1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

The world of underwater slumber is unlike what we see on the surface. For mammals (哺乳动物), a good night's sleep sends an animal into a state of unconsciousness (无知觉) during hours of restorative sleeping that helps heal the body and solidify memories firmly in the mind. For fish, however, sleep isn't such a well-defined process. Instead, many fish species have taken to spending short periods in a state of reduced activity or rest while keeping their eyes open to scan the water for potential threats. During these periods of reduced activity, a fish's bodily functions slow down and its watchfulness drops. 

The breadth of animals in the ocean that exhibit this type of reduced activity is wide-reaching. Among the hundreds of thousands of creatures in the sea, some merely ride along with the current, such as jellyfish. Others find rocky bedrooms for the night, while those such as stingrays bury themselves in the sand to rest. However, it must be really hard to get a good night's sleep when you breathe air but live in water. This is something that the world's underwater mammals have to deal with. 

To prevent themselves from drowning (溺死) in their sleep, underwater mammals such as dolphins and manatees have developed the ability to "turn off" one side of their brain to rest, known as unihemispheric sleep. While one side is fast asleep, the other keeps all the animal's vital functions running, such as breathing. Manatees, for example, love to sleep, spending up to 12 hours a day in a deep slumber. However, as air-breathing animals, manatees need to surface every 20 minutes or so for oxygen. To achieve this, the half of the brain that's still awake sends the sleeping manatee to the surface to get some air.

(1) What does the underlined word "slumber" in paragraph 1 mean? A. Rest. B. Sleep. C. Danger. D. Activity.
(2) Why is it hard to define sleep for fish? A. Because fish remain partially awake. B. Because fish need short resting time. C. Because fish possess no consciousness. D. Because fish pretend not to be sleeping.
(3) What is a challenge faced by underwater mammals? A. Hiding in sand. B. Riding the current. C. Finding spots to rest. D. Breathing while sleeping.
(4) How do manatees ensure their oxygen supply during sleep? A. By sleeping less. B. By adapting to the sea. C. By surfacing periodically. D. By controlling their breath.
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Climate change has been a long-standing issue that continuously drives scientists to find green, sustainable fuels. The universe's most abundant element, hydrogen (氢), has drawn their attention and is now on its way to becoming the future of green fuel.

More than $150 billion worth of green hydrogen projects were announced globally in 2020, according to Reuters. Airbus, a European multinational aerospace corporation, has taken the lead in the new sustainable fuel industry. It has designed self-contained hydrogen fuel cell pods that can be attached to the underside of airplane wings, promoting the use of hydrogen fuel for long-distance flights, which aim to achieve zero emissions. The company plans to launch hydrogen-powered aircraft in 2035, according to Daily Mail.

Compared to fossil fuels, hydrogen is a much more eco-friendly fuel. When hydrogen burns, the only by-product is water. However, the traditional way to get hydrogen from natural gas or coal generates considerable carbon emissions. The greenest way is to obtain hydrogen from water using electrolysis (电解) powered by renewable energy, although this process requires so much electricity that it is quite expensive. The key to making hydrogen competitive with fossil fuels is to lower the production cost to under $1.50. This would require lowering around 50 percent of renewable power costs and 75 percent of electrolyzer costs, according to Australia's renewable energy agency.

Also, shipping liquid hydrogen is challenging, given that needs to be chilled to -253 to do so. Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries is set to complete the construction of the world's first liquefied hydrogen carrier by early 2021. According to Reuters, most of the world's big hydrogen export projects are looking to ship hydrogen in the form of liquid ammonia (氨), which can be changed to hydrogen and needs to be chilled to only -33.

With more and more countries aiming to cut down carbon emissions to solve the issue of global warming, green hydrogen will help decarbonizing industries that can't be electrified hit the targets.

"We could use these circumstances, where loads of public money are going to be needed into the energy system, to jump forward towards a hydrogen economy," said Diederik Samsom, who heads the European Commission's climate cabinet.

(1) What is the strength of the hydrogen fuel? A. It works very efficiently. B. It is convenient to store. C. It is environmentally friendly. D. It produces no by-product.
(2) What is the challenge when shipping liquid hydrogen? A. The expensive cost of shipping. B. The required temperature. C. The construction of liquefied carriers. D. Changing it to the form of liquid ammonia.
(3) In which industries does green hydrogen benefit for? A. Those powered by fossil fuels. B. Those generating electricity. C. Those funded by public money. D. Those making hydrogen.
(4) What is the most suitable title for the passage? A. Fueling a Green Future B. Living a Green Life C. Shipping Liquid Hydrogen D. Making Hydrogen Competitive
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Fighting climate change by cloning trees

【USA Today(April 15, 2024)】

It's been struck by lightning at least three times and has survived multiple hurricanes. "Big Tree," an imposing southern live oak, sits in an unassuming park just outside Orlando's business district. Over 400 years old, the tree is so impressive that members of a Michigan-based nonprofit flew to Orlando in February to climb and sample it. The arborists are now in the midst of a monthslong process to grow new roots the from the clippings. The reason: To clone the historic tree, store its DNA and plant potentially thousands of replicas across the Southeast.

In order to clone an ancient tree, one must climb it. Helmeted researchers hoisting themselves up the trunk of a colossal redwood or sequoia in order to find a piece of live tissue. The freshly cut limbs and leaves are taken to the group's lab in Michigan, where propagators work to spur growth from the samples. The most common method is by rooted cuttings, which has long been used by horticulturists. In this method, a tip of a tree's branch is dipped into hormones, placed into a foam plug and set inside a mist chamber. Then, the waiting begins. A sign of life could take months to a year, if one comes at all. In another method called tissue culture, propagators take a quarter-inch of stem, drip it in a liquid made up of a dozen hormones and other chemicals, seal it in an airtight container and wait until it grows roots.

With each new tree, the group tries hundreds of combinations. The experts change the hormones, adjust the temperature of the test room and vary the amount of water being sprayed on the samples. About 90% will fail. However, those that form new roots are subsequently cloned. Because they're young, their success rate is much higher than that of samples from the original tree.

Experts lauded the group for its innovative methods and large-scale propagation, but they cast doubt on the assumption underlying the nonprofit's work: That the clones will prosper as the originals have. Scott Merkle, a professor of forest biology at the University of Georgia, said there are many factors that contribute to a tree's age in addition to genetics: the site it's sitting on, what's interacting with it in the soil, the surrounding environment and luck.

"There's so many variables that there's certainly no guarantee that they will be able to survive and perform better than other trees that you might put out on the landscape," Merkle said. He added that the sheer age of historic trees makes them difficult to study: "There's no real way to test these hypotheses in our lifetimes. I think it's a great thing that they're doing. I just don't know how realistic it is."

(1) which of the following words can best replace the underlined one "replica" in paragraph one? A. reproduction B. version C. portrayal D. equal
(2) What does horticulturists usually do to spur growth from the samples? A. they climb the trunk of a tree and find a piece of live tissue B. they make use of a stem and a liquid full of various hormones C. they apply hormones on the tip of a tree's branch and wait D. they plant the samples in an airtight container
(3) What can we learn from comments from Scott Merkle? A. the clones will definitely thrive as the original old trees do B. it is the tree's genetics that decide the longevity of an old tree C. propagators can guarantee the survival of the clone trees by adapting variables D. it is hard for one generation to test the performance of the clone trees
(4) what does the passage mainly talk about? A. experts to store old tree's DNA by cloning B. experts to invent new ways to protect historic trees C. experts to arise intensive debates on environmental protection D. experts to promote new species by cloning
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Earthquake prediction has long been a challenge for scientists around the globe since the geological phenomenon can occur at any time and any location with little or no warning. The chance of a powerful earthquake can only be determined through long-term forecasts in a general area or region on Earth.

Throughout history, no individual or group has yet successfully predicted a major earthquake: including its date and time, location and magnitude. These are the three element s essential to make an earthquake, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). While small earthquakes occur all the time, high-intensity earthquakes are rare but is something to watch out.

Now, a new study led by researchers from Pennsylvania State University found a potential solution to the dilemma of earthquake forecast: ancient underthrust rocks. Rocks buried deep in ancient subduction (俯冲) zones—where tectonic ( 地壳的) plates bump with each other—could help scientists make better predictions of how these zones behave during the years between major earthquakes.

According to the USGS, we are still uncertain how we can make such feat and are not expecting to perfectly predict major earthquakes any time in the foreseeable future.

Although some people in the past said they could predict earthquakes, the U. S. Government agency asserts these are all failed predictions. Their predictions are neither grounded on scientific fact nor passed through the scientific method.

Since authorities in the field of geology and other related areas acknowledged that earthquake prediction is still far from being completed, scientists continue to further understand this mystery. Unlike weather forecasts of hurricanes and other storms, earthquakes have no concrete parameters (参数) that would indicate that they would occur in the coming hours, days, weeks or months.

Regardless, the Penn State researchers have made progress in the dilemma by understanding the underthrust rocks in ancient subduction zones. Determining this area could help scientists better predict the behavior of these zones during periods between major earthquakes. Evidence of their findings was based on clues from rock formations in Alaska and Japan.

(1) What is the hard nut as to earthquake prediction? A. Earthquakes often occur in unexpected areas. B. No scientists can tell how earthquakes happen. C. The geological structure is too complicated. D. It is hard to predict earthquakes accurately.
(2) What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4? A. Take actions. B. Achieve success. C. Adopt measures. D. Face challenges.
(3) Why can hurricanes be accurately forecasted? A. Because they can be tracked through the specific data. B. Because they usually happen in some particular places. C. Because they can be confirmed by the practical experience. D. Because they often take place during hot summer time.
(4) What is the best title for the passage? A. Ancient underthrust rocks help in earthquake prediction. B. Earthquake prediction remains a problem to work out. C. Underthrust rocks indicate coming violent earthquakes. D. Scientists can successfully predict destructive earthquakes.
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