
Last Sunday morning, I was sitting on the sofa in my parent's living room. Before me on the tea table was a worn journal of thin and discolored pages. It was my grandfather's journal and now belongs to my father. My grandfather had passed away in the months leading up to my birth. I never got to visit the places he had frequented and the people who had been a part of his life's journey.

I was now about to enter his world, through the words he had left behind. Within minutes, I was captivated by the power of the written words. In the magical script before me, I was transported to another age when food was an everyday art, planned, prepared and enjoyed in the company of others, and a time when people had the heart to pause their own lives to embrace each other's struggles. All this was conveyed to me in the beauty of the words that flowed together to connect with the writer's mind and understand the world they lived in.

That kind of writing seems to be lost on us today. We have gotten used to writing in bite-sized pieces for a public looking for entertainment, and hungry for information. No wonder, there are nearly

200 million bloggers on the Internet and a new blog is created somewhere in the world every half a second. Instead of adding to our collective wisdom, most of these writings reflect the superficiality(肤 浅) and impatience of our day and age.

This not only robs us of the skill of writing impressive essays, it also prevents us from exploring what is indeed important. Writing humbles us in a way that is vital for our character growth, by reminding us about the limits of the self and our appropriate place in the vast flow of life.

Writing frees us by helping us explore the unknown so that we really open up to the magic of the world around us. I saw all of this in the writing of my grandfather. And I've seen it again and again in the writings of the greatest thinkers of humanity. Their writing reflects deep thought on issues of human importance.

(1) What does the underlined word "captivated" in Para. 2 mean? A. Confused. B. Frightened. C. Defeated D. Attracted.
(2) In the age of the author's grandfather, people ________. A. lived a hard life B. were fond of writing C. cared about each other D. treated food as an art
(3) Why does the author begin the text with her grandfather's journal? A. To show her respect for her grandfather. B. In order to emphasize the importance of good writings. C. For the purpose of raising the problem with today's writing. D. Because he wants to express her interest in reading as well as writing.
(4) What is the writer's purpose of the last paragraph? A. To discuss what good writing is like. B. To express her strong desire to learn writing skills. C. To show her admiration for her grandfather's writing. D. To stress the effects of her grandfather's journal on her.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

You always found me on a basketball court or with a ball in my hand. It taught me many things about life. It also taught me that success requires hard work.

I played the sport up until one day my plans were cut short. I had my knee broken unfortunately, terminating my career as a player. Giving up basketball was one of the hardest things I've done in my life.

I did not want to lose that part of my life forever. I decided to realize my dream of basketball from a different angle; I signed up to coach a seventh grade basketball team. I'm not going to lie, at first I was a bit apprehensive. After all, I was only a senior girl in high school coaching a seventh grade basketball team.

My basketball team consisted of seven seventh grade girls and we practiced twice a week for one hour. It was not a lot of time, which often made it difficult to make progress in skill development. However, my skills were able to develop, but not in basketball. As a coach, I am supposed to be the one teaching them. But the girls that I coached did not realize that while they were learning, so was I. My players taught me many things like patience and confidence, and above all, a better understanding of myself as a person. They taught me how to be a good role model, and how to hold myself accountable for my choices. They taught me how to heighten my love for the game, and heighten my love for seven girls I didn't know I could grow so close to. Thank you for helping me grow as an individual and as a coach.

(1) What broke the author's dream of being a basketball player? A. Shortage of time. B. A serious injury. C. Lack of hard work. D. A terrible illness.
(2) What does the underlined word "apprehensive" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Concerned. B. Consistent. C. Considerate. D. Communicative.
(3) In which aspect did the author benefit most as a coach? A. Making choices. B. Basketball skills. C. Confidence building. D. Self recognition.
(4) What can be inferred about the author? A. She has parted with the girls. B. She will go for further education. C. She has stepped out of her shadow. D. She makes a living by training the girls.
阅读理解 未知 普通

Readers will discover explorers, landmarks and more in the following maps and travel books.

Maps Special Edition, ₤ 25

This book was already popular in our children's area and has been made even better with this special edition. The collection of 68 maps takes you through 58 countries and six continents. It is packed with illustrated information, including famous historical figures, local dishes, some festivals, landmarks, etc.

Maps of the United Kingdom, ₤17.99

Technically aimed at children, it contains lots of information and facts. It's very well put together, especially when it comes to choosing the seven famous people with a connection to their special place. Philip Pullman, for example, is associated with Norfolk.

Harry Potter's London, ₤3.99

Harry Potter's London is a map that covers information on three walks taken in the best of the central London locations in the hugely popular films. The walks cover Picadilly Circus, Westminster Bridge via Trafailg, and King's Cross with its famous Platform 9 ¾.

Ushorne First Sticker Book Flags, ₤5.99

Learn the flag of every country in the world by placing the flag sticker on the correct countries on the maps. This contains interesting facts about countries and flags. There are fun questions throughout, including, "Some African flags have a diagonal strip (对角条纹). How many can you find?"

(1) What knowledge does Maps Special Edition involve? A. World-wide popular festivals. B. The culture of many places. C. The history of 68 countries. D. Different editions of maps.
(2) The one that allows readers to match countries with flags costs ______. A. ₤ 25. B. ₤ 17.99. C. ₤ 3.99. D. ₤ 5.99.
(3) Who may be the target readers of the maps? A. Common people. B. Geography teachers. C. Young readers. D. Map collectors.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

The icy beauty of the Arctic attracts thousands of visitors every year to see its wonderful wildlife, landscape and local cultures. Visitors can take ships on a voyage along the Arctic Ocean or take flights to cities along the Arctic edge. No matter how one gets there, they should wear warm clothes and get ready to take in the attractions.

"Traveling to the Arctic leaves an unforgettable impression on the visitor. Its vast expanse and the fragility of its environment are two things that really blow __ away people," said Cheryl Rosa, the director of the US Arctic Research Commission.

 Visitors to the Arctic Circle will have a lot of activities to choose from if they want to see all that the region has to offer. Hiking with snowshoes,dog sledding and kayaking are common activities. Visitors with sharp eyes are likely to spot polar bears. To get even closer to the animals of the sea, visitors can go polar snorkeling with seals. Of course, Arctic adventures aren't complete without viewing the wonders of the Arctic Circle's large glaciers and icebergs as well.

 One of the most impressive attractions and maybe the most difficult to see is the Northern Lights, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They are natural lights that glow a brilliant green and light up the horizon. Sometimes they appear as waves that dance across the sky in different colors.

The best places to view the Northern Lights are in Northern Norway, Sweden's Abisko National Park, Iceland, America's Alaska or Canada's Yukon, according to Space. com. Charles Deehr, an expert at the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Geophysical Institute, recommended planning a trip between winter and spring, especially when there is a new moon.

Even though the Arctic is a popular tourist destination, don't forget that people live here too. "It is recommended that visitors go with tour groups that are respectful of Arctic residents (居民) and their culture," said Rosa. "Too many people can disturb the small villages. Finding tour groups that work with local communities is important. "

(1) The underlined part "blow away" in Paragraph 2 probably means "________". A. defeat B. affect C. move D. impress
(2) What can we know about the Northern Lights? A. They only produce green light at night. B. They are natural lights and hard to see. C. They seldom occur between winter and spring. D. The best time to view them is when there is a full moon.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Tour groups are not welcome among Arctic residents. B. The Arctic's population has been rising in recent years. C. Visitors should choose suitable tour groups when visiting the Arctic. D. Tour groups should get permission from local communities.
(4) What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage? A. To inform visitors of local culture. B. To recommend some activities to visitors. C. To introduce a popular tourist destination. D. To share a travel experience in the Arctic.
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