
A very dear friend has been experiencing numerous challenges these past few months. She mentioned how it sometimes felt like she was hanging on by a thread with no quick fix in sight.

It reminded me that the monarch caterpillar (毛虫) that I cared for just changed into a butterfly that morning. After eating on milkweed leaves from our garden, the hungry caterpillar found a comfortable spot at the top of the net butterfly enclosure and spun a silken thread to attach itself there. The caterpillar hung upside down in a J shape for a day or so. Then, in less than a few hours of struggling, the caterpillar was a beautiful green butterfly!

All the research I've done indicates that the change into a butterfly should take between 10- 12 days. I can only imagine what is going on there, but I'm sure it's a huge struggle and reforming. Haven't we all been doing the same to some degree lately? These especially challenging times are presenting us with the unavoidable experiences needed for our inner selves to use as food for growth. Not easy? You bet! Worth it? Yes!

Many thanks to our local library for the loan of the butterfly enclosure. They raised and released painted butterflies as part of their children's summer reading program this year. I had no idea that planting a few milkweed plants would lead to such a fascinating study of caterpillars and butterflies. The caterpillar has kept me mindfully occupied and fascinated during our recent COVID 19 self- isolation.

Hanging on by a thread as we transform, keep in mind the beautiful wings we are growing. We are all somewhere in the midst of that unbelievable process. Trust the process. Have faith. Know that you are becoming the most beautiful person that you can be.

(1) What did the author's friend and the caterpillar have in common? A. They lived comfortably. B. They suffered from hunger. C. They experienced a hard situation. D. They were well cared by the author.
(2) What does the author say about the struggle concerning us in paragraph 3? A. It is avoidable. B. It is necessary. C. It is dangerous. D. It is meaningless.
(3) What does the author mainly want to encourage us to do in the last paragraph? A. Help friends in need timely. B. Learn from other creatures sincerely. C. Join in children's experimental projects. D. Face the hardships of life optimistically.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Life Is Hanging on by a Thread B. Avoid Challenging Experiences C. Reinvent Yourself as a Butterfly D. We Are Fascinated by Butterflies
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A lot of people think that college is all about getting good grades, but there are a lot of other things you could be doing to make your college experience more pleasant.

Always make study friends

It's way better to study with someone else rather than by yourself! If you have trouble focusing when studying, this will keep you off your phone and any other distractions, and you will feel the responsibility of actually studying since another person's time is at stake. Make sure you are arranging study sessions with the people in your class. You can make group chats through different platforms for you to meet in the library or online.

Attend your professors' office hours

Professors always have an enormous influence on your educational path. So, make sure they are getting to know you both as a person and as a student. Therefore, office hours are the perfect time for you to come to ask questions and show an interest in their class. Even if you don't have good grades, it shows that you are trying hard, and they love that.

Check your email

Please make sure you have a valid email address. Almost everything you do in college will involve your email. This is how most professors and every other person in the university community will communicate with you and vice versa (反之亦然).

Review the material that you didn't understand

Let's be real: There are two or three days a week when we just feel out of it. We often simply feel a lot of tiredness and very little motivation. It becomes very hard for us to learn something new or remember it. That is OK and every college student feels this way sometimes!

The important thing here is how we make up for the lost time to still have good grades in our classes, and I can give you a very easy strategy to follow. The key is to review the topic or material you were supposed to understand in class later that same day. Please do this!

(1)  Study friends play an important role in____. A. attracting your attention when you have trouble focusing B. driving you to devote more time and attention to your studies C. helping you arrange study sessions with your classmates D. making group chats for you to meet in person or online
(2) Why importance should be attached to professors' office hours? A. Because it is a good time for professors to leave a deep impression on you. B. Because you can show how good your grades are during the hours. C. Because it is a good chance for professors to further understand you. D. Because it is when you can share your interests with the professors.
(3)  What is the purpose of having a valid email address? A. To help students get in touch with their families. B. To keep students informed of school affairs. C. To collect useful information for the email users. D. To make it easier for others on campus to contact you.
(4)  What does the author suggest students do to achieve high scores in classes? A. Go over the topic or material later that day. B. Take enough rest and be motivated all the time. C. Consult the professors during office hours. D. Try to make up for the lost time as much as possible.
(5) Who will probably find this passage most helpful? A. Working staff in colleges. B. Senior students in universities. C. Would-be college students. D. High school teachers and students.
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The Best Smart Water Bottles of 2023 for Better Hydration (补水)

You can expect to pay between $20 and $120 for a smart water bottle. Less-expensive options may include some smart features, like Bluetooth connectivity, hydration reminders, or a power bank that can charge your smartphone. If you're looking for more advanced smart features, like self-cleaning modes, hydration tracking through an app, or location-tracking, then you may want to consider a more expensive smart water bottle.

Best Overall: Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Frequent hydration reminders Wide range of sizes and colors | Location-tracking feature

Cons: No self-cleaning feature

Best Budget: ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Can be locked when not in use | Plays music | Easy to use with one hand

Cons: Can't track your water intake | Only comes in one size

Best Self-Cleaning: Larq Bottle PureVis

Pros: Long battery life | Modern design | Durable

Cons: Can't track your water intake

Best Durable: CrazyCap UV Water Purifier & Bottle

Pros: Two self-cleaning modes | Comes with a lifetime warranty (保修期) | Wide range of colors

Cons: Can't track your water intake | Only comes in one size

Best for Tracking Hydration: Gatorade Smart Gx Bottle

Pros: Large capacity Can be personalized | Set goals in the app

Cons: Not insulated (绝缘) | Might not be as durable

Best Lightweight: Monos Kiyo UVC Bottle

Pros: Durable | Long battery life | Modern design

Cons: Expensive

Best Rechargeable: Philips Water GoZero Self-Cleaning Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Self-cleaning | Dishwasher safe | Two-year warranty

Cons: Can't track your water intake

(1)  What do Larg Bottle PureVis and CrazyCap UV Water Purifier & Bottle have in common? A. They can track the amount of water you've drunk. B. They have the same self-cleaning modes. C. They cost much more comparatively. D. They are easy to take with.
(2)  Which of the following is probably the cheapest to get? A. Monos Kiyo UVC Bottle. B. ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water Bottle. C. Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle. D. Philips Water GoZero Self-Cleaning Smart Water Bottle.
(3)  What is special about Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle? A. It can remind you of bottle cleaning. B. It's suitable for forgetful people. C. Its colors may match its designs. D. It comes only in one size.
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3. 阅读理解

Every morning on the island of Oahu, students at Pū‘ohala Elementary gather on a field as towering mountain s watch them from the mist. Their day starts with songs in‘ọlelo Hawai‘i,the islands' native language, restating values of respect and justice that their teachers hope willguide them through their education, and throughout their lives.

Like most kids their age, they're not concerned about the significance of the language they're learning. Still, they have a weighty responsibility: to receive the torch (火炬) and ensure the security of‘ölelo Hawai‘i for future generations.

It was only 50 years ago that the language was on the edge of extinction. Though the situation is much improved, in many ways‘õlelo Hawai‘i is still on life support. Teachers say there's a huge enthusiasm for school kids to learn the language, but as they grow up, they're encouraged to focus on "more useful" subjects and use English, which are believed to assist·them in achieving success in their work. In 2016, there were 18,610 Hawaiian speakers on the islands.

"One hundred thousand is the approximate number of speakers needed to consider the language safe," says Solomon, professor of Hawaiian language at University of Hawai‘i atMānoa. "The idea is that there are enough people passing it on to the next generation,socializing their children to use the language in all domains of life, to express all thoughts and needs and desires."

Fortunately, the kids of Pū‘ōhala Elementary will take the responsibility to continue the work of the current young adults defending the language, expanding access to‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i in part through TikTok and Instagram, and making the language a practical skill in adulthood.These youth, along with those committed to recovering the language from previous generations,share their hopes for the better.

(1) What are the students at Pū‘ōhala Elementary expected to do? A. To figure out the value of life. B. To go out of the island of Oahu. C. To pass their native language down. D. To draw people's attention to folk songs.
(2) What makes the students abandon‘õlelo Hawai‘i? A. Career development. B. The improved situation. C. Lack of enthusiasm. D. Little educational support.
(3) What is the current situation of‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i according to professor Solomon? A. It is used in all walks of life. B. It his considered a sa fe language. C. It demands more speakers to be safe. D. It has one hundred thousand speakers.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards the future of‘ölelo Hawai‘i? A. Worried. B. Hopeful. C. Unclear. D. Reserved.
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