
Hikes in grocery prices often arise from factors outside of governments' control, whether it's bird flu driving up egg costs or heavy rain in California drowning crops. But farmers can gain more control over the availability of certain foods by using satellite data, finds a new study led by researchers from University of Maryland. 

Remote sensing has long been used to track and make predictions about crop harvests. But governments have been hesitant to heavily invest in the technology for crop monitoring and planting because they lacked evidence of the ability to produce quantifiable economic benefits-until now. 

"The models we created show that remote sensing forecasting can reduce food prices in import-dependent countries by 1.1%~12.5%," said Laixiang Sun, a professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences. "By using remote sensing to predict a poor harvest in the Northern Hemisphere(半球), the Southern Hemisphere can plant more to avoid a shortage. If the Northern Hemisphere has a good harvest, the Southern Hemisphere can plant less to avoid an oversupply. This will keep prices stable."

The researchers first created models to predict how much warning farmers in the opposite hemisphere could have of potential shortages or surpluses. To do so, the researchers used remote-sensing data before a 2008 poor wheat harvest in, Russia, a 2012 good wheat harvest in Ukraine, and 2012's poor soybean harvest in Brazil. The wheat-forecasting models accurately predicted production in 2008 and 2012 two months before the harvests.

The researchers also developed economic models to show how predictions of upcoming shortages and surpluses could prevent food price changes. With data from 2007 and 2011, the years immediately before the wheat and soybean harvests, the models showed that consumers in import-dependent countries could save some money if farmers could see and respond to the predicted harvests in the opposite hemisphere. 

Sun said the findings justify continued monitoring of crop growth from space—and not a moment too soon, either. "This is important, as global food security is increasingly threatened by regional human conflicts and extreme weather events from climate change," he said.

(1) What kept governments from investing in satellite data for crop monitoring? A. Lack of economic proof. B. Difficulty in interpreting data. C. Insufficient satellite technology. D. Farmers' resistance to new methods.
(2) According to Sun, how can remote sensing forecasting impact prices? A. By causing a global price movement. B. By stabilizing importing countries' food prices. C. By reducing food prices in areas with poor harvests. D. By predicting food prices of a year with good harvests.
(3) Why does the author mention "economic models" in paragraph 5? A. To clarify the accuracy of crop forecasting models. B. To show how remote sensing can reduce food prices. C. To prove the economic profits of using satellite data. D. To explain the impact of climate change' on food security.
(4) Why does Sun consider continued space-based crop monitoring crucial? A. It resolves human conflicts worldwide. B. It relieves threats to global food security. C. It enhances farmers' awareness of climate change. D. It helps prevent extreme weather events from happening.
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"My ocean is my life. "These are the powerful words of Andre Miller, a marine (海洋的) scientist. He is also the owner of a dive shop that places heavy upon the exploration and conservation of his hometown's waters.

As a young child, Andre would be fascinated by tales of the sea told by his dad who was a fisherman. When he was six years old, his mum gave him his first equipment of diving. Then, Andre spent his time diving. Andre interned (实习) at a dive shop. With this training, the young diver was able to see new depths. But unfortunately,he saw much damage.

After finishing his studies in marine biology, Andre got to work as a member of the Coastal Zone Management Unit. It was here that once again he was horrified by the rapid decline of the numbers of sea creatures and the negative effects of poor boating practices which caused havoc to the island's coral(珊瑚). Therefore, the first mission of Andre's team was to repair destroyed reefs and save coral. And they have been very successful in their efforts.

One of Andre's perfect moments was his role in the creation of the Carlisle Bay Marine Park. The park has now become the premier dive site in his hometown. Andre describes it as"the best textbook example of how marine parks can benefit the islands".

In 2016, Andre further promised his support of the conservation of Carlisle Bay through his work with other projects. Through their work, Andre's hometown has seen an increase in underwater clean-ups, which has made marine life increase greatly. Andre's contagious (有感染力的) passion for marine conservation doesn't end here. He is always searching for more. Andre Miller is a man on a mission.

(1) What made Andre interested in marine life when he was young? A. The internship at a dive shop. B. The tales of the sea from his father. C. The participation in a class about marine life. D. The information from the textbooks and the Internet.
(2) What does the underlined word "havoc"in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Damage. B. Harmony. C. Increase. D. Mess.
(3) What's the author's attitude towards Andre's work? A. Tolerant. B. Doubtful. C. Uncaring. D. Favorable.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Andre? A. Patient and brave. B. Careful and selfless. C. Determined and creative. D. Intelligent and outspoken.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项

I had not hugged a friend or a family member since the pandemic until recently when my sister-in-law flew in for a brief visit. For everyone's safety, we met outside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me from the inside out. It's strange, but only now do I truly realize how much I've missed embracing loved ones.

Growing up through war in my hometown of Sarajevo, Bosnia, every moment was full of danger. On one peaceful morning, I had begged my mom to let me go outside after spending weeks indoors. She finally agreed. I was outside for only 10 minutes when I was caught in an explosion. I ran to my neighbor's house for safety and threw my arms around her neck just as my legs collapsed underneath me. She hugged me with both arms and dragged me into her house.

Thankfully, I made a full physical recovery, but the emotional scars never left me. Years later there was another explosion near my house. I was safe inside, but my father had left to buy a loaf of bread. He had only just missed the blast. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable.

It is yet another sad aspect of our pandemic lives that hugging a stranger is the last thing on our minds. For many of us, even hugging a relative or a friend comes with stress and anxiety. Perhaps we have undervalued the impact of a simple hug. As I look back on my past, I count myself truly lucky to have been held, shielded and encouraged at some of the most key moments of my life by the almost super power of a hug. I pray that in the not-so-distant future we can safely hold one another again - a friend, a relative, or even a stranger.

(1) Why did the author mention her sister-in-law's visit at the beginning? A. It reminded the author of her past hugs. B. It encouraged the author to hug strangers. C. It made the author think of her large family. D. It made the author forget the pandemic temporarily.
(2) What happened to the author when she lived in her hometown? A. Her mother never allowed her to go out. B. One of her legs collapsed in an explosion. C. She was saved by her neighbor's timely hug. D. She recovered quickly from the wounds of the war.
(3) How did the author feel when she hugged her father? A. Frightened. B. Relieved. C. Embarrassed. D. Astonished.
(4) What is the author's purpose in writing this article? A. To express how she feels about war. B. To share how important hugs are to her. C. To introduce the ups and downs in her life. D. To complain about the impact of the pandemic.
阅读理解 未知 普通
3.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

My love for animals began through watching wildlife documentaries when I was a kid. I went on to study Environmental Science at university, and became interested in marine(海洋的)biology when I did my master's degree. That's when I realised that there was a possibility to do more for Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, many people would associate marine life only with seafood, and few people would consider it as a part of nature to be appreciated. Although our marine life is highly diverse, our waters have been overfished for more than 40 years. Records show that, decades ago, Hong Kong had such high production of seafood that it supported about 90% of the local demand. Today, at least 90% of the seafood we eat has to be imported to meet local demand, as our waters are so overfished that they can no longer support the local appetite.

Despite this shift, we are still a city in love with seafood-according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Hong Konng has the second highest annual seafood consumption per capita (人均)in Asia-but consumers are barely aware of where their seafood comes from and which species are threatened.

There is a lot of room for improvement in Hong Kong. Improving local fishery management policies and increasing the coverage of Marine Protected Areas, as well as conducting the relevant research to inform decisions, could move the city towards greater sustainability in this area. And consumers should avoid eating seafood that is on the threatened species list. As a general rule of thumb, if people are not sure what the species is, they should choose something else that they are more familiar with.

With the marine ecosystem already weak and easily destroyed, the greatest threat is continued ignorance and inaction. It is time for us to show that we can also be a part of the solution. If each person plays their part - even for just one meal a day-Hong Kong would already be on its way to making considerable progress towards sustainable seafood consumption.

(1) How does the author introduce overfishing in Paragraph 2? A. By listing reasons. B. By offering examples. C. By giving exact figures. D. By making comparisons.
(2) What is true about HK people according to the passage? A. They all see marine life as a part of nature. B. They consume 90% of the seafood in Asia. C. They have a rather big appetite for seafood. D. They are aware of the source of the seafood.
(3) What does the author suggest people do when eating seafood? A. Keep off unfamiliar species. B. Ignore dangerous species. C. Choose endangered species. D. Avoid non-threatened species.
(4) What is the author's purpose of writing this article? A. To stop consuming seafood. B. To protect the marine ecosystem. C. To improve local fishery management policies. D. To criticize the overfishing situation in Hong Kong.
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