1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

You probably get your eyes tested to protect your sight, maybe have a yearly hearing test to check your ears—but, protecting your nose... eh? Recent research has discovered more than 600 genes in the human body associated with the sense of smell and that it's actually important to the human body.

Smell can help keep us alive by warning us of dangers such as food that might make us sick or the threat of fire, and it does this within only 100-150 milliseconds of breathing. "Smell also helps create the flavour of food and plays a role in controlling the variety of our diet and the nutrients we consume," says Jeanne Hort, a professor at News Zealand's Massey University.

In fact, each of us has a unique sense of smell and the strength of our unique smell is related to the genes you inherit (遗传) from your parents which determine which smell receptors (感受器) are expressed in the nose. Other factors further determine how sensitive your sense of smell is. Women generally have a stronger sense of smell than men, while damage from air pollution means people who live in highly polluted cities have a less sensitive sense of smell than those in rural areas. "We also know the sense of smell declines with age," says Professor Hort. "And if you've damaged your nose through head injury, illness or breathing in something that causes pain and discomfort, your sense of smell can also be negatively affected."

Protecting your nose from such damage is therefore the first step in activating your sense of smell. Avoid breathing in strong scents like chemicals. Then, keep your nose busy. For example, sniff (唉) vegetables and fruit as part of determining ripeness before you buy them and sniff more different smells exposed to your nose. "The sense of smell is a bit like a muscle, you can train it to become stronger by exercising it," says sensory expert Eugeni Roura.

(1) Why does the author mention eye and ear protection in paragraph 1? A. To compare different human senses. B. To call attention to the sense of smell. C. To clarify the concept of good health. D. To show the importance of medical exams.
(2) What does paragraph 2 focus on? A. The advice on healthy eating. B. The basic functions of the nose. C. The important role of smell in life. D. The ways to avoid hidden dangers.
(3) Which of the following would the author most probably agree with? A. There is sex difference in terms of smell. B. The sense of smell doesn't change with age. C. Smell receptors decide the strength of smell. D. Air pollution is very likely to cause loss of smell.
(4) What does the quote from Eugeni Roura imply? A. It is essential to protect your nose from damage. B. Different parts of your body sometimes work the same. C. Sniffing different smells helps to build up your strength. D. The more you use the sense of smell, the more you sharpen it.
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Wang Fang, a Suzhou native, has given her heart and soul to Kunqu Opera. Wang, who has twice won the Plum Performance Award-China's top award for theater and opera performances—started to learn the traditional art form from a young age.

Born with a sweet voice, Wang loved to sing and dance and was selected by the Suzhou Kunqu Opera Troupe when she was in middle school. However, her parents refused the troupe's invitation, insisting that she should concentrate on her studies. After members of the troupe visited the parents repeatedly, Wang's parents finally agreed.

Learning the traditional art form was never easy. She started to learn how to pronounce words, sing them lyrically and make gestures gently. At first, she had to spend extra time practicing kung fu move-ments. Years later, Wang used the word "unimaginable" to describe how hard the days were when she first learned Kunqu. She was soaked(浸泡)in sweat when practicing movements in summer, while in win-ter she often had chilblains(冻疮)on her hands. "But I was determined at the time. No matter how diffi-cult, I always got up early the next morning to practice, " Wang recalls.

Wang says she did not love Kunqu at first, but in her early 20s, when she watched the show Peony Pavilion performed by Zhang Jiqing, a master of the art form, it clicked. "I was shocked, " Wang says. "Her every movement was full of elegance. Each of her lines and songs was perfect. I was struck by the beauty of Kunqu for the first time, and it has stayed with me since. "

"I always believe that ‘Not everything is meant to be, but everything is worth a try. ' First you must be a dreamer, then a doer, and only then can you be a master. I believe in this order —that it should be this way and that I am this way. " Wang once said in an interview. Now, Wang has become a master of Kunqu. Her performances have impressed generations of audiences and helped to promote the art form a-mong young people.

(1) Why didn't Wang Fang join the Suzhou Kunqu Opera Troupe at first? A. Traditional art form was too difficult and hard for her. B. She saw no future in learning Kunqu Opera. C. Her parents wanted her to focus on her studies. D. She showed little interest and talent in art.
(2) What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? A. Wang made great efforts in learning Kunqu. B. Wang gained various skills in her hard work. C. Wang made great achievements in developing Kunqu. D. Wang was good at learning art and succeeded easily.
(3) What changed Wang's attitude towards Kunqu Opera? A. The desire to win the Plum Performance Award. B. The encouragement from her family members. C. A master's wonderful performance. D. Her hard training and practice.
(4) What does Wang probably mean in the interview? A. It is never too late to learn. B. If you want to go up high, then use your legs. C. Experience is the mother of wisdom. D. Don't judge a book by its cover.
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Four London hotspots for coffee fans

Although London is known for its tea drinking habits, we can't deny that Londoners are also enthusiastic coffee fans. We've rounded up our top 4 favourite coffee hotspots in the city. 


Kapihan brings together the unique flavours of South East Asia in their new Battersea location. Both a coffee house and bakery, their selected single-origin coffee roasts are bound to  give you a coffee experience like no other. 

Friendly staff and a contemporary interior make this one of the best coffee spots to visit in South West London. 


Bringing the charm of Australian coffee to London — this café by day and bar by night concept suites every occasion. They boast some of the newest and most innovative coffee making techniques to ensure each cup they serve you is made to perfection. 

We recommend the Japanese filter coffee accompanied by the mature cheese toastie. 

Kiss the Hippo

Kiss the Hippoare certified professionals at making a good cup of Richmond coffee. They bring together elements of the quality of their coffee, and serving it in a beautiful space; to give you the most memorable experience. 

In-house roasting is what makes their coffee-making process stand out. Their improved approach ensures that each cup holds perfectly brewed coffee for you to enjoy. 


Jolt, now open in Fitzrovia, aims to give you the most theatrical coffee experience. Their unique single-origin beans create everything from fresh cold brews, smooth, delicate lattes, and flat whites. Give them a visit to try their signature "Spanish Lattes". 

Enjoy their fresh coffee and watch their famous black glove-wearing baristas (咖啡师) work their magic.

(1) What make Kapihan one of the most recommended coffee spots to visit? A. Its location and flavor. B. Its coffee roaster and origin. C. Its service and room design. D. Its barista and magic.
(2) Which spot suits the fans of the Japanese filter coffee? A. Kapihan. B. Antipode. C. Kiss the Hippo. D. Jolt.
(3) What can customers do when drinking coffee in Jolt? A. Enjoy a movie. B. Obtain a signature. C. Watch a magic show. D. Witness the coffee-making.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

There have been many great painters in the rich history of Chinese art. Here are four of the greatest painters from China.

Li Cheng (919-967)

Li Cheng contributed greatly to one of the golden ages of landscape paintings in world history. During his time, he was considered the best landscape painter ever. He is remembered especially for the winter landscapes he created and for simple composition of tall, old evergreens set against a dry landscape. Several of his paintings are in diluted(稀释的) in k which gives them a foggy appearance.

Fan Kuan (950-1032)

Fan Kuan began his career by modeling his works on those of Li Cheng but later created his own style claiming that the only true teacher was nature. His finest work Travelers Among Mountains and Streams is a masterpiece of landscape. painting and many future artists turned to it for inspiration.

QiBaishi (1864-1957)

One of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters, Qi Baishi is known for not being influenced by Western styles like most of the painters of his time. He can be considered as the last great traditional painter of China. Qi Baishi painted almost everything from insects to landscapes. He is regarded highly in Chinese art for the freshness and spontaneity(自然) that he brought to the familiar types of insects, birds and flowers.

WuGuanzhong (1919-2010)

Widely considered as the founder of modern Chinese painting, Wu Guanzhong has painted various aspects of China, like its architecture, plants, animals, people and landscapes. Wu was influenced by post-Impressionist art, an important western movement, and went on to combine Western and Chinese styles to create a unique form of modern art. In 1992, he became the first living Chinese artist whose work was exhibited at the British Museum.

(1) What do we know about Fan Kuan? A. He copied many artists' works. B. His masterpiece was inspiring. C. His works gained worldwide recognition. D. He created his own style from the very beginning.
(2) What is one feature of Wu Guanzhong's paintings? A. They have foggy appearances. B. They focus on a single theme. C. They come under Western influence. D. They show traditional painting skills.
(3) What did the four Chinese painters have in common? A. They all created landscape paintings. B. They were all influenced by Western art. C. They were all pioneers in Chinese art history. D. Their works were all exhibited at the British Museum.
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