1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项

No one likes interruption. We are born to seek balance and order. No matter what it is that you are doing, being interrupted involves a forceful stop midway and then having to re-enter your previous state, sometimes with great difficulty.

Popular belief has it that interruption breaks the flow of your thinking and affects productivity negatively, and so it is advisable that you have an uninterrupted session of intensive work before your next break.

However, a Russian psychologist, Bluma Zeigarnik, might tell you otherwise.

The connection between interruption and memory came to her attention when she was dining in a restaurant. She noticed how the waitresses had an amazing memory of the detailed orders yet to be paid for, but scarce memory of the orders that were already completed.

Back in her laboratory, she conducted studies in which subjects were required to complete various puzzles. Some of the subjects were interrupted during the tasks. All the subjects were then asked to describe what tasks they had done. It turns out that adults remembered the interrupted tasks 90% better than the completed tasks, and that children were even more likely to recall the uncompleted tasks. In other words, uncompleted tasks will stay on your mind until you finish them!

In comparison to tasks that were already finished and ones that we haven't even started, half-done projects are given the priority in the mental to-do list our brains sketch out for us. Zeigarnik described this finding in her doctoral thesis (论文) in the late 1920s, which was later called Zeigarnik effect.

One possible explanation is that with interrupted tasks, we are desperate for their closure to reclaim a sense of balance. Finishing them also means that we can finally clear up the mental backlog (积压的工作) and give the space to more upcoming tasks.

Zeigarnik's effect can be found everywhere, especially used in media and advertising. Have you ever wondered why cliffhangers work so well or why you just can't get yourself to stop watching that series on Netflix?

Ernest Hemingway once said about writing a novel, "It is the wait until the next day that is hard to get through." So next time, when you are interrupted, appreciate it and take advantage of it to promote your productivity.

(1) What is a common practice to finish a task? A. Working in a focused period. B. Working with occasional breaks. C. Working with a stop midway. D. Working in an interrupted session.
(2) What is the finding of the Zeigarnik's experiment? A. Interruption recalls details. B. Interruption betters memory. C. Interruption disturbs balance. D. Interruption reduces productivity.
(3) Which of the following is an example of the application of Zeigarnik's effect? A. Fashion shows. B. Online news. C. Talk shows. D. TV series.
(4) What is the possible reason behind Zeigarnik's effect? A. The desire for balance. B. The physical backlog. C. The outside pressure. D. The upcoming tasks.
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There is something to be said for being a generalist, even if you are a specialist. Knowing a little about a lot of things that interest you can add to the richness of a whole, well-lived life.

Society pushes us to specialize, to become experts. This requires commitment to a particular occupation, branch of study or research. The drawback to being specialists is we often come to know more and more about less and less. There is a great deal of pressure to master one's field. You may pursue training, degrees, or increasing levels of responsibility at work. Then you discover the pressure of having to keep up.

Some people seem willing to work around the clock in their narrow specialty. But such commitment can also weaken a sense of freedom. These specialists could work at the office until ten each night, then look back and realize they would have loved to have gone home and enjoyed the sweetness of their family and friends, or traveled to exciting places, meeting interesting people. Mastering one thing to the exclusion (排除) of others can hold back your true spirit.

Generalists, on the other hand, know a lot about a wide range of subjects and view the whole with all its connections. They are people of ability, talent, and enthusiasm who can bring their broad perspective (视角) into specific fields of expertise (专长). The doctor who is also a poet and philosopher is a superior doctor, one who can give so much more to his patients than just good medical skills.

Things are connected. Let your expertise in one field fuel your passions in all related areas. Some of your interests may not appear to be connected but, once you explore their depths, you discover that they are. My editor Toni, who is also a writer, has edited several history books. She has decided to study Chinese history. Fascinated by the structural beauty of the Forbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested to learn more about Chinese philosophy. "I don't know where it will lead, but I'm excited I'm on this pursuit."

These expansions into new worlds help us by giving us new perspectives. We begin to see the interconnectedness of one thing to another in all aspects of our life, of ourselves and the universe. Develop broad, general knowledge and experience. The universe is all yours to explore and enjoy.

(1) To become a specialist, one may have to_____. A. narrow his range of knowledge B. avoid responsibilities at work C. know more about the society D. broaden his perspective on life
(2) The specialists mentioned in Paragraph 3 tend to______. A. treasure their freedom B. travel around the world C. spend most time working D. enjoy meeting funny people
(3) According to the author, a superior doctor is one who_____. A. is fully aware of his talent and ability B. is a pure specialist in medicine C. should love poetry and philosophy D. brings knowledge of other fields to work
(4) What does the author intend to show with the example of Toni? A. Passion alone does not ensure a person's success. B. In-depth exploration makes discoveries possible. C. Everyone has a chance to succeed in their pursuit. D. Seemingly unrelated interests are in a way connected.
(5) What could be the best title for the passage? A. Be More a Generalist Than a Specialist B. Specialist or Generalist: Hard to Decide C. Turn a Generalist into a Specialist D. Ways to Become a Generalist
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I've been writing since before I could write. As a kid, I dictated stories to my parents. About 12 years ago, I was living in New York City and pursuing a master's degree in creative writing. For years I'd been suffering vision disorder, but in New York my symptoms worsened. I became unable to read or write for any considerable length of time. I tried vision therapy, an overhead projector, a special pair of glasses — all in vain.

Eventually, I discovered a computer program for the visually challenged. As I typed, my words were read aloud by an automated voice. With my screen dimmed (变模糊) to black, I relied entirely on the automated voice to know what I had written.

Facing the blank page is worrying, but facing the black page is worse. The dark screen is a sinkhole that swallows creative hope. Sentences disappear into it like an astronaut into a black hole. I managed to complete

my master's degree, but it took me years to adapt to my new reality. The greatest barrier seemed to be the automated voice, which was like a robot parrot on my shoulder, and I wanted nothing more than to drive it away. If a pianist were forced to practice on an untuned piano, would it corrupt his ear over time?

Of course, I could have quit writing and stopped making myself suffer. But it honestly never occurred to me—and I'm glad it didn't. Last year, after I told my story on the radio, I was contacted by VocaliD, a Massachusetts-based company that created a voice modeled on my own.

The first time I heard the voice they created, it is so close to my own that the two are nearly indistinguishable. I've only just begun using this new voice. My hope is that this will restore a sense of solitude (孤独) to my writing process, allowing me easier access to that inner space where the imagination can take over, and I can forget myself, and the real work can begin.

The black screen still exists — it always will — but the robot parrot has taken wing.

(1) A. What happened to the author when pursuing a master's degree in New York? B. His sight started to fail due to much reading. C. His eyes couldn't bear long hours of reading. D. He had to drop out due to his vision disorder.
(2) What still bothered the author after he got his master's degree? A. The untuned automated voice. B. The pet parrot on his shoulder. C. The computer with a dark screen. D. The noise from a neighboring pianist.
(3) How did the author feel when first hearing the voice created by VocaliD? A. Relaxed. B. Annoyed. C. Unmoved. D. Excited.
(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The automated voice is too annoying to bear. B. The author can restore his sight to normal. C. The author starts to enjoy his writing again. D. It is likely that the technology will improve.
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3. 阅读理解

Nashville bus tours are a fun way to explore the Music City and its great attractions and activities. Be sure to start The Redneck Comedy Bus Tour where you'll feel like you're part of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour right in Music venues. 

Pass By Country Music Hall of Fame

If you love music, the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum is the place to be. This museum is dedicated () to all of the great stars that brought country music to the forefront of Nashville. This museum is dedicated to these performers, and guests can find amazing artifacts (文物) and displays. 

Pass By Music Row in Nashville, TN

Music Row is one of the most representative places in Nashville. Here, guests will be able to enjoy a variety of landmarks and fun places. Titled Music Row for its amazing influence on the music industry, this district in Nashville is home to the hottest recording studios and music venues. 

Pass ByThe Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN

As one of the most historical venues in all of Nashville, the Ryman has seen some of the greatest country music stars within its impressive halls. Of course, it has a vast history to explore as well. The Ryman was the first venue of the famous Grand Ole Opry show, so guests can learn all about Nashville's history. 

Get your ticket today and enjoy a fun-filled trip to Nashville. 

(1) Where is the passage probably taken from?  A. https: //www. thesundaytimes. co. uk B. https: //www. nationalgeographic. com C. https: //www. inspirationalstories. com D. https: //www. vacationsmadeeasy. com
(2) What can you find in Country Music Hall of Fame?  A. Grand Ole Opry shows. B. The great country music stars. C. Impressive cultural relics. D. The most historical sites.
(3) Which of the following places has the most popular recording studios?  A. Country Music Hall of Fame. B. Music Row in Nashville, TN. C. The Ryman Auditorium, TN.      D. The Forefront of Nashville.
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