
The topic of "crossing your legs" has been hotly discussed on the Internet recently. The truth is that crossing one leg over the other, a common sitting posture preferred by many people, may actually do harm to one's health. So while seated, try not to do so any more.

Whether it is at the office, in a waiting room or relaxing at home, many people' s go-to posture is one leg over the other, crossed at the knee. If you're like many of us, you spend too many hours of your day seated and for most of that time, you have crossed your legs for comfort.

One study found that people who sat with their legs crossed for more than three hours a day were more likely to lean forward and to round their shoulders. But the research relied on people's own estimations of how long they crossed their legs for.

When you cross your legs, you are putting compression and pressure on your leg and knee joints and nerves. The way you sit is a huge determinant of your health and the way your body moves and functions. Sitting with your legs crossed leaves your hips uneven and forces your pelvic bone (盆骨) to rotate. Therefore, the longer you sit in this uneven position, the more pressure is placed on your knee and spine (脊柱), increasing the likelihood that it will develop into a long-term issue.

If seated long, then more importantly for you, cultivate and develop a healthy habit of sitting position. And here are the followings. Switch sitting positions often. Take brief walks around your office or home. Gently stretch your muscles every so often to help relieve muscle tension. Keep your feet on the floor, with your ankles in front of your knees. Relax your shoulders; they should not be rounded. Keep your elbows in close to your body and let them be bent between 90 and 120 degrees. Make sure that your back, thighs and hips are fully supported. Try doing those and maybe some of them fit you.

(1) Why do many people like to be seated "crossing their legs"? A. They do so just for sort of ease. B. They want their legs to take up more space. C. They think it's a power move. D. It is a common sitting posture preferred by the most.
(2) Which of the following may not be the "harm" that the long "cross-legged" position leads to? A. Your hips are in an unbalanced position. B. Your spine supports more pressure. C. Your pelvic bone is forced to rotate. D. You may lean forward.
(3)  How many proposals does the author speak about to those seated long in the text? A. 9. B. 7. C. 5. D. 3.
(4) What might the author mainly want to tell us? A. What a common sitting posture is. B. The cross-legged position is popular. C. Don't cross your legs any longer. D. Being seated long is unhealthy.
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This year sees the third edition of Zhu Yujie's group female art exhibition, a project hosted annually with the aim of offering more opportunities to women artists. The exhibition Metaphor and Gaze opened in Shenzhen's La Vie Art Center, on Feb 27.

"Women artists still have relatively fewer opportunities to show their works at art museums and galleries, and few group exhibitions concentrate on female topics, " Zhu says, "Only by constantly exhibiting works by female artists and writing about these artworks, can they be known by more people and be written into art history. "

The exhibition contains videos, paintings, and performance by 17 female artists. According to Zhu, the title Metaphor and Gaze is about artists expressing women's real desires, confusion and anxieties from different perspectives, and exploring the love, healing and growth shared by humans.

"In these unique times of the pandemic (疫情), we have had new life experiences and understandings, and I increasingly realize that art is the best medium to break down barriers and to bring people together. And for artists, their creation and thinking never stop," Zhu says. "In art history, the images of women are often just objects to be gazed at. In our exhibition, women are the subject of creation. "

Zhu says that she feels an increasing amount of people are supporting female art. While she overcame various difficulties hosting previous exhibitions with a limited budget, this year she was invited by Xiao Yu, founder of La Vie Art Center, who provided the place.

The art center is an industrial space with rough concrete walls, which, according to Zhu, contrasts with the fixed impression of women being frail, and allows the artists to communicate with the viewers through powerful artworks.

The exhibition also features a reading room section entitled Writing Her Power- Women's Situation and Writing, displaying books from 20 publishing houses on themes including female power, self-identity and relationships. Zhu says that books have played a major role in her learning.

(1) What does the title Metaphor and Gaze want to show? A. The contribution of Zhu herself. B. Real feelings of women from different aspects. C. Constant exhibitions by famous artists. D. Fewer opportunities for women artists to present works.
(2) Which of the following is Zhu's idea according to the fourth paragraph? A. Women are active art creators. B. Women are the center objects of art. C. The pandemic brings art barriers. D. The pandemic stimulates art creation.
(3) What does the underlined word "frail" mean? A. Tough. B. Romantic. C. Weak. D. Skeptical.
(4) What is the text? A. A news report. B. A research article. C. A short story. D. A book review.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

As the holidays rolled around this year,I (Susie)told my husband (James)not to buy me anything. I already

have too much stuff. I have no room for yet another item that will take up cherished space in our city home. 

However,I mentioned there is one exception:I will accept anything that can be consumed,like wine,chocolate,or flowers,something that doesn't leave a footprint and that I don't have to worry about breaking,losing,or maintaining. 

Our son cut in to wisely suggest me adding"experiences"to my list since they are more meaningful than things and are something that our family all enjoyed. I couldn't agree more and was happy he brought this up. The memories of experiences live on in our hearts and uplift us,which is in striking contrast to the dust that collects on the numerous items we acquire over the years that often end up stressing us out. 

I've always told James that additional things clutter(堆砌)my mind,like additional words clutter his. As a philosopher who is very deliberate and precise with his words, he got that instantly. So,we are on a personal mission to clean out our home. 

Science seems to support this simplification method as well. In a 2021 experimental literature review of 23 studies that involved more than 10,000 participants,researchers found a positive relationship between "voluntary simplicity"(often used interchangeably with minimalism)and well-being. Defined as "a lifestyle limiting possessions and clutter to live deliberately according to one's purpose,"the term was first coined by social philosopher Richard Gregg,who wrote a popular book titled The Value of Voluntary Simplicity in 1936. Since that time,others have expanded on the idea and that of minimalism with which it overlaps. Both terms share the core values of reducing consumption and redirecting one's attention from physical accumulation and goods to personal growth and human good. 

Practicing voluntary simplicity is associated with a number of psychological benefits,including enhanced mood,increased mindfulness,lower stress and anxiety,and better relationships,as reported in the recent Journal of Positive Psychology literature review study.

(1) According to Susie,her son's suggestion was ____ A. a wise comment B. a valuable reference C. an annoying interruption D. an unforgettable memory
(2) What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply? A. James broke his words deliberately. B. James bought the desired gift instantly. C. James decided to clean their house immediately. D. James realized the significance of minimalism directly.
(3) What is The Value of Voluntary Simplicity probably intended to do? A. Changing public viewpoints. B. Raising a growing public concern. C. Improving people's physical health. D. Restricting consumption of daily essentials.
(4) What aspect will be probably talked about next? A. Advantages of a collected mind. B. Mental influences of minimalism. C. Procedures of the psychology study. D. Ways to improve people's positive attitude.
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On 4 May, Headley Court, a former military(军事) site in Surrey, England, was transformed into the Seacole Center- a temporary hospital for people recovering from COVID 19, the disease caused by coronavirus. It is named after the nurse Mary Seacole in recognition of her contribution to medicine.

Seacole was born in Jamaica(牙买加) in 1805. Her mother ran a hotel where people could receive medical care and Seacole learnt a lot about nursing from her. An eager traveler, Seacole learnt more about new medicines and treatments as she journeyed across the world.

Seacole was born in Jamaica(牙买加) in 1805. Her mother ran a hotel where people could receive medical care and Seacole learnt a lot about nursing from her. An eager traveler, Seacole learnt more about new medicines and treatments as she journeyed across the world. During the Crimean War (1853- 1856), Seacole wanted to join a group of nurses, led by Florence Nightingale, who were going to Crimea to treat British soldiers. The Crimean War was an international conflict fought between Britain, France and Turkey on one side, and Russia on the other. However, Seacole's request to join was rejected. She believed this was possibly because of racism(种族主义) which is when people are treated badly or unfairly because of their race.

Instead, Seacole went to Crimea by herself and set up the British Hotel, which was a place where soldiers could go to receive treatment. Among these soldiers she became known as "Mother Seacole" because of how well she looked after them.

After the war, Seacole fell ill and didn't have much money. To assist her, people put on a festival in her honor in 1857. Seacole also published a book about her life, called Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands, before she died in 1881 in London. Over the years, people have campaigned for Seacole's story to be more widely told.

Although the Seacole Center is only a temporary hospital, it is hoped that this might lead to more awareness of her achievements.

(1) How did Seacole get a deep knowledge of new medicines? A. By learning from her mother. B. By traveling across the world. C. By attending to different soldiers. D. By studying from medical books.
(2) Why was Seacole refused to join the nurses during the Crimean War? A. She was a black woman. B. She lacked medical skills. C. She was too old and fell ill. D. She showed no mercy to soldiers.
(3) How did people help Seacole after the war? A. They created a festival to honor her. B. They published a book to remember her. C. They campaigned to raise money for her. D. They set up a hotel named "Mother Seacole".
(4) What's the text mainly talking about? A. A hospital named in Seacole's honor. B. A woman who made history. C. Seacole nursing soldiers well. D. The contributions of Seacole.
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