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With the ocean covering more than 70% of the Earth's surface, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)said scientists and researchers had depended on sonar(声呐)technologies to understand and map the sea floor which had charted only about 10% of the world's ocean. For the ocean and coastal waters in the US, the number is just around 35%.

We know less about our planet's ocean than what we know about the far side of the moon or the surface of Mars. Part of the reason for the lack of observation is the challenge of powering an underwater camera. Researchers have used ships to recharge cameras or observed with a camera tied to a ship to solve the issue, which is expensive and unsuitable for long-term observations.

Recently, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)have taken a major step to iron out this problem by developing a battery-free, wireless underwater camera that could harvest energy underwater on its own for long periods.

To keep power consumption as low as possible, the researchers used off-the-shelf, ultra-low-power imaging sensors. The device takes color photos, even in dark underwater environments, and sends image data wirelessly through the water.

The camera is powered by sound. It changes mechanical energy from sound waves traveling through water into electrical energy that powers its imaging and communications equipment. After getting and encoding image data, the camera also uses sound waves to send the data to a receiver that reconstructs the image. Those sound waves could come from any source, like a passing ship or marine life. As it doesn't need a power source, the camera could run for weeks on end before getting it back, enabling scientists to search remote parts of the ocean for new species.

Now that researchers have demonstrated a working prototype(原型), they plan to enhance the device so it is practical in real-world settings. For future application, these cameras may be used to take images of ocean pollution and create more accurate models to monitor climate change to better understand how climate change impacts the underwater world, and advance various undersea scientific fields.

(1) What do the data in paragraph I mainly show? A. Undersea exploration is poor in the US. B. Much of the planet's ocean remains unexplored. C. The mapping of the sea floor is time-consuming. D. Technology development matters a lot to sea observation.
(2) What limits the researchers' undersea exploration according to the text? A. The complexity of the sea environment. B. The concern about potential sea pollution. C. The shortage of investment in ocean exploration. D. The inability to effectively power underwater cameras.
(3) What does the underlined phrase "iron out" in paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Overcome. B. Face. C. Analyze. D. Illustrate.
(4) Which of the following can best describe the MIT underwater camera? A. Secure and stable. B. Expensive but effective. C. Impractical but advanced. D. Self-sufficient and energy-saving.
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Natural World Photography Competition Now Open!

Now in its 10th year, Big Picture encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their works to this competition that both celebrates and illustrates the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspires action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. Click here and enter your work for a chance to win cash prizes and be exhibited at the California Academy of Sciences!


Big Picture is open to all photography worldwide to compete for a chance to win the $5, 000 grand prize. Winning images include images named as grand prize, first place, and finalist images. They will be displayed at the California Academy of Sciences for all visitors to enjoy.

Competition Period

The Big Picture Photo Competition begins at 12:00 am on December 1, 2022 and closes at 11:59 pm on March 1, 2023.

Entry Fees

Each photographer can enter photos as follows:

$ 25 for up to 10 single image submissions in any category.

$ 15 for each 6 - 8 image Photo Story submission.

Photographers are limited to up to 10 image submissions per registered email address and may register an unlimited number of email addresses. Entry fees are used to provide the competition prizes and help the Academy in its mission and can not be returned.


Big Picture is open to all photography enthusiasts and professionals alike worldwide, except employees, volunteers and Board Members of the Academy (as well as their sponsors) and the immediate families and individuals living in the same household.

(1) Where is the text most likely from? A. A picture book. B. A science journal. C. A camera guidebook. D. A conservation website.
(2) If a photographer submits 17 single images, how much will he pay? A. $ 25. B. $ 40. C. $ 50. D. $ 15.
(3) Who can participate in the competition? A. Amateurs unrelated to the Academy. B. Experts as members of the Academy. C. Volunteers working for the Academy. D. Enthusiasts of the board member's family.
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Ideally located in the heart of New York Times Square, Yotel New York, a five-star hotel, has comfortable accommodation in a modern design.

The hotel has convenient transportation with an 18-minute walk from Fifth Avenue and Grand Central Station. John F Kennedy Airport can be reached directly from Times Square Underground Station.

All rooms include cozy beds, 54-inch HD TVs with free Sports and Movie channels, and free Wi-Fi. Each room also has luggage storage, and hanging space for clothing. Yotel New York also offers wheelchair accessible rooms and free accommodation for kids under 13.

American breakfast is served in Yotel New York every morning including fresh juice, corn flakes, buttered toast and scrambled eggs. A selection of salads, sandwiches and hot dishes are offered throughout the day.

Yotel New York is our guests' favorite part of New York, according to independent reviews. This area is also great for shopping, with popular brands nearby: Apple, H&M, Zara, Burberry and Channel.

Yotel New York is rated for the best value in America! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other hotels in this city. Come and stay with us!


Room type



Twin Room—non-smoking


Non-refundable Good breakfast $9

Double room—non-smoking


Non-refundable Good breakfast $9

Queen Room—disability access


Pay at the hotel Good breakfast included

(1) What probably makes a tourist choose this hotel? A. Airport pick-up service. B. Chinese-style breakfast. C. Good value for guests' money. D. A shop with popular brands in the hotel.
(2) If a person in a wheelchair wants to stay in this hotel for two nights, how much should he pay? A. $259 B. $339 C. $421 D. $430
(3) In which section of the newspaper will readers see the above information? A. Advertisement. B. Lifestyle. C. Entertainment. D. Business.
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If the benefits of physical activity were made into a pill, everyone would be on it. Studies show that moving improves nearly every aspect of health: boosting sleep, strength, and mental well-being. Still, most people don't exercise nearly enough. According to data published in 2023, less than a third of U.S. adults get the government-recommended amount of physical activity in their free time: at least 20 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per day, plus a couple of muscle-strengthening sessions each week.

Why is it so tough to get people to do something so good for them? Physical limitations, health problems and modern life are certainly factors for many people. But research suggests there's another factor: our brains don't want us to exercise. For most of human existence, people had to be physically active to carry out the basic functions of life, such as finding food. Humans evolved (进化) to tolerate a high level of activity — but also to conserve energy for when movement was unnecessary, explains Daniel Lieberman, a human evolutionary biologist. As a society, we no longer move much in daily life, but the evolutionary instinct (本能) to conserve energy remains, Lieberman says. "That voice 'I don't want to exercise,' is completely normal and natural," he says.

Physical-activity researcher Matthieu Boisgontier demonstrated that phenomenon in a 2018 study. He gave people control of a digital avatar (化身) while they were connected to brain-activity monitors. They were instructed to move the avatar away from images of sedentary (久坐的) behavior that appeared on screen and toward images of physical activity. The study found that avoiding sedentary behavior took more brain power, suggesting that we have an "automatic tendency" to pick relaxing over moving.

That conclusion shows up repeatedly in research. Studies show, for example, that people consistently choose to take a lift instead of the stairs. "That natural instinct isn't bad — it's just that modern life gives us so many chances to give in to our preference for rest that we have reached an extreme that is no longer beneficial to our health," Boisgontier says.

(1) What do data published in 2023 suggest? A. U.S. adults have poor health awareness. B. The recommended activities are impractical. C. Most Americans lack sufficient physical activity. D. Muscle-strengthening sessions deserve attention.
(2) What makes people unwilling to exercise according to Lieberman? A. The physical limitations. B. The basic structure of the brain. C. The convenient modern life. D. The natural energy-saving. tendency.
(3) What does the underlined part "that phenomenon" in paragraph 3 refer to? A. Sedentary behavior took more brain power. B. Most people tend to avoid physical activity. C. Humans evolved for a high level of activity. D. Brain-related activities attract modern people.
(4) What is Boisgontier's attitude toward people's physical inactivity? A. Doubtful. B. Reserved. C. Approving. D. Opposed.
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