescue ships in Sicily on Sunday.

Charities and politicians blamed the selection process as illegal and regarded the actions of the Italian government as inhumane, reported the Associated Press news service, or AP. Italy's new government is reportedly targeting foreign-flagged rescue ships in a new procedure that is part of a regulation brought about by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.

Italy allowed a rescue ship carrying 179 refugees and migrants to enter a port in Sicily on Sunday and then later begin disembarking children and sick or "vulnerable" people, but 35 men on board were blocked from getting off the ship, reported the Reuters news agency. Later, agencies reported that 144 people had been allowed to disembark the Humanity 1 rescue ship, which sailed under a German flag. In the afternoon, 357 people were allowed off the Geo Barents ship operated by Doctors Without Borders, which sails under a Norwegian flag, but 215 people remained blocked on board.

Authorities continued to refuse safe harbor for hundreds of migrants onboard two other ships in nearby waters, said the AP. Humanity 1's captain refused to leave the port of Catania "until all survivors rescued from great suffering at sea have been disembarked", said SOS Humanity, the German-run charity that operates the ship. The charity strongly criticized Piantedosi's decision to only allow vulnerable people to disembark and on Monday said it would launch legal action against the Italian government, claiming Italy's actions violate European law and the Geneva Refugee Convention.

The BBC noted that Italy is one of the main entry points into Europe, and, according to the United Nations, 85, 000 migrants have arrived there on small, overcrowded boats since the start of the year. Italy's new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has promised to take action to stop those making the hazardous journeys across the Mediterranean.

Nongovernmental organizations say coastal nations are responsible by the law of the sea to rescue people who are suffering and that they are responsible to provide a safe port as soon as possible.

Till Rummenhohl, head of operations at SOS Humanity, said people were being "held hostage(人质)"onboard the Humanity 1 vessel. "We had health authorities onboard who decided who's weak enough, who is basically in urgent medical case and who's not, " Rummenhohl told DW News. "The people are not really sure what's happening to them. They have an uncertain future. They are afraid of being pushed back from Italy, into international waters or even to Libya. That's their greatest fear," he said.

(1) Why were 35 of the 179 refugees not allowed to leave the ship to enter Italy in the beginning? A. They were not weak people. B. They had no certifications. C. The ship was in good condition. D. The ship sailed under a German flag.
(2) Which can replace the underlined word "hazardous" in paragraph 5? A. Comfortable. B. Thrilling. C. Long. D. Dangerous.
(3) What is Rummenhohl's point of view according to the last paragraph? A. Italy's actions agreed with European law and the Geneva Refugee Convention. B. Illegal migrants should be pushed back into international waters. C. Coastal countries should save people who are suffering at sea. D. Illegal migrants were supposed to be held hostage onboard.
(4) Which can serve as the best title for the news report? A. Italy provides safe shelters for refugees B. Italy prevents migrants from leaving ships C. Humanityl's captain refuses to leave the port of Catania D. Many migrants arrive in Italy on small, overcrowded boats
阅读理解 常考题 困难

Finding a mask which offers you a high protection level is crucial to filtering(过滤) out any particles for a long time. However, after a few hours, the mask becomes contaminated(污染) by the particles and you need to replace it with a new one. See, you have to get a mask offering active protection in addition to passive filtration.

The first rule of a mask offering you any kind of protection is that it needs to fit well. The mask also needs to be comfortable and allow you to breathe easily for you to be able to keep it on for as many hours as you need.

During long hours of wear, food and dirt may remain on the inside of your mask. All the hours spent in a place with less-than-ideal conditions for human health are wonderful news for bacteria that thrive on food particles and muck left behind on the inside of your mask. This growth opportunity for bacteria could not just be dangerous but could also cause a bad smell. So you'd better have a kind that kills off the smell-causing bacteria, leaving your mask smelling fresh.

You should look for cloth masks that have multiple layers of breathable fabric that is tightly woven, include a robust(结实的) nose wire for you to adjust the mask to the shape of your face and prevent air escaping from around your nose, do not have gaps around the nose or sides of the face and that block out the light if you hold the mask up to a bright light source. It is good for the mask to come with your choice of either head straps or ear straps, both adjustable. It is also good if the mask has different sizes ranging from kids to adults to ensure everyone stays protected.

(1) What is most important about a mask according to the first paragraph? A. Offering passive filtration. B. Offering active protection. C. Working for long hours. D. Filtering out all particles.
(2) Why should a mask have a robust nose wire? A. To shape your face. B. To block out the light. C. To offer different sizes ranging from kids to adults. D. For you to adjust the shape and prevent air escaping.
(3) Which of the following can't be adjusted? A. The size. B. The ear strap. C. The nose wire. D. The head strap.
(4) Whom is the passage intended for? A. Kids. B. Doctors. C. Citizens. D. Mask makers.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

To son, Cecil,

When I wrote this, you were 8, still a little boy. In 2002, I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the war on Terrorism (恐怖主义). On the 11th of September 2001 when America was attacked, I knew that I would eventually have to go and I was filled with a deep sense of sadness. That night as you and Keiko were asleep, I looked at your little faces and couldn't help but fight the tears.

I knew it would be hard for you because I had a similar experience. When I was a little boy aged 6, my dad, your Grandpa, was sent to Vietnam during the war there. I remember how much I missed him, too. But now unfortunately I have come to realize just how rough it must have been for Grandpa to be away from his children for a year. Thinking about this, I wanted to put my thoughts and feelings down for you and your sister. I am so sorry that I had to leave for such a long time. There is no place I would rather be than with you and Keiko. You two are the lights of my life. I have known no greater joy than in the few years since you two were born. I hope to have many more years with you. If this doesn't happen, then know that I love you more than words can express.

If for some reason I don't make it home, I will need you to take care of your little sister and your Mom. You will be the man of the Cawley family. Be good my son and God will watch over you as he has me. I will be waiting impatiently for the time when we can all be together again.

All my love, Dad

(1) The writer felt sad because____. A. His country was under attack B. His father was killed in Vietnam C. He was afraid of the war on Terrorism D. He had to be away from his family
(2) What words could be used to describe the writer? A. Caring and considerate. B. Clever and responsible. C. Brave and determined. D. Ambitious and diligent.
(3) Why did the writer write the letter? A. To let his son know his father is a hero. B. To express his love and expectation of his son. C. To offer his apology for leaving his family. D. To remind Cecil of his responsibility for his country.
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