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For as long as I can remember, my body and I have shared a relationship of discontent. Growing up, I was skinnier than the other kids and at five I was told I wasn't attractive and that I must put on some weight. But no matter how much I ate, I stayed thin for years until adolescence. Then I started putting on weight almost immediately. I remember feeling happy as I began to fill out. However, my joy didn't last long.

I was thirteen when I was first called fat. Friends and neighbours would make jokes on my big size. As I entered my late teens, I had completely lost confidence in my body and, subsequently, in myself. Having failed to live up to conventional beauty standards, I was convinced that if I wanted to be loved, I needed to offer more, doing anything to please everyone around.

I entered adulthood thinking I wasn't "enough"—an idea that was seeded not only by the fact that "skinny" is celebrated, but also by the language associated with accounts of losing weight—self-improvement, discipline—all virtues. Being fat quickly categorizes you as lazy and undisciplined. Consumed by thoughts of the way my body looked, I didn't notice the other ways my body needed attention. I failed to realize, for example, that my period was much heavier and more painful than ever before. Actually I developed a rare disease and later I had two surgeries.

I was always made to feel that my weight was the root of a lot of problems in my life; I have learnt this is not true. After a lot of self-­reflection and some professional help, I realized I never learnt to like myself. While two decades of selfhatred cannot be undone overnight, I have taken first steps to acceptance.

I am now much lighter than before, in body and mind. There are days I find voices on social media saying I am too fat to be loved or to be worthy, but I am learning not to focus on that thought for long. As long as I like myself, just the way I am, opinions at the end of the day are just water off a duck's back.

(1) What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs? A. She could change her weight at will. B. She had different beauty standards from others. C. She tried to love others to build her confidence. D. She was greatly influenced by others' opinions.
(2) Why did the author think she wasn't "enough"? A. She was poorly disciplined. B. She failed to celebrate "skinny". C. She was labeled as lazy for her weight. D. She put on more weight after entering adulthood.
(3) What caused the author to make a change? A. Her lighter body. B. A troublesome illness. C. Popular beauty standards. D. Others' critical comments.
(4) What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Beauty matters. B. Opinions vary. C. Worth your weight. D. Beyond your limits.
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A year of lockdown has brought about some questionable fashion trends. In US suburbs, bathrobes and slippers are now socially-acceptable clothing for a trip to the grocery store.

Ugly shoes are also having a moment. Crocs, the maker of plastic clogs木屐 now with a market worth of $5.3 billion, had a record 2020. The distinctive shoes, with their punch (打孔机) hole design, have long been popular with hospital staff. During the COVID-19 outbreak, they have become a sought-after item for those looking for something easy to wear and clean. The company sold more than 69 million pairs of shoes in 2020 and pulled in nearly $1.4 billion, a 13% jump from 2019. The share price, up 650 per cent from its pandemic low, has set repeated new highs this year.

Birkenstock is another brand riding high on the shift to a more casual lifestyle. The German group recently sold itself to a LVMH-backed group in a €4 billion deal.

The two brands' popularity shows no sign of fading. Poshmark, the second-hand clothing app, said Crocs and Birkenstock remained top trending brands on its site in March. Sales are up sharply for both compared with the year-ago period. Cooperation with celebrities (Justin Bieber for Crocs, women's brand Proenza Schouler for Birkenstock) should help maintain the trend.

The same cannot be said for dress shoes, which were already falling out of fashion. Office closures and fewer special occasions such as weddings and graduations have accelerated the trend. Sales for the category plummeted last year, according to market researchers The NPD Group. These accounted for only 8% of total fashion footwear dollar sales in 2020, compared with 17% in 2017.

People will soon reach again for going-out clothes, more formal than pajamas(睡衣). But the market for dress shoes will never recover entirely. The ugly shoe movement is here to stay.

(1) What does the underlined word "plummeted" in paragraph 5 probably mean? A. Increased sharply. B. Increased slightly. C. Decreased sharply. D. Decreased slightly.
(2) What's the author's opinion apout the prospect of ugly shoes? A. Uncertain. B. Pessimistic. C. Cautious. D. Confident.
(3) What can be tho best title of this passage? A. Crocs give dress shoes a kicking. B. Casual clothes are making a comeback, C. Punch hole design becomes a trend. D. Dress shoes are falling out of fashion.
(4) What's the purpose of this text? A. To recommend new shoes. B. To present a new tendency. C. To change people's lifestyle. D. To question a fashion trend.
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I recall when I was a young girl back in Canada, I was sitting and watching a baseball game on TV with my father and we started to debate the importance of sports. Different from my father, I argued with all the overconfidence of a teenager that sports is more than just a hobby to keep us physically healthy and went as far as claiming that "There would be more wars if we didn't have sports!"

As an adult, my teenage tendencies of exaggeration (夸张)may have faded but I still firmly believe that sports is more than just a hobby for both participants and audience. The challenging times we are all living through right now with coronavirus is proof to this. The effect of cancelling all sports from professional leagues right down to amateur budding athletic programs, can be felt by millions of people worldwide. To many the social emotional impact is stronger than the physical. The loss of the sense of community, of belonging, and of an extended family is real for many girls, boys, men and women everywhere. Others are feeling physical challenges as well as they are struggling to stay active during these times.

But the human race is incredible and adaptable in tough situations, and sports once again is playing a role. Sports teams are staying in touch online and are a source of much needed support, love and laughter in these times. So many professional athletes are playing vital roles through this crisis by sharing their messages of support and at times, making valuable monetary donations to the cause. Even in areas of isolation, people are coming out on their balconies and leading their neighbours through a workout programme to help them stay active. Others are turning to online workout programmes to follow. Once again, sports is finding its way.

So, in challenging times such as now, people are still empowered to continue their sports journey and stay strong and healthy.

(1) What may the author's father agree about sports? A. It is a personal hobby. B. It boosts confidence. C. It affects social relations. D. It helps avoid wars.
(2) How does life without sports affect people? A. They lack family connection. B. They have lost their hobbies. C. They feel bored more than lonely. D. They suffer both in body and mind.
(3) How do isolated people respond to the tough situations? A. Struggle to be athletes. B. Try to stay physically active. C. Make donations to good causes. D. Design new sports programmes.
(4) What is the best title? A. Sports reduces risks in our lives B. Sports continues to offer strength C. Sports makes the impossible possible D. Sports has new functions in the pandemic
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Compost (堆肥) is one of the most wonderful things in the world. You take organic matter that would otherwise end up in landfills and create a nutrient-rich material that will help make gardens grow, flowers bloom and make it easier to feed the world. Thanks to Tipa, an Israeli start-up, you will soon be able to add plastics to your compost mix. 

Plastic is one of the most challenging problems on the planet. As No Camels reports, it often takes 500 years for plastic to break down, and even then, microplastics remain in water or on land. Furthermore, according to Inc. Com, even though plastic can theoretically be recycled, less than 5 percent of flexible plastic packaging that is put into recycling by consumers is actually recycled. 

But that doesn't need to be the case anymore.

Now, Tipa and other companies have begun to create plastics that are able to biodegrade like any organic matter does. When asked how she got the idea of creating compostable flexible plastics, Dafna Nissenbaum, the CEO and co-founder of Tipa, said, "Nature also packs its products, like bananas, apples and oranges, but with a compostable material. Our plastics will break down exactly like any other organic material and turn into solid fertilizer (肥料)."

Unlike other compostable plastics on the market, Tipa's plastics can be fully composted in home composts. This means that the average person with a garden compost could use their packaging and just throw it in the compost instead of the recycling bin when they are done with it.

Another thing that Tipa has been doing is to create partnerships with existing producers instead of creating their own factories. The company's materials are purposefully designed to be compatible (兼容的) with machinery that already exists and produces non-compostable plastics. Tipa says that fits in with its goal of creating a sustainable future.

Tipa has partnered with some high-end designers. Both Stella McCartney and Mara Hoffman use Tipa's products to package their products. Many brands are now aware that using sustainable packaging will endear them to customers, and Tipa helps them do that.

(1) What does paragraph 2 focus on? A. The difficulty of dealing with plastic. B. The harm caused by water pollution. C. The problem of the packaging industry. D. The barrier to recycling plastic products.
(2) What does Dafna Nissenbaum try to tell? A. Her confidence in the fertilizer market. B. Her strong desire to get close to nature. C. Her inspiration for Tipa's new plastics. D. Her high praise for the beauty of nature.
(3) What does Tipa do to pursue sustainability? A. It cooperates with existing producers. B. It designs materials to fit new machinery. C. It stops partnering with high-end designers. D. It creates its own plastic factories worldwide.
(4) Which of the following can serve as the best title for the text? A. The Packaging Industry Is Growing Faster B. New Plastics Make Packaging Compostable C. Compost Is the Real Source of Sustainability D. Solutions to Plastic Waste Have Been Found
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