
In 1983,thousands of runners from all over the world gathered in Australia to take part in the West field Sydney-Melbourne Ultramarathon—a distance of 875 kilometers. The first man to win this race was 61-year-old potato farmer Cliff Young.

When Cliff showed up in the race, he stuck out like a sore thumb. While all the other participants wore professional running equipment, Cliff was dressed as if he had just retumed from the field. Wearing his everyday clothes and work boots, he quickly attracted the attention of reportlers present,

"I grew up on a farm where we couldn't afford horses or tractors(拖拉机).Whenever the storms would roll in, I'd have to go out and round up the sheep," Clif told reporters."Sometimes I'd have to run those 2,000 sheep on 2,000 acres for two or three days.It took a long time, but I'd always catch them. I believe I can run this race. "No one actually believed him. Most competitors were in their 20s and early 30s,with years of training and marathon experience.

On the first day, Cliff was left far behind. But he had one advantage that no one had expected. All the other runners had been training to run for 18 hours a day and then stop and sleep for the other six, but he didn't stop until he reached the finish line. Although running at a slow pace, he simply didn't stop running, which helped him maintain the lead for the whole five and a half day. Upon being handed a $10,000 check as a prize for winning the race, Clif decided to keep none of it for himself and instead divided it evenly among the other five runners, who eventually managed to finish the race.

Cliff continued to run. In 1997,he set out to raise funds for homeless kids by running all 16,000 kilometers of the Australian coastline. In 2000,Cliff achieved a world age record in a six-day race in Victoria

(1) What does the underlined "stuck out like a sore thumb" mean in paragraph 2? A. Was noticeable. B. Seemed nervous. C. Suffered a hand injury. D. Experienced physical discomfort.
(2) What was everyone's reaction to Cliffs optimism? A. Shock. B. Respect. C. Disbelief. D. Curiosity
(3) How did Cliff Young win the race? A. He saved his energy at first. B. He constantly ran without sleep. C. He developed a fast running rhythm. D. He sped up in the last two days of the race.
(4) What did Cliff do with his prize? A. He refused to accept it. B. He donated it to a charity. C. He gave it to other runners. D. He gave it away to homeless children.
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Tom Sawyer Play Is an Adventure

A 35-minute hand-clapping, foot-stomping musical version of a Mark Twain favorite returns with this Tall Stacks festival. 

"Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure" has all the good stuff, including the fence painting, the graveyard, the island and the cave. It is adapted by Joe McDonough, with music by David Kisor. That's the local stage writing team that creates many of the Children's Theatre of Cincinnati's original musicals, along with the holiday family musicals at Ensemble Theatre.

This year Nathan Turner of Burlington is Tom Sawyer, and Robbie McMath of Fort Mitchell is Huck Finn. 

Tumer, a 10th-grader at School for Creative and Performing Arts, is a familiar presence on Cincinnati's stages. He is a star act or of Children's Theatre, having played leading roles in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "The Wizard of Oz, " and is fresh from Jersey Production "Ragtime".

McMath is a junior at Beechwood High School. He was in the cast of "Tom Sewyer" when it was first performed and is a Children's Theatre regular, with five shows to his credit. This summer he attended Kentucky's Governor's School for the Arts in Musical Theatre.

Note to teachers: Children's Theatre has a study guide demonstrating how math and science can be taught through "Tom Sawyer. " For downloadable lessons, visit the official website of Children's Theatre.

(1) Who wrote the music for "Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure"? A. David Kisor. B. Joe McDonough. C. Nathan Turner. D. Robbie McMath.
(2) What can we learn about the two actors? A. They study in the same school. B. They worked together in "Ragtime". C. They are experienced on stage. D. They became friends ten years ago.
(3) What does Children's Theatre provide for teachers? A. Research funding. B. Training opportunities. C. Technical support. D. Educational resources.
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How much of your monthly grocery list ends up in the garbage? A new study reveals the average American spends nearly $1,500 per year on food they'll never eat.

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans reveals the average shopper wastes $1,493.93 on food per year. That's almost a fifth of their grocery bill after every shopping trip. One tenth of respondents claim they "never" purchase food they don't end up eating, while three in 10 say this is something they "always" do.

Half of respondents prefer to head to the grocery store alone, and when they do, half are more likely to stick to their list and 36% are less likely to buy food they don't want or need.

Keeping the list in mind is important, as 38 percent are more likely to let food be wasted if it wasn't originally on their shopping list. Seven in 10 add that when they go to the store on an empty stomach, they're more likely to buy foods they won't eat. So they don't do that that way. Some respondents appear to be in a wasteful cycle when it comes to food waste. Nearly half usually buy and end up wasting the same food every month because they think they'll get around to eating it.

"We can all do better to limit food waste by sticking to grocery lists and, when we get home, prioritizing eating our foods that are perishable, like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products" says Avocado Co-Founder and CMO Mark Abrials in a statement.

Three-quarters feel guilty about throwing away uneaten food because it's a waste of money—and 48 percent feel the same, due to the harm food waste causes to the environment. "When it comes to food waste, nobody is perfect," Abrials adds. "But in order to consider our environmental impact, not to mention wasted money, we think it's essential to be thoughtful about everything we purchase—whether that's food, mattresses or other goods."

(1)  What percentage of food do people buy but never eat? A. About 10%. B. About 20%. C. About 30%. D. About 50%.
(2)  What is the shopping habit of the majority of respondents? A. Doing shopping alone. B. Avoiding shopping while hungry. C. Sticking to the shopping list. D. Trying to buy fewer dairy products.
(3) Which of the following can replace the underlined part "are perishable" in paragraph 5? A. Go bad easily. B. Are rich in nutrition. C. Are easy to produce. D. Keep fresh for a long time.
(4)  What does Abrials want to express in the last paragraph? A. Less doing shopping means less food is wasted. B. Treasuring food is treasuring the environment. C. It's worth spending more money on food safety. D. Environment protection is as important as food.
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Events from Cornell University

Movies on the Arts Quad (MOTAQ)

MOTAQ is an in-person event series on Thursdays at the start of the fall semester for a month. We are opening seating at 7:30 p.m., with the film starting at 8:00 p.m. Bring your warm clothes and blankets, for it sometimes gets cold out. MOTAQ is brought to you by Cornell University Class Councils, CU Tonight, Campus Activities, and Cornell Cinema, Follow @cornellactivities on Instagram.


In its 19th year, ClubFest continues as a celebration of Cornell's amazing student groups demonstrating their activities and promoting the admission of new members. We are also looking for performance groups at ClubFest. ClubFest for the Spring semester will take place this Sunday in Barton Hall. ClubFest is an opportunity for Cornellians to connect with clubs and organizations. Contact us at student union@cornell.edu with any ClubFest questions.

Slope Day

The Slope Day Programming Board is excited to announce Slope Day this year. Join us on this Saturday for performances throughout the day. There is a long history of the spring-time gathering. While this event has taken many shapes over the past century, one common goal never changes: celebration. It has been a long time since we've had a live band headlining the Slope Day festival, and the band COIN is sure to be a hit. On Slope Day, approximately 500 volunteers are needed. Contact Volunteer Director Riya Agarwal@hotmail.com to apply.

Senior Days

We invite graduating undergraduate students to celebrate their achievements during Senior Days from Monday to Friday. Senior Days offers opportunities for seniors to connect through free and ticketed on and off campus events. There are exciting events like Bingo Night, Bowling at Helen Newman and Chimes Concerts&Clocktower Tours. Contact us at seniordays@cornell.edu.

(1) What can you do in ClubFest this Sunday? A. Watch a movie. B. Learn about student groups. C. Apply to be a volunteer. D. Demonstrate achievements.
(2) Which event will you choose if you want to enjoy a band performance? A. Movies on the Arts Quad. B. ClubFest. C. Slope Day. D. Senior Days.
(3) How long does Senior Days last? A. One day. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. A week.
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