
Zhang Guimei, who has dedicated her 40 years to education at China's southwestern border, is a principal motivating young girls from impoverished families in mountainous areas.

Zhang was born in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang province in 1957. At 17, she came to Yunnan province to support the development of border areas. There, she stumbled into teaching and started a career as an educator.

After her husband's death in 1996, she went to teach in Huaping county, Yunnan's Lijiang. Five years later, she established a children's home and worked as a part-time president of it. The organization adopted a total of over 170 children, who call Zhang mom though she has never given birth to a child.

While teaching there, she saw many girls drop out of school due to poverty. To change the destiny of the girls in the mountain, Zhang started her preparation to build a free all-girls high school in 2002. In 2007, Zhang went to Beijing for the 17th CPC National Congress. Her report titled "I have a dream" delivered at the meeting made her dream known to all. Later, both the Lijiang and Huaping governments sponsored her with a million yuan. A year later, Zhang's school was completed, becoming the first free all-girls high school in China. During the past 13 years, the school has nurtured over 1,800 students who have made it to universities.

With no offspring and property, Zhang lives in a dormitory building with her students. She has donated all her cash awards, donations from others, and most of her salaries, more than a million yuan, to the children and other people in need. She suffers from 23 diseases, including heart disease and emphysema, but she is still working selflessly.

On June 29 this year, Zhang was awarded CPC's top honor July 1 Medal at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, where she said she did all this out of her gratefulness and love for the country, as well as the original aspiration and mission of a CPC member.

(1) What does the underlined word "impoverished" mean in Paragraph 1? A. badly off B. wealthy C. uneducated D. extended
(2) What's Zhang's dream mentioned in the passage? A. To change the destiny of the girls in the mountain. B. To lift girls in the mountain out of poverty. C. To establish a children's home. . D. To build a free all-girls high school.
(3) What does the passage mainly talk about? A. A woman who has committed all her life to education in urban areas. B. A woman who has ignited (点燃) hopes for girls in the mountain. C. A woman who is working hard and selflessly to realize her dream. D. A woman who was awarded CPC's top honor July 1 Medal.
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Scores of French love letters from the mid-18th century have been opened and studied for the first time since they were written. The letters – sent to French sailors by wives, siblings and parents – never made it to their intended recipients, but they offer rare insight into the lives of families affected by war.

Sent between 1757-58 during the Seven Years War, the letters were mostly addressed to the crew of the Galatée warship, and the French postal administration forwarded them from port to port in hopes of reaching the sailors. But when the British Navy captured the Galatée in April 1758, French authorities forwarded the batch of letters to England.

The 104 letters are written on heavy, expensive paper, and some have red wax seals. Renaud Morieux, the historian of the University of Cambridge, discovered them in the digital remainders of Britain's National Archives. Morieux spent months decoding(解码) the letters, and published his findings Monday in the French history journal Annales. 

In one letter, Marguerite Lemoyne, a 61-year-old mother, scolds her son Nicolas Quesnel for not writing:"On the first day of the year... you have written to your fiancée... I think more about you than you about me...In any case I wish you a happy new year filled with blessings of the Lord. I think I am for the tomb, I have been ill for three weeks. Give my compliments to Varin, it is only his wife who gives me your news." 

"The son who's at sea is only writing to his fiance, and the mother gets really annoyed about that," Morieux said. The letters also demonstrate the difficulty of long-distance communication in the 1750s. Many of the senders, like Lemoyne, were likely illiterate and dictated their messages to a copyist. Moreover, sending a letter to a ship constantly on the move during wartime was difficult and unreliable, and families often sent multiple copies of letters to different ports.

In an effort to maximize the chances of successfully communicating with a loved one, each letter had multiple messages crammed onto the paper, often from different families and addressed to multiple crewmates. To Morieux, the letters show how communities stay resilient(有韧性的) in times of crisis.

(1) What can we learn about the love letters ?  A. They were written by miserable French sailors. B. They documented the impact of war on families. C. They were researched many times in 1758. D. They were nicely preserved in Britain's National Archives.
(2) What can we know about Lemoyne in the fourth paragraph ?  A. She had no knowledge of her son's situation. B. She had a terrible relationship with her daughter-in-law. C. She deeply loved and missed her son. D. She was seriously ill and bought a tomb.
(3) What does the underlined word "illiterate" mean in paragraph 5 ?  A. Passionate. B. Frustrated. C. Individual. D. Uncultured.
(4) Why did people send letters to several crewmates ?  A. To accurately convey more information. B. To establish good relationships with other crewmates. C. To make sure gain connection with loved ones. D. To handle community crisis in a timely manner.
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In shallow coastal waters of the Indian ocean, Dugong, a kind of sea cow, is in trouble. Environmental problems pose such a major threat to its survival that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) upgraded the species' extinction risk status(地位) to vulnerable(脆弱的).

Much worse, Dugongs are at risk of losing the protection of the Torres Strait Islanders, who have looked after them historically, hunting them for food sustainably and monitoring their numbers. These native people keep their biodiversity, and have deep knowledge about their environment. But these people are also threatened, in part because rising sea levels are making it difficult for them to live there.

This situation isn't unique to Dugongs. A global analysis of 385 culturally important plant and animal species found 68 percent were both biologically vulnerable and at risk of losing their cultural protection.

The findings clearly illustrate that biology shouldn't be the primary factor in shaping conservation policy, says anthropologist Victoria Reyes-García.When a culture declines, the species that are important to that culture are also threatened. "Lots of conservationists think we need to separate people from nature," says Reyes-García. "But that strategy misses the caring relationship many cultural groups have with nature."

One way to help shift conservation efforts is to give species a "bio-cultural status," which would provide a fuller picture of their vulnerability. In the study, the team used a new way to determine a species' risk of disappearing: the more a cultural group's language use declines, the more that culture is threatened. The more a culture is threatened, the more culturally vulnerable its important species are. Researchers then combined a species' cultural and biological vulnerability to arrive at its bio-cultural status. In the Dugong's case, its bio-cultural status is endangered, meaning it is more at risk than its IUCN categorization suggests.

This new approach to conservation involves people that have historically cared for them. It can highlight when communities need support to continue their care. Scientists hope it will bring more efforts that recognize local communities' rights and encourage their participation — taking advantage of humans' connection with nature instead of creating more separation.

(1) What is the relationship between the native people and Dugongs? A. The native people help conserve Dugongs. B. The native people train Dugongs to survive. C. Dugongs ruin the native people's environment. D. Dugongs force the native people to leave home.
(2) Which statement will Reyes-García probably agree with? A. The protection policy is used incorrectly. B. Culture is connected to species' existence. C. Many groups take good care of each other. D. Conservationists prefer nature over people.
(3) How is the study method different from previous ones? A. It involves more preservation efforts. B. It relies on the IUCN's classification. C. It highlights the effect of human languages. D. It assesses the biological influence of a species.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards the latest approach? A. Conservative. B. Favourable. C. Critical. D. Ambiguous.
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A school district in Michigan has banned all backpacks from school buildings, in response to growing safety concerns. 

Flint Community Schools announced last week that backpacks would be banned and the ban would be in place for the rest of the school year. The new policy went into effect on Monday. 

"We are doing all that we can to create a safe and secure environment for our scholars, families, teachers and staff," Superintendent (主管) Kevin Jones wrote in a letter posted on the school district's website. 

Jones cited growing threatening behavior happenings across the country, including weapons being brought to schools, as the reason for the backpack ban. 

"Backpacks make it easier for students to hide weapons, which can be taken apart and harder to identify than hidden in pockets, inside books, or under other items," he said. 

Following the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, last May, where 19 students and two teachers died, schools began taking policies requiring students to use clear backpacks. However, Flint Community Schools have gone a step further and banned clear backpacks from school buildings, with the superintendent saying that it doesn't resolve the issue. 

"By banning backpacks altogether and adding an increased security presence across the district, we can better control what is being brought into our buildings," Jones said. 

Students are allowed to store personal items like wallets, keys, hygiene products (卫生用品) and phones in small purses, bring lunchboxes or place their gym clothes in clear plastic bags, all of which will be subject to searches. 

If a student brings a backpack to school, parents or guardians must pick it up from the school, according to Jones. 

The Flint Board of Education, the district's administration and headmasters approved the policy change, Jones said, adding that the district received support from the Flint Police Department. 

(1) What is the basic reason for the ban? A. Because weapons are flooded in the district. B. Because people's lives are threatened. C. Because other schools have led the tide. D. Because it is required by the government.
(2) Which does not belong to the safety rules according to the report? A. All backpacks are banned in Flint Community Schools. B. More security guards are on the campus in the district. C. All the things students take to school will be checked. D. Parents are required to pick up their children from schools.
(3) What can be safely concluded from the passage? A. The ban is a joint effort of the Flint district. B. All bags are banned in the schools of the district. C. A student will get punished if taking backpacks to school. D. There may be accidents after the shooting at Robb Elementary School.
(4)  What is the best title for the report? A. Safety Concerns in Flint Community Schools B. Weapon Threats in Flint Community Schools C. Backpacks Banned in Flint Community Schools D. Flint Community Schools Follow Suit Banning Bags
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