
At my first lesson in Chinese calligraphy, my teacher told me plainly: "Now I will teach you how to write your name. And to make it beautiful." I felt my breath catch. I was curious.

Growing up in Singapore, I had an unusual relationship with my Chinese name. My parents are ethnically Chinese, so they asked fortune tellers to decide my name, aiming for maximum luck. As a result, I ended up with a nonsense and embarrassing name: Chen Yiwen, meaning, roughly, "old", "barley (薏米)" and "warm".

When I arrived in America for college at 18, I put on an American accent and abandoned my Chinese name. When I moved to Hong Kong in 2021, after 14 years in the States, I decided to learn calligraphy. Why not get back in touch with my heritage? I thought.

In calligraphy, the idea is to copy the old masters' techniques, thereby refining your own. Every week, though, my teacher would give uncomfortably on-the-nose assessments of my person. "You need to be braver," he once observed. "Have confidence. Try to produce a bold stroke(笔画)." For years, I had prided myself on presenting an image of confidence, but my writing betrayed me.

I was trying to make sense of this practice. You must visualize the word as it is to be written and leave a trace of yourself in it. As a bodily practice, calligraphy could go beyond its own cultural restrictions. Could it help me go beyond mine? My teacher once said to me, "When you look at the word, you see the body. Though a word on the page is two-dimensional, it contains multitudes, conveying the force you've applied, the energy of your grip, the arch of your spine." I had been learning calligraphy to get in touch with my cultural roots, but what I was really seeking was a return to myself. Now I have sensed that the pleasure out of calligraphy allows me to know myself more fully.

During a recent lesson, my teacher pointed at the word I had just finished, telling me: "This word is much better. I can see the choices you made, your calculations, your flow. Trust yourself. This word is yours." He might as well have said, "This word is you."

(1) What did the author initially think of her name "Chen Yiwen"? A. It was lucky so she gladly accepted it. B. She felt proud of its symbolic meaning. C. She understood the intention but still disliked it. D. Its strange pronunciation made her embarrassed.
(2) The author decided to learn calligraphy to ____. A. pick up a new hobby B. reconnect with her origin C. gain insights into a new culture D. fit in with local community
(3) From the teacher's words, the author learns that calligraphy ____. A. reflects the creator's spirits B. comes from creative energy C. highlights the design of strokes D. depends on continuous practice
(4) What does the author intend to tell us? A. Appreciate what our culture offers. B. Find beauty from your inner self. C. A great teacher leads you to truth. D. We are the sum of what we create.
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(1) Which of the following apps provides stories for children to learn English? A. Learning Time with Timmy B. LearnEnglish Kids: Videos C. IELTS Word Power D. LearnEnglish Grammar
(2) What is LearnEnglish GREAT Videos intended for? A. Offering expert advice. B. Getting ready for exams. C. Practising listening skills. D. Perfecting grammar.
(3) What do the listed apps have in common? A. They are about English teaching. B. They help explore UK culture. C. They provide videos and games. D. They can be downloaded for Android.
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The Luling Mountains in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, used to be a deserted area without even a single tree. Now, it is a leafy paradise for birds, and tourists are flooding in. The huge transformation has occurred thanks to the consistent efforts of Tian Wangui, 67, and his wife Lu Min, 63, over nearly half a century.

In 1982, the couple contracted(承包)the land-use rights of the two mountains near their home. They intended to plant fruit trees in the mountains to make a living. Back then, the mountains were deserted with no trees at all. To help the seedlings(树苗)they planted survive in the barren(贫瘠的)land, the couple had to carry water to the mountains on their backs. They also bought whatever seeds were available from a nearby forest farm and spread them every spring, hoping to afforest the mountains. With such an extensive planting method, however, they initially failed to see many seeds take root in the barren soil. But the couple didn't give up.

The couple's perseverance finally paid off. They discovered that some tree species were tough enough to survive, including pine and mulberry. Now, more than 50,000 trees of over 20 species cover the land they contracted, following their consistent efforts to sow tree seeds year after year.

As the mountains became lush(郁郁葱葱), Tian and Lu were charged with a new task-patrolling(巡逻)their nearly 67 hectares of forest every day to prevent fires. The patrol even didn't stop on the eve of last year's Chinese Lunar New Year. Instead of watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on Jan. 21st like most Chinese, the couple went to patrol the mountains with the families of their son and daughter. "Many people set off fireworks to mark the arrival of the new year, so the holiday is a time when we have to stay cautious against fire threats," Tian said.

The couple has no plans to quit their work, and they hope their children will follow in their footsteps. "We cherish the mountains and trees as we cherish our own children," Lu said. "Even as we grow old, they will continue to patrol the woods and watch over the birds."

(1) What does the second paragraph mainly talk about? A. The mountains. B. The forest farm. C. The poor couple. D. The tough condition.
(2)  What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. More than 20 species were sowed every year. B. Pine and mulberry cannot survive on the land. C. Their continuous efforts eventually worked. D. They bought 50,000 trees according to the contract.
(3)  Which of the following can best describe the couple? A. Honest and hardworking. B. Curious and brave. C. Determined and persevering. D. Friendly and intelligent.
(4) Why do the couple decide to continue their work? A. They regard the mountains as their children. B. They want their children to succeed their career. C. They can earn much money from the mountains. D. They have a life-long contract with the government.
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Have you ever felt as if the entire world was watching while you made a mistake? Well, here's some good news: it's likely that no one even noticed.

The spotlight effect(聚光灯效应)is a trick of the mind that makes us believe that people notice us more often than they really do. We experience the spotlight effect not only when we make mistakes but also when we perform well. It might hap pen when we make a mistake in a game, have a bad hair day, or give a terrible answer in class. It can also appear when we score a big goal or do a good deed. In these moments, it feels like everyone is watching.

The spotlight effect exists for we all get used to seeing things through our own eyes. Every person is the main character in his or her story and the events of our lives seem to have great importance. We are so busy examining ourselves that we actually observe very little about everyone around us.

The spotlight effect is a very common part of the human experience. However in some cases, it can lead to extreme social anxiety and nervousness around other people.

Everyone suffers some degree of social anxiety. We all care about what others think, and we all want to be liked. It's normal to wonder about what effect we have on other people. However, this can be a problem when the anxiety is too much to handle. If someone is so nervous that they can't make good decisions then its time to take action and improve the situation.

Learning about the spotlight effect is important because it can help us reduce our anxiety. The next time you feel like everyone is staring at you're mind yourself that it's just your mind playing tricks on you. Another good exercise is to make an effort to notice the people around you, rather than focusing on yourself. If you fill your mind with thoughts of your friends and family, it will help you be less self-conscious.

(1) What can we know about the spotlight effect? A. It makes people be the center of the attention B. It is an occurrence only when people do wrong. C. It misleads people over the attention they receive D. It often causes people to find fault with the others.
(2) What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us? A. The harm focusing on oneself brings. B. The reason behind the spotlight effect. C. The effect of being too hard on oneself D. The lack of connection between people
(3) What does the author say about social anxiety? A. It is normal but is hard to get rid of. B. It can easily lead to poor decisions C. It can result from the spotlight effect. D. It is difficult to avoid for certain people.
(4) From which is the text probably taken? A. A guidebook. B. A biology textbook. C. A news report. D. A research paper.
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