1. 阅读理解

How is it that a fly always seems to be buzzing around your food moments after you sit down for an outdoor meal?

The answer is practice. Or, more specifically: evolution(进化). Flies and other insects have been on a multimillion-year journey of evolution, improving their ability to detect food. Being able to zero in on nutritious meals is a matter of life and death.

The family of flies that I study — the blowflies — are the buzzing ones that are usually a beautiful metallic blue, with bronze and green colors. They've perfected their ability to quickly sense the smells that naturally come off picnics and garbage cans. There is a lot of competition for a resource like an overflowing garbage can because of how nutritious garbage, with the meat rotting in it, is. But the blowflies can sense these smells long before their competitors or people can, and tend to show up to the scene first.

Sensing systems differ depending on the insect and species. The blowflies' main sensing organ is their antennae, two thin projections(凸起) from the head that are covered in tiny hairs. These fine hairs are made up of special cells that contain receptors(受体) for specific smells. Think about a batch of chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven. You can detect their delicious smells because we humans have receptors on the surfaces of the cells that line the inside of our noses. These receptors send signals to the brain: yummy food ahead. They're detecting the sweet smell of sugar-based molecules, an energy-rich food source for us.

What's a "good" or a "bad" smell can differ depending on the animal doing the smelling. The attractive rotting meat stench(恶臭) that a fly finds delightful is perceived quite differently by a person passing by an unpleasant garbage can on a hot day. But any fly that can detect the useful smell signal, which means "nutritious fly food here", will have an advantage. Over time, the insects that have the receptors for those smells will have better survival rates and produce more generations.

(1) Why does the author focus on blowflies in his study? A. They have attractive deep green colors. B. They have gone through much evolution. C. They have unusual ability to sense smells. D. They are easier to control than other species.
(2) In which field do blowflies have an advantage over their competitors? A. Detecting food resources. B. Designing flying routes. C. Producing nutrition out of garbage. D. Escaping from enemies.
(3) How does the author develop the fourth paragraph? A. By explaining a principle. B. By making a comparison. C. By following time order. D. By describing a process.
(4) What's the message implied in the last paragraph? A. It's rather easy to wipe out the blowflies. B. Nutritious foods usually have attractive smells. C. The receptors play a key role in flies' survival. D. Flies find a smell signal much faster than humans.
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I recall when I was a young girl back in Canada, I was sitting and watching a baseball game on TV with my father and we started to debate the importance of sports. Different from my father, I argued with all the overconfidence of a teenager that sports is more than just a hobby to keep us physically healthy and went as far as claiming that "There would be more wars if we didn't have sports!"

As an adult, my teenage tendencies of exaggeration (夸张)may have faded but I still firmly believe that sports is more than just a hobby for both participants and audience. The challenging times we are all living through right now with coronavirus is proof to this. The effect of cancelling all sports from professional leagues right down to amateur budding athletic programs, can be felt by millions of people worldwide. To many the social emotional impact is stronger than the physical. The loss of the sense of community, of belonging, and of an extended family is real for many girls, boys, men and women everywhere. Others are feeling physical challenges as well as they are struggling to stay active during these times.

But the human race is incredible and adaptable in tough situations, and sports once again is playing a role. Sports teams are staying in touch online and are a source of much needed support, love and laughter in these times. So many professional athletes are playing vital roles through this crisis by sharing their messages of support and at times, making valuable monetary donations to the cause. Even in areas of isolation, people are coming out on their balconies and leading their neighbours through a workout programme to help them stay active. Others are turning to online workout programmes to follow. Once again, sports is finding its way.

So, in challenging times such as now, people are still empowered to continue their sports journey and stay strong and healthy.

(1) What may the author's father agree about sports? A. It is a personal hobby. B. It boosts confidence. C. It affects social relations. D. It helps avoid wars.
(2) How does life without sports affect people? A. They lack family connection. B. They have lost their hobbies. C. They feel bored more than lonely. D. They suffer both in body and mind.
(3) How do isolated people respond to the tough situations? A. Struggle to be athletes. B. Try to stay physically active. C. Make donations to good causes. D. Design new sports programmes.
(4) What is the best title? A. Sports reduces risks in our lives B. Sports continues to offer strength C. Sports makes the impossible possible D. Sports has new functions in the pandemic
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A new study shows that rising levels of planet-warming gasses may reduce important nutrients in food crops.

Other studies have shown that higher temperatures from climate change and weather extremes will reduce food production. But scientists are finding that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other planet-warming gasses threaten food quality.

Researchers studied the effects of one such gas- carbon dioxide-on rice. They grew 18 kinds of rice in fields in China and Japan in a controlled environment. They set carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century. They found that the resulting rice crops had lower than normal levels of vitamins, minerals and protein.

Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels of four B vitamins and 10 percent less protein. The crops also had 8 percent less iron and 5 percent less zinc (锌) than rice grown under normal conditions.

The researchers said the effects of planet-warming gasses would be most severe for the poorest citizens in some of the least developed countries. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least complex diets, they noted. Scientists estimated that almost 150 million people might be at risk of having too little protein or zinc in their diet by 2050.

One scientist, Sam Myers of Harvard University of Massachusetts, US, said that findings like this are an example of the surprises climate change creates. "My concern is, there are many more surprises to come, "he said.

Myers noted that pollution, loss of some species, destruction of forests, and other human activities are likely to produce unexpected problems. He said that you cannot completely change all the natural systems that living organisms have grown to depend on over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our own health.

The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of climate change-to grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to higher carbon dioxide levels.

(1) According to the latest study, how do higher temperatures affect crops? A. They remove the nutrition. B. They worsen the quality. C. They lower the production. D. They decrease the species.
(2) What can be inferred from the text? A. Asian crops contain more nutrients. B. Rice is grown in restricted conditions. C. Crops grown with lower CO2 are healthier. D. Poor people suffer a lot from food shortage.
(3) What does Sam Myers agree with? A. Natural systems damage our health. B. The nutritional harm should be lowered. C. More effects are caused by climate changes. D. Human activities result in health problems.
(4) What does the writer intend to do? A. To introduce a study. B. To clarify a fact. C. To make a suggestion. D. To show a concern.
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Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing a way of editing genes(基因), which offers the promise of one day curing inherited(遗传的) diseases. Working on opposite sides of the Atlantic, French woman Emmanuelle Charpentier and American Jennifer A. Doudna came up with a method known as CRISPR-Cas9 that can be used to change the DNA of animals and plants.

It was the first time two women had won the chemistry Nobel together—adding to the small number of female winners in the sciences, where women have long received less recognition for their work than men. The scientists' work allows researchers to precisely edit specific genes to remove errors that lead to disease.

"There is great power in this genetic tool, which affects us all," said Claes Gustafsson, chair of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, "It has not only made huge progress in basic science, but also led to advances in new medical treatments. "

Charpentier, 53, spoke of the shock of winning. "Strangely enough I was told a number of times that I'd win, but when it happens you're very surprised. And I wish that this will provide a positive message to young girls who would like to follow the path of science. "

Doudna told The Associated Press, "I actually just found out I'm in shock. And my greatest hope is that it's used for good, to uncover new mysteries in biology and to benefit humankind. "

The Broad Institute at Harvard and MIT have been in a long court fight over patents(专利) on CRISPR technology, and many other scientists did important work on it, but Doudna and Charpentier have been most consistently(一致地) honored with prizes for turning it into an easily usable tool.

(1) What do we know about the two scientists from the first two paragraphs? A. They both work in America.  B. They work harder than other females. C. They provide a new way to edit genes.  D. They are the first women to win the Nobel Prize.
(2) What is Claes Gustafsson's attitude towards the genetic tool? A. Supportive. B. Indifferent. C. Dissatisfied. D. Doubtful.
(3) What did Charpentier and Doudna think of their winning the prize? A. They didn't deserve the honor. B. They thought it good for them. C. They were both surprised at it. D. They would be examples to young girls.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Two Nobel Prize winners surprise the world. B. Female scientists do better than male scientists. C. There is research for developing a way of editing genes. D. Two scientists win the Nobel Prize for gene-editing discovery.
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