
For eight-year-old Toby. who is deaf, watching films or TV can sometimes be a bit pointless, because so many of them don't have sign language versions. "We have subtitles but it goes too fast," his dad Jarod Mills said. But now, Toby has some help thanks to an app developed by a 17-year-old student, Mariella Satow, who created a signing app called SignUp.

She got the idea when she was teaching herself American Sign Language (ASL)—one of hundreds of sign languages used across the world. Mariella wanted to watch TV shows to help her learn, and she was disappointed to discover how few had signed versions. It's taken a year for Mariella to develop the technology, with lots of help from ASL teachers and the deaf community.

The app is available in the US as a browser extension—with an interpreter appearing in a box once the film starts playing. It only works on Disney Plus films at the moment, because that's where Mariella thought she could help the most children. Jarod, who works at a school for deaf children, says it was "exciting" watching Toby use Mariella's invention. He says, "Kids are getting information like any hearing child does."

Deaf people in the UK face many of the same barriers when it comes to cinema and TV. "A hearing person can go to the cinema any time whereas deaf people have to make sure there's a suitable viewing a time we're free," says 27-vear-old Stacey Worboys from Cardiff. She has learned British Sign Language (BSL) , and is comfortable using subtitles when watching TV shows and films. But she feels having an interpreter would make things "more inclusive", especially for someone who might struggle with subtitles. Stacey and Toby aren't the only people to be welcoming Mariella's app. It's now got thousands of users.

Stacey says a UK version of an app like SignUp would make films and TV "more accessible" for the deaf community. Mariella is up for the challenge—and hopes to make a British Sign Language version of her app for other streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. "There are more than 300 sign languages used worldwide, so it'll take a lone time to get all of those versions out," she says.

(1) Mariella created SignUp because of_________. A. her awareness of Toby's frustration B. lack of signed TV shows for the deaf C. her childhood memories in a cinema D. the encouragement from her teachers
(2) What will be Mariella's next challenge? A. To update the app for cinemas. B. To design a BSL version of the app. C. To launch a universal version of the app D. To promote the use of her app worldwide.
(3) Which of the following words can best describe Mariella? A. Creative and caring. B. Talented and humorous. C. Curious and fearless. D. Knowledgeable and humble.
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Every year, some 2. 3 million women and men around the world died from work-related accidents or diseases—that's more than 8, 000 deaths every single day—and at least 402 million people suffer from non-fatal occupational injuries. The number is enormous in terms of personal tragedy and hardship. And it comes with a huge economic loss. It is estimated that occupational accidents and diseases lead to a 5. 4 percent loss of annual global GDP. 

A safe and healthy working environment is so important that in June 2022 the ILO (International Labor Organization) took a historic step when it added a safe and healthy working environment to its Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. 

Why does this matter? It matters because occupational safety and health can now no longer be viewed as an optional extra. All of the ILO's 186 member states are now required to respect, promote and achieve a safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and right at work. 

This is significant for several reasons. First, it recognizes that every worker has the right to be protected from dangers and risks that can cause injury, illness or death in the workplace. 

By making occupational safety and health (OSH) a fundamental right, the ILO is sending a clear message to governments and employers of all countries that they must take responsibility for providing a safe and healthy working environment for all workers. 

When workers feel safe and healthy in their workplace, they are likely to be more productive and efficient. This can benefit workers, employers as well as the economy. Conversely, when workers are injured or become ill due to workplace dangers, it can have a significantly negative impact on productivity and economic growth. 

A safe and healthy working environment is now a fundamental right for each and every worker. Governments employers, trade unions as well as companies must work together to make this right a reality. 

(1) What is the function of the first paragraph? A. To draw a conclusion. B. To introduce the topic. C. To warn us of the danger at work. D. To call for the need of safety environment.
(2) What does a safe and healthy working environment mean to each side? A. It means a basic right to the ILO.      B. It means life and death to employers. C. It means a fundamental obligation to workers. D. It means economic growth to the government.
(3) Which word is the closest in meaning to the underlined word in Paragraph 6? A. Consequently. B. Contrarily. C. Conventionally. D. Commonly.
(4) What may be discussed in the following paragraph after the last one? A. The joint efforts by the four sides. B. The potential improvements to make. C. The history of workers' sufferings. D. The measures workers take to get protected.
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Mounting a telescope on the balcony at home, Wang Zhipu, a 16-year-old boy from Fujian province, observes the skies, takes photos and begins his voyage into space after class. Recently, bis efforts were rewarded when he won the title of" Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021" in the Royal Observatory Greenwich's annual astrophotography contest. His winning entry, entitled Family Photo of the Solar System, shows seven of the eight planets lined up horizontally, with the sun on the left and moon on the right, both pictured larger in size than normal.

"All families are unconventional, so I adored this fresh, gently playful concept around the solar system/' said the competition judge Sue Prichard while talking about Wang's picture. meaningful, technically accomplished work from a rising star of astronomical photography."

It hasn't been easy taking pictures of outer space. For about half a year. Wang had to calculate the best time to shoot planets when they're opposite the sun in Earth's sky to get the brightest images. What's more, he still needed to wait for clear weather to see better. For example, to capture a clear picture of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, which is often cited as the most difficult of the five brightest planets to see with the naked eye, Wang med to shoot it three times in the early morning but failed. At sunset, he shot 10,000 frames of video and selected several thousand better frames to overlay, further refine them and form a more satisfactory picture.

Sometimes, Wang would be so absorbed in his observations that he wouldn't go downstairs to fetch a coat even in the middle of winter. Other times, he stood for hours under the burning sun to get the perfect shot. To get an ideal shot, he often gets up at dawn, sleeps early to wake up at midnight, and even takes time off from evening classes when necessary.

(1) What kind of feeling does Sue Prichard show for Wang's prizewinning picture? A. Curiosity. B. Indifference. C. Admiration. D. Freshness.
(2) What did Wang need to do with the planets in preparation for his photographing? A. Figure out when they shine best. B. Find out what their weather is like. C. Work out how far (hey are from the sun. D. Make out when they face the earth most directly.
(3) What's the last paragraph mainly about? A. Wang's habits of observing stars. B. Wang's choices of shooting occasions. C. Wang's addiction to shooting skills. D. Wang's passion for outer space.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Stars Twinkling. Teenager Is the Brightest B. Medals Glittering, Teenagers Shoots the Gold C. Eyes on the Stars, Teenager Wins Top Photo-prize D. Dreams in Heart. Teenager Succeeds in Top Contest
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3. 阅读理解 

 The Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to the novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah,for his concern for refugees(难民)between cultures and continents. Gurnah,72,is the first black writer to receive the prize since Toni Morrison in 1993,and some observers saw his selection as a corrective after years of European and American Nobel winners. 

Growing up in Zanzibar,Abdulrazak Gurnah never considered the possibility that he might one day be a writer. "It never occurred to me," he said in an interview. Then,in 1964,a violent protest forced Gurnah,when he was 18,to escape to England. Poor and homesick,he began to write something about home in his diary,then longer passages,then stories about other people. Those reflections,the habit of writing to understand and document his own lives,eventually gave rise to his first novel,then nine more. They include Memory of Departure,Pilgrims Way and Dottie , which all deal with the immigrant experience in Britain;Paradise shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1994,about a boy in an East African country hurt by colonialism;and Admiring Silence,about a young man who leaves Zanzibar for England,where he marries and becomes a teacher.

The news of Gurnah's Nobel was celebrated by fellow novelists and academics who have long argued that his work deserves a wider audience. His longtime editor,Alexandra Pringle at Bloomsbury,said Gurnah's win was "most deserved "for a writer. "He is one of the greatest living African writers,and no one has ever taken any notice of him and it's just killed me. I posted a video on the social network last week and in it I said that he was one of the people that had been just ignored. And now this has happened,"she said.

(1) What inspired Abdulrazak to write?  A. His good education background. B. The stories he read about other people. C. A protest led by people in his hometown. D. His suffering when he first came to England.
(2) What did Alexandra Pringle's words indicate?  A. African writers should be valued more. B. She would rather die than see him become famous. C. Gurnah's books have aroused little attention online. D. Gurnah's writing talent should be known to more people.
(3) Where is this text most likely from?  A. A novel. B. A diary. C. A newspaper. D. A brochure.
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