
To create paper and other wood products, millions of new trees must be planted each year. 

Don't use products that come with excessive (过度的) packaging.

A candy may come in an individual wrapper (包装纸), within a bag that's also placed inside a box. Buy items that haven't been wrapped several times. Next time you or your family go shopping, make sure you take reusable bags and buy things without packaging.

Another large cause of paper waste is takeout food containers. They are often made of paper products or packed in paper bags. Next time you and your family decide to eat out for a meal, request that you sit down in the restaurant instead of taking the food in to-go containers. Most fast food restaurants use paper products to individually wrap all food. Therefore, ask your family if you can cat at a conventional sit-down restaurant for your next night out.

Encourage others to save paper.

To have an even bigger impact, you can encourage others to save paper as well. One of the best ways to reach the most people is to put up signs that inform people how they can help.  They will help raise awareness of the importance of protecting trees. Make sure you print or draw your signs on reused paper (like the back of old homework). Trash containers and recycling bins are a great place for signs.

A. Choose to use paper plates and dishes.

B. Here are some ways to save paper.

C. It is a good way to reduce paper waste from packaging.

D. Many grocery stores provide paper bags to pack groceries.

E. Dine in instead of using takeout containers at restaurants.

F. Many of today's consumer items are wrapped several times.

G. There are lots of signs that you can print off from the Internet.

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As has been all too apparent in recent days at Balcombe, few issues cause greater concern than energy policy. Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined by the power-producing machines of wind farms; yet they never take "direct action", even though the planning laws put them at a severe disadvantage. And the generous subsidies (财政补贴) , which encourage the expansion of wind power, are not favorable to the village communities and set landowners in conflict with other residents.

Those who disagree with the rapid expansion of wind farms state that the damage they cause is out of proportion (比例) to the benefits they bring, because their energy output cannot match that of the carbon-based power stations they are supposed to replace. Supporters insist that wind must be part of a mix of renewables, nuclear and carbon, and that the country is committed to meeting EU (European Union) targets for non-carbon energy generation.

Against this background, the fact that there is an argument within the Government over whether to publish an official report on wind farms' impact on the countryside becomes even more extraordinary. The two parties in the coalition (联合) government are in disagreement over what it should say.

We have some advice for the two parties: publish the report, and let the country be the judge. Even if it contains evidence that wind farms are harmful, it will hardly be a pleasant surprise to people who do not like them. Equally, supporters must argue their case by acknowledging the concerns and explaining why they are either misplaced or worthy of much attention.

The suggestion that further negotiations are to take place to produce an "acceptable" report suggests that the politics of coalition government are doing the country harm in a certain way. Given the sensitivities involved, all the information should be available so that people can reach their own conclusions, rather than being left with the suspicion (猜疑) that facts are being replaced by political beliefs.

(1) We can learn from the first paragraph that __________. A. energy policy catches much attention of the public B. the planning laws offer great benefits to the residents C. the residents are in favor of the expansion of wind farms D. many village communities are satisfied with the subsidies
(2) Supporters think that the expansion of wind power __________. A. guarantees an increase in energy output B. is more rapid than that of carbon-based power C. is expected to be much better than that of nuclear power D. agrees with EU targets for non-carbon energy generation
(3) It can be inferred from the passage that __________. A. an official report will settle the energy problem B. the two parties have agreed on a further negotiation C. the two parties are divided over the issue of wind farms D. political beliefs concerning energy issue go against facts
(4) Which of the following reflects the author's opinion? A. Increase political impact on energy policy. B. Let the nation judge the facts about wind power. C. Release a statement of supporters on wind farms. D. Leave the two parties to reach their own conclusions.
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For the last five years, Seoyun Matthew Lee has pricked his fingertips at least once a day to test a drop of blood. If the amount of glucose, a simple sugar, is too high, he must get a shot of insulin (胰岛素) to lower it. These daily finger pricks are "really lifestyle-hampering and invasive," Matthew says. So he developed an alternative—a wearable patch. It turns yellow when glucose levels are too high.

The body normally makes insulin to even out blood-sugar levels. But having type 1 diabetes, Mathew cannot make this hormone. That's important because highly elevated blood sugar can put someone's life in danger. After seeing younger kids struggle to interpret their blood-sugar levels, he thought a color-changing device might be easier to understand. "As a diabetic," he explains, "what I recognize is that the precise blood glucose number is not really important to us." Instead, he notes, people with this disease must simply know when throughout the day they will need a shot of insulin.

The body releases chemicals through many routes. The new single-use patch works by detecting glucose in one of them: sweat. Past research shows that you can estimate blood-sugar levels based on how much glucose sweat has.

Two sheets of hydrogel—a jiggly, water-based gel—make up Matthew's small patch. It's only 1 centimeter (about 0.4 inch) square. The layer closest to the skin contains a chemical that reacts with glucose. This interaction produces a second chemical called hydrogen peroxide. The more sugar there is, the more hydrogen peroxide will be made. Hydrogen peroxide triggers a reaction in the patch's upper layer. It causes a protein called papain—to react with a color-changing chemical. The more glucose in sweat, the yellower the patch will become.

Matthew's patch is painless and easy to understand. And it shouldn't be very costly. Material costs of his patch are just one-fifth as much as those of existing glucose-measuring devices, because current gadgets require electrical components but Matthew's patch relies on far less expensive chemicals.

(1) What do we know about Matthew? A. He has the ability to make insulin regularly. B. He considers it harmless to prick his fingertips. C. He invents a convenient device to test blood sugar. D. He thinks it vital to know the blood sugar level accurately.
(2) What can be inferred from Paragraph 4? A. The patch functions on the basis of three reactions. B. Papain reacts in the second layer, causing hydrogen peroxide. C. A color-changing chemical is located in the layer closest to the skin. D. The patch relies on detecting glucose in various chemicals released by body.
(3) Which is the advantage of Matthew's patch? A. It is more economical. B. It uses less electricity. C. It can be used for several times. D. It shows the exact blood sugar number.
(4) Which is the best title for the text? A. A Novel Way to Treat Diabetes B. A Painless Patch to Test Blood Sugar C. A New Device to Stabilize Blood Sugar D. A Chain of Insulin-Producing Reactions
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Most children love stories. Stories are entertaining and fun, but can they be more than just fun? Findings from a new study led by Rebecca de Leeuw, an assistant professor at the Radboud University, indicate stories in movies can also be meaningful for children. 

The researchers contacted children between 4 and 15years old after they watched the Disney film Inside Out. This film takes place mainly in the head of an 11-year-old girl, where her emotions—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, personified as different characters—conflict on how to help her best in her new life after her family moves. The story follows the "hero's journey" —a classical narrative(叙事的)framework, which involves a hero who goes on an adventure, overcomes challenges, and return s changed. So the research team chose this film. When making this film, the film-makers had in-depth discussions with psychologists to make the emotion animation consistent with scientific knowledge. 

The research team asked mostly open-ended questions to encourage the children to share their thoughts, including the key question: "Was there a part of the movie you had to think about?" Children looked at stills of important scenes and were invited to explain in their own words what happened. If they liked, they also rewatched scenes of the film. 

While watching, children made sense of the feelings, motives and behavior of characters in the film, using their social intelligence skills. They also further developed these skills when they were challenged in making sense of the story. Children also mentioned they appreciated seeing acts of pity, kindness, love and bravery in the film. Just like adults, they were even touched to tears by these qualities. 

One of the children in the study even expressed that Joy inspired her to never quit in her own life. The more insights children gained while watching, the more meaningful the story became for them. Altogether, stories in movies can be a quick way for children to gain life experience and wisdom. 

(1) Why did the research team choose the film Inside Out? A. It focuses on scientific knowledge. B. It is directed and produced by Disney. C. It is based on a girl's emotional journey. D. It follows a typical story-telling structure.
(2) How did the research team draw their conclusion? A. By interviewing children. B. By conducting experiments. C. By referring to previous studies. D. By making comparisons between two groups of children.
(3) What were the children asked to do in the study? A. Share their personal favorite stories. B. Repeat touching scenes of the film. C. Voice their opinions about the story. D. Come up with questions on the film.
(4) What can be concluded according to the findings? A. Stories in movies can increase children's survival skills. B. Stories in movies would help children become mature. C. Stories in movies would improve children's social interactions. D. Stories in movies can make children more intelligent academically.
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