
The new radio programme from self-help expert Glennon Doyle unexpectedly disturbed me. In a session of We Can Do Hard Things, she focuses on boundaries and their importance to our mental happiness. I heartily agree with her, because saying a polite but firm "no" is one of the basics for a happy life. I was, however, interested when she raised the idea that perhaps, as well as learning when to confirm our boundaries, we also need to stretch them. When does a boundary become a cage that locks us away?

Isn't it always the case that just as you think you've got an area of life nailed; somebody comes along to show you that that's not the case? As I listened, I started to see boundaries that might cause more problems than they were solving.

There was the work boundary that said that unless a project fell exactly into my topics, I wouldn't take it—which meant that I turned down work that was otherwise interesting and rewarding.

There was the boundary that said I wasn't to buy anything until I'd reached my savings goal—which resulted in me having to restart my laptop 20 times a day.

And then there was a boundary around relationships that set out exactly how I should be treated and what I wanted in them. Helpful to some extent, it blocked me from allowing someone to express their love for me, even if it wasn't quite what I had predicted.

Had I been doing boundaries wrong all the time? Did I need to figure them all out again? I've spent the past few weeks looking at the boundaries I've secretly put in place, and I've let myself lower some that have been my protection over the years. Then I've come to the conclusion that, when it comes to boundaries, I'm a beginner again, and that's fine. In fact, being back at the beginning is a blessing because it means there are still lessons to be learned and adventures to be had and that is something for which I can only be grateful.

(1) What has really interested the author in Glennon Doyle's programme? A. The importance of confirming our boundaries. B. The benefits of boundaries to our happiness. C. The urgency of maintaining our boundaries. D. The necessity of reassessing our boundaries.
(2) What can be concluded as to the author's views on boundaries? A. We should favour savings goals over boundaries. B. Boundaries tend to keep us from potential friends. C. Boundaries are very likely to relieve boredom at work. D. We should stick to boundaries despite inconvenience.
(3) How did the author feel about boundaries after the adjustments? A. Relaxed. B. Depressed. C. Pressured. D. Amused.
(4) What is probably the best title for the passage? A. Just when you think you've got things sorted... B. Just where you believe there's no way out... C. How can we live a life without boundaries? D. How do we become victims of boundaries?  
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Is it possible to build muscle and meanwhile lose fat? Please allow us to bring the following two facts to your attention first.

Fact1: Losing fat requires a caloric deficit, which means consuming less calories than your body needs so that stored body fat is used for energy instead.

Fact 2: Building muscle requires a caloric surplus, which means consuming more calories than your body needs so that new muscle tissue can be created.

And it's this realization that leads those of us who want to build muscle and lose fat ideally at the exact same time to wonder just how we're supposed to make it happen.

The 4-week Online Workout Course professionally designed by Super Fitness will perfectly resolve the conflict, making it possible for you to both build muscle and lose fat.

Targeted groups: Male and female willing to be athletic.

Simply follow us along and keep your ears open to the tips and suggestions we keep giving while working out.We'll also immediately reply to any doubts or questions.

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What you're required to have:

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(1) What plays a role in both fat losing and muscle building? A. Caloric intake. B. Balanced diet. C. Muscle tissue. D. Physical fitness.
(2) What is necessary for those who want to take the course? A. Effective questioning. B. Perception of time, C. Enthusiasm for sports. D. A little willpower.
(3) What is the text? A. A health brochure. B. A commercial advertisement. C. A critical comment. D. An essay on a wellness website.
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"Legend", "hero" and "genius" are commonplace in footballing circles. The greatest of all time can be Pele, who remains the only player to have won three World Cups and almost reached a goal per game, scoring 1,279 in 1,363 appearances.

Born in Brazil in 1940, Edson Arantes do Nascimento was given the nickname Pele at school. Later, he played for local amateur teams throughout his youth and developed his skills as well as physical strength.

Pele signed professional papers in 1956, joining top-flight Brazilian side Santos FC. On his debut(首秀), he scored and by the following year, he was the league's top scorer and called up to the Brazilian national team. In 1958, he scored 58 goals in Santos FC-a record that remains unbeaten. In the same year, Pele made his World Cup debut and led Brazil to the champion, making him the youngest player to take part in, score in and win the final. On November 19, 1969, Pele scored his 1,000th goal in all competitions. Brazil won a third World Cup in 1970, with Pele scoring the opening goal in the final against Italy. He remained at Santos for 19 seasons, and retired from Brazilian club football in 1974.

The following year he signed for North American Soccer League side New York Cosmos. In his first public appearance in Boston, many fans crowded to the field when he scored, causing him injury and being carried from the field of play on a stretcher(担架). Pele's last professional match took place in August 1977, with Pele scoring his last goal, a free kick for Cosmos, from thirty yards.

Following his retirement from football, Pele dedicated his life to ambassador(大使) work, being appointed UN ambassador for ecology and the environment in 1992 and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in 1994. University of Edinburgh awarded him an honorary degree for his contribution to humanitarian and environmental causes, as well as his sporting achievements, and an honorary knighthood followed, with Queen Elizabeth II presenting the honor in 1997.

(1) When did Pele begin to play for the Brazil National Team? A. In 1956. B. In 1957. C. In 1958. D. In 1959.
(2) Why did Pele have to leave the field in his debut in Boston? A. He was too tired to continue the match. B. He was kicked by the opponent players. C. He got the red card and was sent off. D. He got hurt because of the crowded fans.
(3) What does the last paragraph imply? A. Pele became busy with UNESCO work. B. Pele went on learning to get a degree in the university. C. Pele contributed a lot to human beings and the planet. D. Pele made a difference to the British football development.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Pele according to the text? A. Talented and devoted. B. Generous and confident. C. Humorous and responsible. D. Brave and energetic.
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Children love getting dirty, with no regard for footwear or the color of their clothing. "Don't get dirty!" was once a constant family refrain, as parents despairingly (绝望地) watched their children spoil their best clothes. Whether they were running through farmers' fields or climbing trees, it was obvious that children's whites would turn brown before the day was over.

Today, many parents may secretly wish their children had the chance to pick up a bit of dirt. With the rise of urbanism(城市化), and the attraction of video games and social media, contact with nature is much rarer than in the past. For many, there is simply no opportunity to get muddy.

Many of the psychological benefits of outdoor play are already well established. Our brains evolved in natural landscapes. This means that natural scenes provide the perfect level of stimulation(刺激). which is thought to help recharge the brain when it is tired and easily distractible(注意力分散的). Supporting this theory, one study from 2009 found that children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)(注意力缺陷多动症) were better able to concentrate following a 20-minute walk in the park, compared to a 20-minute walk on the streets of a well-kept urban area. Being close to grass and trees seemed to have had a beneficial effect on their minds. The authors recommended using such "doses of nature" as a safe and accessible way of supporting children with ADHD, alongside other tools.

Outdoor play can also offer valuable learning experiences. For example, the act of shaping and stretching materials like mud or sand can help children develop the way their senses and movement interact, known as sensorimotor(感觉运动) development, according to the scientists at the University of Palermo, Italy. This allows the child to gradually understand his or her bodily signals.

Given the known psychological benefits, many day-care centers and schools are already encouraging greater contact with nature-with outdoor lessons, regular nature walks and the construction of mud kitchens that encourage children to play in the dirt.

(1) What does the underlined word "refrain" mean in Paragraph One? A. Resolution. B. Decision. C. Complaint. D. Judgement.
(2) Which is irrelevant to the reason for getting close to nature less? A. Living in the city. B. Getting badly ill. C. Lost in video games. D. Addicted to social media.
(3) What is Paragraph Three mainly about? A. The stimulation to the tired brain. B. The medicine for children with ADHD C. The mental promotion from city walking. D. The brain restoration from outdoor activity.
(4) What will the author be likely to talk about next? A. More benefits of outdoor plays. B. Further study on body signals. C. Many skills of playing dirt. D. Detailed information on mud kitchens.
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