
Western monarch butterflies(WMBs, 西部帝王蝶) fly thousands of miles every year, flying north in spring and summer, and south in fall. Now, scientists want people in the western US to give them a hand by sending in any pictures of monarchs they take this spring.

WMBs, like most butterflies, help plants create seeds, which can then create more plants by spreading a dust called pollen between plants. In turn, monarchs depend on plants. They gather sweet nectar (花蜜) from flowers for food. They rest and spend their winters in trees. And they depend completely on a plant called milkweed to lay their eggs.

Their number has been dropping sharply since the 1980s, when 3 million to 10 million butterflies migrated (迁徙) annually from the northwestern United States to spend the winter at hundreds of sites along the California coast. In 2020, less than 2, 000 monarchs were counted in the entire state. But in 2021, that number jumped to 247, 237. Scientists still don't fully understand this phenomenon. But they're studying it, saying it'll take years of tracking them to work it out.

Scientists have learned a lot about where Western monarchs spend the winters. But they know much less about where they go when they leave their winter homes. That's why scientists from several universities are organizing a project called "Western Monarch Mystery Challenge" to seek for practical assistance from "citizen scientists" in the American west.

They're asking anyone who sees a monarch butterfly outside of their winter homes this spring to take a picture and send it to them. By collecting the pictures, along with the date and place where the pictures were taken, scientists hope to learn more about what happens to the butterflies and where they are after they leave their winter homes and protect them better in the future.

Last year's increase in monarch number is great news. But the number of monarchs is still way below the millions of butterflies that migrated in the 1980s.

(1) What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about concerning WMBs? A. The links between them and plants. B. Their vital importance to plants. C. The effects of plants on them. D. Their contributions to nature.
(2) What best describes scientists when they knew about WMBs' population jump? A. Worried. B. Doubtful. C. Puzzled. D. Tolerant.
(3) What doscientists intend to know about WMBs by the project? A. What their real shapes look like. B. Why their number increases. C. How they leave winter homes. D. Where they live in spring.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. WMBs Are Being Protected B. Help Is Needed to Help WMBs C. WMBs Are Still in Danger D. Humans Welcomes WMBs Back
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Sirine Jahangir has been singing, writing and playing instruments since she was a little girl. She was badly injured in a traffic accident by the time she turned 5, so now the teen uses her gift "as a way to — not escape, but to help me through". Not only did her passion get her through some difficult times, but when she was 14 it also brought her to the "Britain's Got Talent" stage, where she impressed everyone with her performance.

Sirine was totally paralyzed by the time she was 10 years old. While her parents and doctors have tried to find treatments for her, there isn't much they can do. So her parents focused on helping her adjust to her new life, which was when her dad said she was first introduced to music. "I remember one day, we were driving in the car. This is about when she was getting to the stage where she couldn't look out the window anymore to see things, and I didn't know what to do. I just put the music on really loud. She started singing in the car, and she was so happy. And then she just found happiness every time I put music on," her father said.

It didn't take long for them to realize Sirine had tremendous talent. When she appeared on "Britain's Got Talent", she told everyone just how much her passion means to her. "I guess music heals me," she said. "That's just what I live by, and music is my thing." Then she headed over to the piano, where she played the piano and sang beautifully enough to bring the audience to tears! Unsurprisingly to everyone but Sirine, all four judges voted her into the next round of the competition!

Afterward, she said, "I can't even say it's a dream come true, because I didn't even dream of it at any point... I never thought that would be realistic in my life."

(1) What can be learned about Sirine Jahangir from Paragraph 1? A. She was born with disabilities. B. She experienced a traffic accident when she was fourteen. C. Her performance on the stage turned out to be a success. D. She performed on the stage at the age of ten.
(2) How did Sirine's musical talent be discovered by her parents? A. By putting the music on while driving. B. By teaching her to write songs. C. By singing songs together with her. D. By taking her to the "Britain's Got Talent" stage.
(3) What role does music play in Sirine's life? A. Making her dream come true. B. Bring her happiness and passion. C. Earning her both fame and fortune. D. Helping her escape away from reality.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Sirine? A. Optimistic and honest. B. Creative and gifted. C. Courageous and responsible. D. Talented and passionate.
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The idea of billions of people going through a few masks a week during this pandemic definitely rings alarm bells, but a team of researchers in Melbourne may have the solution.

They've discovered that adding millions of discarded face masks to road-paving (铺路) mixtures would actually lower the cost of the road, while preventing billions of them from landfills. Just one kilometer of road would need three million masks, and the polypropylene (聚丙烯) plastic used to make single-use surgical face masks also increased the flexibility and durability of the road.

The new material is a mixture of about 2% torn masks, with recycled concrete aggregate (RCA)—a material obtained from waste concrete and other minerals from destroyed buildings. This recycled material was found in the study to be ideal for two of the four layers generally required to create roadways. Paving a kilometer of two-way road with the RCA and three million face masks would result in a change of 93 tons of waste from landfills.

The final product then is more resistant to wear than asphalt (沥青), as well as being cheaper too, provided there was a method for collecting masks. The research team did a cost-analysis and found that, at $26 per ton, the RCA was about half the cost of mining raw materials, and as much as a third of the cost of shipping the used masks to a landfill.

The widespread application would be ideal for large infrastructure (基础设施) projects. For example, Washington has the 11th worst roads in terms of unaddressed repairs in the U.S. If the damaged roads in Washington state were repaired with the RCA/mask mixture, it would reuse nearly 10 billion masks, sparing American landfills hundreds of millions of tons of trash.

It's said that the team is looking for private industry partners or governments willing to give their plastic mask road an opportunity for a large-scale test.

(1) What does the underlined word "discarded" mean in paragraph 2? A. Recycled. B. Produced. C. Mixed. D. Abandoned.
(2) What is the new material used to pave ways made of? A. 2% torn masks, concrete and tons of trash. B. Polypropylene plastic and building materials. C. Single-use surgical masks and recycled concrete aggregate. D. Waste concrete and other minerals from destroyed buildings.
(3) Why are numbers mentioned in paragraph 5? A. To tell us what the team has found. B. To prove this material is cost-effective in paving roads. C. To explain repairing roads costs a lot of materials. D. To praise the hard work the team has done.
(4) What can we learn from the text? A. The material used to pave roads is made of masks. B. Generally speaking, it requires two layers to create roadways. C. It remains to be tested whether the solution is practical. D. The damaged roads in Washington were repaired with the RCA
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A family in Maryland wants to publicly thank a stranger for going above and beyond-just in time to bring a Happy New Year.

"What a great human!"That's how Laura Degnon began her email to GNN, hoping we would share the story of a good man touching their lives.

Her son, Jake, realized on Friday that he had lost his wallet Thursday night. It snowed a couple inches in Rockville overnight which made it challenging for them to find anything outside around his car, or at the last store where he stopped to buy a snack. "We shoveled(铲)so many places looking for it, "she recalled. They were very motivated, too, as his wallet was unusually full of"quite a bit of Christmas money, college money, and of course his school ID, license and credit card". But they couldn't find it anywhere.

Laura was up early on Saturday saying goodbye as Jake headed back to the University of South Carolina, and started cleaning up around the house, when the doorbell rang about8:00a. m.

"Much to my surprise, a wonderful man by the name of Juan was standing there asking if Jake lived here. I started to cry right away, and asked if he found his wallet, by chance. "

Juan had been up early, going to work on a Saturday morning, when he found Jake's wallet in the parking lot of the store where he bought the snack-and he drove to their house to return it. Everything was intact, with nothing missing. "What a great human! Juan made my son's day, and mine, more than he will ever know! Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. "

(1) Why did Laura Degnon email to GNN? A. To share a moving story. B. To search for his son's wallet. C. To ask for help to shovel the snow. D. To hunt for a man who returned the wallet.
(2) Where did Juan find the wallet? A. Near his home. B. At the University of South Carolina. C. In the store where Jake bought a snack. D. In the parking space of a snack shop.
(3) What does the underlined word "intact" in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Smooth. B. Perfect. C. Complete. D. Ready.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Juan? A. Selfish and shy. B. Kind and helpful. C. Successful and energetic. D. Active and adventurous.
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