1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

July was the world's hottest month on record. Wildfires this summer destroyed a Hawaiian city and caused excuations(疏散) in Canada. Greece, and Thailand. Floods devastated towns in Vermont in July and killed thousands of Libyans in September.

John Vaillant's new book Fire Weather aims to shake us out of this with a tale of terror from a climate change frontline: the city of Fort McMurray, in northern Canada's vast forest, where an uncontrollable wildfire during an exceptionally warm spring in 2016 flooded entire communities within days.

Vaillant tells his story at disaster-movie pace, starting with the glimpse of smoke on the horizon and assurances from the authorities that all will be fine. Mounting misfortune follows as the flames lick golf courses on the city's edge. By the end, 90, 00 people had been evacuated, 2,500 structures destroyed, another 500 damaged. The energy generated by the fire created its own weather system, with hurricane force winds and lightning strikes.

What attracts me most is the book's central irony. The story takes place in Fort McMurrary, which is the industrial centre of northern Alberta's tar sands, one of the world's largest fossil fuel deposits. It is a city whose existence depends on the hydrocarbons whose burning caused climate change; but whose existence almost ended in a climate-caused burning.

Fire Weather isn't a typical disaster book. Vaillant's references to Nassim Taleb, Lucretius, Seamus Heaney, The Lord of the Rings, Xerxes, and Moby-Dick can grant. But Vaillant's theme is also catching my eyes. Our industrial world is releasing carbon at a rate 10 times faster than scientists can find in the geological record for the past 250mn years, he writes. "Thanks to fire and our appetite for boundless energy, we have evolved into a geologic event that will be measurable a million years from now."

(1) What's the purpose of mentioning the examples in paragraph 1? A. To show the varieties of nature disasters. B. To engage the readers in the same topic. C. To indicate the difficulties of these areas. D. To provide the background of the book.
(2) What's special about the book according to this passage? A. Plot and viewpoint. B. Character and conflict. C. Setting and theme. D. Tone and style.
(3) What does the underlined word "grant" in paragraph 5 mean? A. Be presented. B. Be refused. C. Be preserved. D. Be recorded.
(4) Where as the text most probably taken from? A. An essay on the climate change. B. A guidebook to Fort McMurrary. C. A review of world disasters. D. An introduction to a book.
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Eli Zied was supposed to focus on his grades and his future plans for college at the age of 15. But at that time, he started his own business and created a fashion brand called Habits 365.

Eli's business talents and interests appeared around age 12 when he started buying and reselling sneakers. It inspired him "to create a brand that everyone could relate to," Patch Southampton magazine reported.

It was in August 2017 that he came up with the idea to create his own brand. "Habits influence your life, and the better your habits are, the more successful you will be in the long run," Eh told Forbes.

He created designs and logos for his brand. Meanwhile, Eli brought his older brother Spencer Zied into the company as chief operating officer. Thanks to their early accumulated profits from reselling sneakers, the Zieds gained startup capital to invest in initial inventory and packaging. But one of the difficulties was how to expand their brand exposure. On the first night of their new business, they texted friends and asked them to follow the newly created Habits 365 Instagram account.

They also reached out to influential athletes, musicians and agents through Instagram with offers of free goods in exchange for a photograph or a post. This strategy worked out. Now, even NBA All-Star Giannis has worn the clothes of Habits 365.

For Eli Zied, the teenage CEO, perhaps the biggest challenge is how to balance his study and business. "I do homework and study for exams when I first get home from school and work on the business at the end of the day once my school is completed," said Eli. "That is still my main priority. "

Eli, now an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was surprised by the brands success. Habits 365 will be expected to reach 1 million in profit by the end of 2021, he told Yahoo Finance. "I believe that one day Habits 365 will be one of the biggest street wear brands in the world," he told Forbes.

(1) What encouraged Eli to develop his own brand? A. His school reports. B. His early trade experience. C. His viewpoints of habits. D. The success of other brands.
(2) Which of the following can best describe Eli? A. Generous. B. Helpful. C. Ambitious. D. Tolerant.
(3) What is the most challenging for Eli at present? A. Whether to create his own study zone. B. How to succeed in academy and business. C. Whether to play to his strengths. D. How to manage his company.
(4) What can be the best title for the text? A. Time Management B. A Successful Teen CEO C. A Respectable Teen D. Fortune Accumulation
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2. 阅读下列短文. 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中. 选出最佳选项。

Painting is an ancient medium and even with the introduction of photography, film and digital technology, it still has remained a persistent mode of expression. So many paintings have come into being over the years but only a small percentage of them could be described as "timeless classics". The following are some of the most famous paintings of all time. 

Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503—1519

Painted between 1503 and 1519, Leonardo da Vinci's attractive portrait has been a subject of controversy since the day it was made, due to two questions: Who's the subject and why is she smiling? A number of theories for the former have been provided over the years: That she's the wife of the Florentine merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo del Giocondo and that she's Leonardo's mother, Caterina. As for that famous smile, its quality has driven people crazy for hundreds of years. 

James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1. 1871

Whistler's Mother, or Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1, as it's actually titled, speaks to the artist's ambition to pursue art for art's sake. James Abbott McNeill Whistler painted the work in his London studio in 1871. Whistler's mother Anna is pictured as one of several elements locked into an arrangement of right angles. Her severe expression fits in with the rigidity of the composition, and it's somewhat ironic to note that despite Whistler's formalist intentions, the painting became a symbol of motherhood. 

Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434

As one of the most significant works produced during the Northern Renaissance, this composition is believed to be one of the first paintings finished in oils. It portrays an Italian merchant and a woman who may or may not be his bride. In 1934. the celebrated art historian Erwin Panofsky proposed that the painting is actually a wedding contract. What can be reliably said is that the piece used orthogonal perspective to create a sense of space. It feels like a painting you could step into. 

(1) What aspect of the Mona Lisa has attracted people for centuries? A. The research methods. B. The mysterious smile. C. The attractive clothing. D. The matching of colors.
(2) Why did Whistler paint her mother? A. To show love for his mother. B. To be a symbol of motherhood. C. To express his artistic intention. D. To decorate his studio in London.
(3) Who used orthogonal perspective to create a sense of space? A. Leonardo da Vinci. B. James Abbott McNeill Whistler. C. Jan van Eyck. D. Erwin Panofsky.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Finland's system for returning drink containers started in the 1950s, and today almost every bottle and can is recycled. Convenience is the cornerstone of the system's success.

Nowadays there are almost 5,000 container-return machines across Finland. Most of them are located in the same shops that sell drinks, making returning them a convenient part of people's routine. Hotels, restaurants, offices, schools and event organizers return containers through their drink providers.

The return machines are easy to use. You place a bottle or can on a set of mini conveyor belts at the front of the machine. They carry it past a scanner and out of sight. The machine sorts the bottles and crushes the cans. When you're done, you press a button and the machine gives you a receipt. Plastic bottles are worth 20 to 40 cents, depending on their size, while glass bottles are worth 10 to 40 cents and aluminium(铝) cans are 15 cents. The returned containers are recycled or the materials are reused. Across Finland, on average, every Finn returns 373 items in a year: 251 aluminium cans, 98 plastic bottles and 24 glass bottles.

The government has entrusted this function to the private agency. "Palpa is completely nonprofit and receives no government funding," says Tommi Vihavainen, Palpa's director of producer services, ICT and communication.

Russia, the UK and other countries have shown interest in the Finnish system. "Most visitors want to see how the return system works in Finland," says Vihavainen. "We don't act as consultants, but we're proud to present our system."

(1) What do we know about Finland's system for returning drink containers? A. It still has a long way to develop. B. It gains popularity for its convenience. C. It used to be fashionable but now out-dated. D. It's supported financially by the government.
(2) Why does the writer use the figures in paragraph 3? A. To show Finns consume various drinks. B. To help make the story more interesting. C. To make the impact of the system convincing. D. To guarantee the proper logic of the passage.
(3) What's Vihavainen's attitude towards the return system? A. Indifferent. B. Positive. C. Pessimistic. D. Dismissive.
(4) What is the passage mainly about? A. Finland's recycling programme keeps bottles off streets. B. The return machines in the world are popular and easy. C. Palpa—a complete nonprofit to recycle the bottles. D. Finland—a country free of waste such as bottles.
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