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Often in Scotland it can feel like the only difference between summer and the rest of the year is that it doesn't snow. (This isn't a guarantee!) But when the weather is good, it's a truly special place here are some things you can do in summer when the weather is nice.


With the richest wildlife across the UK, take the chance to see some of the less common sites. On the West coast of Scotland there are lots of places where you can take a boat trip to see many kinds of whales. If you prefer dolphins, you can see the most northerly colony of bottlenose dolphins (海豚) in the world just off Inverness in the Moray Firth. Of course it's likely that you'll see seals (海豹) and many other animals on these trips too.


The waves of Thurso right in the north of Scotland are just great. If you're not feeling brave enough to go in the water and prefer to watch from the safety of the shore then there're several major surf contests held there.

Another very Scottish activity ideal for good weather is "Munro Bagging". Named after Sir Hugh Munro, the 218 mountains in Scotland over 914m high are called Munros and walkers try to see how many they can climb in a set amount of time. This is not easy though conditions can change suddenly and many of the routes are very tough (艰难的).


Thanks to a large Scottish-Italian population, there are too many specialist ice cream sellers. One of the most famous of them is Nardini in Largs, Ayrshire. Not only can you watch people actually make ice cream but you can sit and eat in a beautiful refurbished (翻新的) 1930s building facing the river Clyde. There's even a piano player at the weekends.

(1) What are you recommended to see in Scotland during summer? A. A former colony. B. A variety of boats. C. Beautiful snow scenery. D. Animals living in the wild.
(2) What do we know about Munro Bagging? A. It is very interesting. B. It suits people of all ages. C. It is a challenging activity. D. It was named after a mountain.
(3) What can you do in Nardini? A. Watch surf contests. B. Enjoy great ice cream. C. Learn to play the piano. D. Make ice cream by yourself.
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Nobody likes to spend money on a new book only to face disappointment when it doesn't live up to your expectations. Here are the best book review sites to help you avoid buying books that you'll regret reading.


Goodreads is the leading online community for book lovers. If you want some inspiration for which novel or biography to read next, this is the best book review site to visit. There are an endless number of user-generated reading lists to explore.

Fantasy Book Review

Fantasy Book Review should be high on the list for anyone who is a fan of fantasy works. The book review site publishes reviews for both children's books and adults' books. It has a section on the top fantasy books of all time.


Booklist is a print magazine that also offers an online portal. Trusted experts from the American Library Association write all the book reviews. You can see parts of reviews for different books. However, to read them in full, you will need to subscribe.


YouTube is not the type of place that immediately springs to mind when you think of the best book review sites online. However, there are several engaging YouTube channels that frequently offer opinions on books they've read.

Although it's easy to be attracted by an impressive book cover, it's always best to have a quick look at the book reviews before actually buying a copy. This way, you can save your money and spend it on the books that you'll be proud to display on your shelves for a long time.

(1) Which site best suits people who want to buy a biography? A. Goodreads. B. Fantasy Book Review. C. Booklist. D. YouTube.
(2) What can visitors do on Booklist? A. Edit book reviews. B. Discuss with experts. C. Read full reviews after payment. D. Find information about writers.
(3) What is recommended before buying a book? A. Noting the book cover. B. Reading the book reviews. C. Preparing a display shelf. D. Checking the book's ratings.
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Old and unrestored theatres are all around us and yet so unnoticed. A new photobook unveils their often-overlooked beauty.

Proctor's Theatre, Newark, New Jersey

Although available outdoors from street sellers, food was banned in theatres to display respectability. In the late 1920s, however, the operators in Proctor's Theatre in Newark began to set up stands to improve the economic situation during the Great Depression. Popcorn and Coke would become a significant part

of the theatre's income.

Proctor's Theatre, Troy, New York

Originally opened as Proctor's Fourth Street Theatre in 1914, it hosted famous comedians such as Jack Benny and Bob Hope. From 1929, it was successively taken over, renamed as Proctor's Troy Theatre and switched to screening films. In the 1960s, it began playing second-run films before closing in 1977. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1979. In 2010, the theatre was repaired but is currently not being used today.

RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre, New York

Originally opened in 1928, RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre was designed by Thomas Lamb. In 1982, it was listed on the NRHP. In 1986, the theatre was bought and closed by its new owner who planned to build a shopping centre on the site, intentionally damaging the hall. In 2019, despite the preservation efforts, the hall was knocked down to make way for a residential tower block.

Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia

The theatre was originally opened as the Philadelphia Opera House in 1908. In the 1920s, it was renamed as the Metropolitan Opera House, showing silent films in addition to hosting various opera companies. In the 1940s, it became a sports arena. In 1954, it was turned into a church. In the late 1990s, the building was purchased by Mark Hatcher. The church and the developer came to an agreement on a repair for a music venue that was completed and reopened in 2018.

(1) In the late 1920s, Proctor's Theatre in Newark set up stands to _____. A. show respect for the guests B. increase the theatre's income C. promote newly released movies D. compete with the street sellers
(2) What can we know from the passage? A. RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre is well preserved. B. Proctor's Theatre in Troy plays second-run films now. C. Metropolitan Opera House has witnessed changes in its function. D. Proctor's Theatre in Newark has been officially listed on the NRHP.
(3) What is the purpose of this passage? A. To rank the old and unrestored theatres. B. To show the development of American theatres. C. To encourage people to protect the old theatres. D. To provide information on overlooked old theatres.
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2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards

A yearly contest for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year was held in London this year. The contest had 38, 575 entries from around the world. Let's have a scanning of four of this year's best works.

The great prize this year belonged to Karine Aigner of the US for an incredible shot of a ball of bees. The "ball" was formed with a lot of male bees fighting to win a single female bee. The picture was taken in southern Texas. Ms Aigner says that soon after the picture was taken, a female bee flew off with one of the males.

Dmitry Kokh of Russia won the award for Urban Wildlife. His picture of polar bears in an old house was taken on an island in the Chukchi Sea, between Russia and Alaska. Mr Kokh was on a boat when he noticed polar bears walking through an area where no one had lived for years. To get the picture without disturbing the bears, he used a quiet drone (无人机)to take the picture.

Fernando Constantino Martinez Belmar of Mexico had to wait in the dark in a cave filled with bats and snakes to get the image. Rat snakes in Yucatàn hang from cracks in the ceiling of the cave, hoping to grab one of the many bats that are flying out of the cave for the night. Using a red light that wouldn't disturb the animals, Mr Martinez Belmar waited until just the right moment to take the picture. He won the Amphibian and Reptile Behavior prize.

Nick Kanakis of the US took the picture of a wood wren (鹧鸪) —a bird that spends most of its time on the ground. The bird has its ear to the ground, listening for insects to catch and eat. After spotting a bird looking for food farther away, he stayed very still to get the shot, which won the prize for Bird Behavior.

(1) Why do the bees develop a ball in Ms Aigner's picture? A. To protect them from being shot. B. To struggle to get a female partner. C. To fight with their common enemy. D. To express their greetings to humans.
(2) Which animals in the pictures are hunting other animals? A. Bees and polar bears. B. Polar bears and the snakes. C. The snakes and the bird. D. The bird and bees.
(3) What does the text mainly tell us about the four works? A. The influence of the photographs. B. The background of the photographs. C. The introduction of their photographers. D. The technology used in the photographing.
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