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The beauty industry produces many units of one-time use containers every year. More and more consumers are asking how they can keep themselves clean and beautiful without trashing the planet. 

It's a question Women of the Future winner, Natassia Nicolao, considered during her years working in product development for beauty and wellness companies. Raised by a strong and supportive mother, Natassia used her skills and passion to make a difference. In 2021, she created her waterless beauty brand.

She said, "Water is involved in every stage of a product life cycle. Everything we use, buy, sell and make has a huge water footprint. On top of that, the beauty industry adds water as the main ingredients in its products, despite it having no direct benefit to our skin. "

Having lived through water restrictions in drought-ridden Australia, Natassia felt it necessary to stop the overuse of water in the beauty industry. Natassia has always loved beauty. Her company tries to be sustainable in every step of the way, but at its core, it is about removing water from our beauty routines. 

"It's really rooted in water conservation first, and then managing your water footprint, your carbon footprint and your waste footprint, " Natassia said. "We create waterless beauty products to help conserve water. " The glass bottles and jars of her products can be recycled. The oils and wipes are formulated without any water, requiring no water to use. The company also has a piece of game-changing beauty technology: face-wipes and masks that completely dissolve in water.

"The company is still in its beginning, " Natassia said. With the prize money from Women of the Future, she plans to purchase a machine to simplify the creation of the wipes and masks. The publicity, meanwhile, will help her spread the message central to the company's existence that beauty must do better. Natassia believes that, with a little courage and innovation, it can do.

(1) What does the underlined word "trashing" in paragraph 1 mean? A. Studying. B. Damaging. C. Exploding. D. Supporting.
(2) What mainly led to the birth of Natassia's company? A. Her pursuit of profit. B. Her best beauty skills. C. Her growth environment. D. Her love of extreme beauty.
(3) Which can best describe the products of Natassia's company? A. Environmentally friendly. B. Relatively cheap. C. Elegant. D. World-famous.
(4) How does Natassia feel about the beauty industry? A. It has died out. B. It's promising. C. It develops well. D. It's worth analysis.
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Linda Brown, a real estate agent, believes that when it comes to solving homelessness, it takes a village. She spent nine years supporting homeless people in Springfield, Missouri, through a charitable organization called The Gathering Tree, which welcomed people a few times each week during daylight hours, providing a safe and welcoming place for them to take showers, socialize, or simply rest. But they had to close their doors for the night. "One cold winter night, I watched as my friends walked off into the darkness to a wet, cold camp, while we went home to a warm bed," Linda said, "I realized I had to do something."

She had an idea to create a village of tiny houses to make sure no one slept outside on her watch! Linda started fundraising. She began by appealing to her fellow estate agents in the area before branching out into local businesses.

Using these donations, Linda purchased a nearby abandoned area that already had the infrastructure in place. By February 2019, they'd built 31 tiny homes for their Eden Village and found residents for each one. All the residents must be good neighbors in order to stay in the village, and they certainly are! Linda was happy when she learned that the village actually increased local property values rather than lowering them as some people had feared.

Linda hasn't stopped working since Eden Village began. A second village opened in the fall of 2020, and there's a third location in the works as well! She hopes to have five villages across Springfield within the next five years, helping more than 200 homeless people get off the streets and into a new life.

To this day, Linda firmly believes that there are a million reasons someone can become homeless, but each of them can be solved with love and community involvement.

(1) What does The Gathering Tree do for the homeless? A. It raises money for them. B. It builds tiny houses for them. C. It helps them find warm camps. D. It provides them with day shelters.
(2) What did some people fear? A. Their own homes would be lost. B. Their jobs would be taken over. C. Their safety would be seriously threatened. D. Their local property values would be lowered.
(3) What does Linda expect to do? A. Help homeless people find work. B. Reach out to more homeless people. C. Build more infrastructure at Eden Village. D. Get homeless people involved in building Eden Village.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Linda? A. Ambitious and scholarly. B. Brave and imaginative. C. Sympathetic and innovative. D. Generous and independent.
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