
I recall when I was a young girl back in Canada, I was sitting and watching a baseball game on TV with my father and we started to debate the importance of sports. Different from my father, I argued with all the overconfidence of a teenager that sports is more than just a hobby to keep us physically healthy and went as far as claiming that "There would be more wars if we didn't have sports!"

As an adult, my teenage tendencies of exaggeration (夸张)may have faded but I still firmly believe that sports is more than just a hobby for both participants and audience. The challenging times we are all living through right now with coronavirus is proof to this. The effect of cancelling all sports from professional leagues right down to amateur budding athletic programs, can be felt by millions of people worldwide. To many the social emotional impact is stronger than the physical. The loss of the sense of community, of belonging, and of an extended family is real for many girls, boys, men and women everywhere. Others are feeling physical challenges as well as they are struggling to stay active during these times.

But the human race is incredible and adaptable in tough situations, and sports once again is playing a role. Sports teams are staying in touch online and are a source of much needed support, love and laughter in these times. So many professional athletes are playing vital roles through this crisis by sharing their messages of support and at times, making valuable monetary donations to the cause. Even in areas of isolation, people are coming out on their balconies and leading their neighbours through a workout programme to help them stay active. Others are turning to online workout programmes to follow. Once again, sports is finding its way.

So, in challenging times such as now, people are still empowered to continue their sports journey and stay strong and healthy.

(1) What may the author's father agree about sports? A. It is a personal hobby. B. It boosts confidence. C. It affects social relations. D. It helps avoid wars.
(2) How does life without sports affect people? A. They lack family connection. B. They have lost their hobbies. C. They feel bored more than lonely. D. They suffer both in body and mind.
(3) How do isolated people respond to the tough situations? A. Struggle to be athletes. B. Try to stay physically active. C. Make donations to good causes. D. Design new sports programmes.
(4) What is the best title? A. Sports reduces risks in our lives B. Sports continues to offer strength C. Sports makes the impossible possible D. Sports has new functions in the pandemic
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Thrown from his horse three times and repeatedly got wet to the skin while camping in a heavy rain, Chris Walker, the farmer from Gloucestershire was, at 55, the oldest of the competitors in this year's 1, 000 km race across the steppe (大草原). Despite the hardships of his eight-day journey, Walker was delighted to finish third in the annual contest.

The Mongol Derby, described as the world's toughest horse-riding endurance race, began in 2009 as an annual event. Competitors race between checkpoints 35 km (22 miles) apart, where they change horses to ensure the animals are healthy. They spend nights at one of 28 stations, set up their own camp or enjoy the warm welcome of friendly Mongolian families.

Walker, was an hour ahead of his competitors as the race entered its eighth day but unfortunately he faced an hour and a half penalty because during one of the regular checks his horse had a high heart rate, which is forbidden during the contest.

Walker said he had gone to Mongolia to "give it a go" but realised that he stood a chance of winning after teaming up with Patrick Heffron, a competitor from Ireland, who finished third equal alongside his companion.

"The horses are quite wild. I got thrown off three times. I fell off in a marmot (土拨鼠) hole," he said. "You're going along and you suddenly disappear. You have to hang on to your horse for dear life or it goes off. "

Walker said it was important to form a team, mainly because falling off alone means that there was no one to help you with your horse. "Neither of us had prior desires to win this race but we realised:'We're in front. 'So we pushed, "he said.

Asked whether he was attracted to return to see if he could win, Walker replied: "Probably, though I'm getting a bit old."

(1) What do we know about Mongol Derby according to the passage? A. It is a very challenging and boring race. B. It has an strict limit on age for competitors. C. It requires changing horses at certain places. D. It is a worldwide race held every two years.
(2) Which of the following can replace the underlined word in Paragraph 3? A. Punishment. B. Advance. C. Warning. D. Schedule.
(3) What did Walker do in the race? A. He had a very good control of his horse. B. He saved his horse from accidental death. C. He valued the teamwork with a partner. D. He was motivated by great desires to win.
(4) What does the last paragraph imply? A. Walker questioned the race result. B. Walker wished that he were younger. C. Walker regretted taking part in the race. D. Walker may compete in the race next year.
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Researchers are looking into new ways to generate efficient photovoltaic energy (光伏能源) and for this they have been inspired by the v-shaped posture of the Cabbage White butterfly (菜粉蝶).

Photovoltaic energy is the science behind solar power, where light is turned into electricity. It is a two-step process. Step one is a photoelectric effect, caused by sunlight. The second step is an electrochemical process, which generates an electric current.

To improve the collection of sunlight, a research group has been inspired by the resting posture of the Cabbage White butterfly. The species has a natural range across Europe, Asia, and North Africa. To many farmers, the butterflies are regarded as a pest; to others, they are pretty to look at. To one research group the butterflies are an inspiration.

The butterfly adopts a v-shape in order to heat up its flight muscles before taking off. By creating solar panels (太阳能电池板) in this formation, scientists think that the quantity of power that a solar panel can produce can be increased by around 50 percent.

The Cabbage White butterfly is different to many other butterflies in using the v-formation. On cloudy days butterflies need to wait to receive enough sunlight in order to fly. However, by using the v-posture, the Cabbage White butterfly is able to take in more energy more quickly than other butterflies. In addition, the butterfly can reflect sunlight from its wings, which allows its flight muscles to be warmed to an ideal temperature.

The new research was conducted at the University of Exeter's Environment and Sustain --ability Institute (ESI) and the Centre for Ecology and Conservation. Discussing the findings with Laboratory Manager magazine, lead researcher Professor Tapas Mallick stated: "Biomimicry (仿生学) in engineering is not new. However, this research shows pathways to develop low cost solar power that have not been done before."

(1)  Which can be the best title for the text? A. The future of solar power. B. The butterfly effect theory. C. Cool things about the Cabbage White butterfly. D. Butterflies contribute to solar power revolution.
(2)  What is the main purpose of Cabbage White butterflies using the v-posture? A. To look prettier. B. To take a good rest. C. To prepare for flight. D. To protect themselves.
(3)  What is Tapas Mallick's attitude towards the research? A. Positive. B. Casual. C. Doubtful. D. Disagreeing.
(4)  Where is the text most probably taken from? A. A lesson plan. B. A book review. C. A science report. D. A personal diary.
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Nostalgia(怀旧) is a powerful emotion that can be employed to create a strong emotional connection between a brand and its audience. By tapping into the fond memories and positive associations that people have with a particular brand, marketers can create a sense of familiarity and comfort that resonates(共鸣) with their audience. This emotional connection can then be used to drive engagement and loyalty, ultimately leading to increased sales.

In the case of Barbie movie marketing, nostalgia has been used. By incorporating elements of the classic Barbie brand into the movies, such as the symbolic pink color, the classic Barbie logo, and the inclusion of classic Barbie characters, the movies serve as a way to transport fans back to their childhood and relive their favorite memories.

This emotional connection is further strengthened by the marketing campaigns, which create a sense of community and excitement around the brand. By using social media to build hype(夸张报道) and anticipation for each movie, the brand has managed to create a loyal and engaged fan base that has contributed to its success.

The success of Barbie movie marketing has not been limited to the brand's existing fan base. In fact, the movies have managed to attract a new generation of fans who may not have been familiar with the classic Barbie brand. By creating movies that are both entertaining and empowering, the brand has managed to appeal to a wider audience, including young girls who may be looking for strong female role models.

The impact of Barbie movie marketing on a new generation can be seen in the way that the brand has developed over the years. Although Barbie was once denounced for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and conventional gender images, the brand has since made significant steps in promoting diversity and inclusivity(包容性). The recent Barbie movies feature diverse actors and storylines that promote self-empowerment and self-acceptance, reflecting the changing attitudes and values of society.

(1) Nostalgia is often used in marketing mainly because ____. A. it enables a new brand to expand its markets quickly B. it has a strong influence on people's choice of goods C. it brings back the audience's positive emotions about a brand D. it helps make goods appealing to customers of all age groups
(2) What can we learn about Barbie movies? A. They highlight the color of pink. B. They use a different logo. C. They target children as audiences. D. They are about community stories.
(3) How have Barbie movies managed to grow their fan base? A. By simplifying the storylines. B. By removing the classic characters. C. By including more cultural elements. D. By creating new female role models.
(4) What does the underlined word "denounced" in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Acknowledged. B. Criticized. C. Observed. D. Respected.
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