1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

As the holidays rolled around this year,I (Susie)told my husband (James)not to buy me anything. I already

have too much stuff. I have no room for yet another item that will take up cherished space in our city home. 

However,I mentioned there is one exception:I will accept anything that can be consumed,like wine,chocolate,or flowers,something that doesn't leave a footprint and that I don't have to worry about breaking,losing,or maintaining. 

Our son cut in to wisely suggest me adding"experiences"to my list since they are more meaningful than things and are something that our family all enjoyed. I couldn't agree more and was happy he brought this up. The memories of experiences live on in our hearts and uplift us,which is in striking contrast to the dust that collects on the numerous items we acquire over the years that often end up stressing us out. 

I've always told James that additional things clutter(堆砌)my mind,like additional words clutter his. As a philosopher who is very deliberate and precise with his words, he got that instantly. So,we are on a personal mission to clean out our home. 

Science seems to support this simplification method as well. In a 2021 experimental literature review of 23 studies that involved more than 10,000 participants,researchers found a positive relationship between "voluntary simplicity"(often used interchangeably with minimalism)and well-being. Defined as "a lifestyle limiting possessions and clutter to live deliberately according to one's purpose,"the term was first coined by social philosopher Richard Gregg,who wrote a popular book titled The Value of Voluntary Simplicity in 1936. Since that time,others have expanded on the idea and that of minimalism with which it overlaps. Both terms share the core values of reducing consumption and redirecting one's attention from physical accumulation and goods to personal growth and human good. 

Practicing voluntary simplicity is associated with a number of psychological benefits,including enhanced mood,increased mindfulness,lower stress and anxiety,and better relationships,as reported in the recent Journal of Positive Psychology literature review study.

(1) According to Susie,her son's suggestion was ____ A. a wise comment B. a valuable reference C. an annoying interruption D. an unforgettable memory
(2) What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply? A. James broke his words deliberately. B. James bought the desired gift instantly. C. James decided to clean their house immediately. D. James realized the significance of minimalism directly.
(3) What is The Value of Voluntary Simplicity probably intended to do? A. Changing public viewpoints. B. Raising a growing public concern. C. Improving people's physical health. D. Restricting consumption of daily essentials.
(4) What aspect will be probably talked about next? A. Advantages of a collected mind. B. Mental influences of minimalism. C. Procedures of the psychology study. D. Ways to improve people's positive attitude.
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In 2013, Deegan was trying to take control of her life after winning the fight against drinking. She did quit, but she was having difficulty reconnecting with people. Even looking someone in the eyes proved to be difficult. "I was sort of like a shell of a person and just didn't really have many life skills or self-confidence," Deegan said.

However, baking was something that always brought her joy as a child. One day while helping out in the neighborhood, Deegan picked up a handheld mixer and started baking. "My life was just out of control, but baking is such a controlled thing, where if you take the right steps and follow the directions, you'll get a pretty exact result," she said.

Deegan started bringing her homemade baked cookies to people's homes, which helped her reconnect with people. "Feeding people is such a universal love language," she said. However, she was still trying to figure out how to find a career at 27 years old. She had no real work experience and she couldn't put "quit drinking" on her resume.

Deegan's life shifted in 2015. Encouraged by her friends, she challenged herself to see if she could sell just one pie. She sold dozens! She began baking out of her tiny apartment and eventually launched an official business in 2017. She spent four years developing a pie crust cookie recipe, which has since become the bread and butter of her business. "People have been walking, running and lining up to get cookies, and it's just been so magical seeing that," she said.

When she needs more help, Deegan says she looks for anyone who is just excited to work, even if they don't have any experience. After her own struggle, she realized that the desire to work was better than having a certain skill set. And she became a second-chance employer, hiring women out of prison or the shelter system. "You just have to walk through the door and be ready, willing and able and excited to show up and work and you've got a job," Deegan told the reporter.

(1) What was Deegan mainly struggling with in 2013? A. Emotion management. B. Interpersonal relationship. C. Work-life balance. D. Alcohol addiction.
(2) What prepared Deegan for her bakery business? A. Working previously in the baking industry. B. Seeing people running to get cookies. C. Wanting desperately to gain total control. D. Offering baked food out of goodwill.
(3) According to paragraph 4 and 5, what is special about Deegan and her business? A. She achieved success through baking. B. She was ambitious about her business. C. She has an open-door employment policy. D. She only hired inexperienced workers.
(4) Which of the following best describes Deegan? A. Creative and smart. B. Persistent and receptive. C. Honest and optimistic. D. Kind and easy-going.
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How much of your monthly grocery list ends up in the garbage? A new study reveals the average American spends nearly $1,500 per year on food they'll never eat.

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans reveals the average shopper wastes $1,493.93 on food per year. That's almost a fifth of their grocery bill after every shopping trip. One tenth of respondents claim they "never" purchase food they don't end up eating, while three in 10 say this is something they "always" do.

Half of respondents prefer to head to the grocery store alone, and when they do, half are more likely to stick to their list and 36% are less likely to buy food they don't want or need.

Keeping the list in mind is important, as 38 percent are more likely to let food be wasted if it wasn't originally on their shopping list. Seven in 10 add that when they go to the store on an empty stomach, they're more likely to buy foods they won't eat. So they don't do that that way. Some respondents appear to be in a wasteful cycle when it comes to food waste. Nearly half usually buy and end up wasting the same food every month because they think they'll get around to eating it.

"We can all do better to limit food waste by sticking to grocery lists and, when we get home, prioritizing eating our foods that are perishable, like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products" says Avocado Co-Founder and CMO Mark Abrials in a statement.

Three-quarters feel guilty about throwing away uneaten food because it's a waste of money—and 48 percent feel the same, due to the harm food waste causes to the environment. "When it comes to food waste, nobody is perfect," Abrials adds. "But in order to consider our environmental impact, not to mention wasted money, we think it's essential to be thoughtful about everything we purchase—whether that's food, mattresses or other goods."

(1)  What percentage of food do people buy but never eat? A. About 10%. B. About 20%. C. About 30%. D. About 50%.
(2)  What is the shopping habit of the majority of respondents? A. Doing shopping alone. B. Avoiding shopping while hungry. C. Sticking to the shopping list. D. Trying to buy fewer dairy products.
(3) Which of the following can replace the underlined part "are perishable" in paragraph 5? A. Go bad easily. B. Are rich in nutrition. C. Are easy to produce. D. Keep fresh for a long time.
(4)  What does Abrials want to express in the last paragraph? A. Less doing shopping means less food is wasted. B. Treasuring food is treasuring the environment. C. It's worth spending more money on food safety. D. Environment protection is as important as food.
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The Best Smart Water Bottles of 2023 for Better Hydration (补水)

You can expect to pay between $20 and $120 for a smart water bottle. Less-expensive options may include some smart features, like Bluetooth connectivity, hydration reminders, or a power bank that can charge your smartphone. If you're looking for more advanced smart features, like self-cleaning modes, hydration tracking through an app, or location-tracking, then you may want to consider a more expensive smart water bottle.

Best Overall: Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Frequent hydration reminders Wide range of sizes and colors | Location-tracking feature

Cons: No self-cleaning feature

Best Budget: ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Can be locked when not in use | Plays music | Easy to use with one hand

Cons: Can't track your water intake | Only comes in one size

Best Self-Cleaning: Larq Bottle PureVis

Pros: Long battery life | Modern design | Durable

Cons: Can't track your water intake

Best Durable: CrazyCap UV Water Purifier & Bottle

Pros: Two self-cleaning modes | Comes with a lifetime warranty (保修期) | Wide range of colors

Cons: Can't track your water intake | Only comes in one size

Best for Tracking Hydration: Gatorade Smart Gx Bottle

Pros: Large capacity Can be personalized | Set goals in the app

Cons: Not insulated (绝缘) | Might not be as durable

Best Lightweight: Monos Kiyo UVC Bottle

Pros: Durable | Long battery life | Modern design

Cons: Expensive

Best Rechargeable: Philips Water GoZero Self-Cleaning Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Self-cleaning | Dishwasher safe | Two-year warranty

Cons: Can't track your water intake

(1) What do Larg Bottle PureVis and CrazyCap UV Water Purifier & Bottle have in common? A. They can track the amount of water you've drunk. B. They have the same self-cleaning modes. C. They cost much more comparatively. D. They are easy to take with.
(2) Which of the following is probably the cheapest to get? A. Monos Kiyo UVC Bottle. B. ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water Bottle. C. Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle. D. Philips Water GoZero Self-Cleaning Smart Water Bottle.
(3) What is special about Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle? A. It can remind you of bottle cleaning. B. It's suitable for forgetful people. C. Its colors may match its designs. D. It comes only in one size.
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