
We know that spending lots of time sitting down isn't good for us, but just how much exercise is needed to match the negative health effects of sitting down all day? Research suggests about 30-40 minutes per day of building up a sweat should do it.

Up to 40 minutes of"moderate(温和的) to vigorous(有力的) intensity physical activity"every day is about the right amount to balance out 10 hours of sitting still, the research says—although any amount of exercise or even just standing up helps to some extent.

That's based on a study published in 2020 analyzing nine previous studies, involving a total of 44,370 people in four different countries who were wearing some form of fitness tracker. The analysis found the risk of death among those with a more sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle went up as time spent engaging in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity went down. In other words, putting in some reasonably intensive activities—cycling, brisk walking, gardening--can lower your risk of an earlier death.

While analyses like this one always require some detailed dot-joining across separate studies with different volunteers, timescales and conditions, the benefit of this particular piece of research is that it relied on relatively objective data from wearables—not data self-reported by the participants.

The research based on fitness trackers is broadly in line with the 2020 WHO guidelines, which recommend 150-300 mins of moderate intensity or 75-150 mins of vigorous intensity physical activity every week to balance out sedentary behaviour.

Walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift, playing with children and pets, taking part in yoga or dancing, doing household chores, walking, and cycling are all put forward as ways in which people can be more active—and if you can't manage the 30—40 minutes right away, the researchers say, start off small.

(1) How does the author start the text? A. By telling stories. B. By listing numbers. C. By giving examples. D. By raising questions.
(2) What did the research find? A. The longer you sit still, the earlier you will die. B. The more you exercise, the healthier you will be. C. Productivity can be improved through physical activities. D. Proper intensive activities help reduce the risk of earlier death.
(3) Why is the research reliable? A. It's based on previous studies. B. Its data is relatively objective. C. It's carried out in different countries. D. Its data is from the participants' reports.
(4) What is the main purpose of the text? A. To analyze the risk of sitting still. B. To recommend a healthy lifestyle. C. To inspire people to do more exercise. D. To show benefits of physical activities.
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Major Sports Leagues in the US


Formed in 1920, the National Football League has a religious following in the US and around the world. It's one of the most profitable leagues in the whole world. The NFL consists of 32 teams, which are sub-divided into NFC and AFC, which compete against each other every year to win the Super Bowl, the halftime show of which features major hit musicians. 


Initially formed in 1946 as the BAA (Basketball Association of America), it merged (合并) with National Basketball League in 1949 and changed its name to NBA. The National Basketball Association might not be the biggest sports league financially, but it has a larger international following than other leagues. The keyword "NBA" was among the most googled keywords in 2021, which indicates how popular it is in the world. 


Baseball is considered to be the national pastime activity of the US and the Major League Baseball is its highest level in the country. The MLB might not be popular as NFL in other parts of the world, but international supporters still make a large portion of the total fanbase. Formed in 1903, the MLB is the oldest US sports league and now has 30 teams, which was a merger between the National League and the American League. 


Founded in 1917, the National Hockey League is the second-oldest sports league in the US and Canada and consists of a total of 32 teams. Three of the best performing teams from each division make it to the playoffs plus two wild card teams. All teams compete to win the prestigious Stanley Cup. Most of NHL's revenue comes from TV and gate receipts with hockey-crazed Canadians being the primary market. 

(1) Which American sports league enjoys highest popularity globally? A. NFL.                          B. NBA.                  C. MLB.                  D. NHL.
(2) What can a football fan enjoy when watching NFL? A. Religious celebrations. B. Interactive games. C. International competition. D. Musical performances.
(3) What sets NHL apart from other American sports leagues? A. The oldest history. B. The most teams. C. The Canadian fanbase. D. Divisions within the league.
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Nowadays, countries are eager to get more electric cars on the road because moving away from gas-powered vehicles is vital to fighting climate change. China says that most new vehicles sold by 2035 will be electric. The United Kingdom will ban new gas-powered cars in 2030. One of the world's major automakers, General Motors (GM), announced that it would stop selling gas-powered cars by 2035.

The key to an electric future is batteries. Automakers are racing to pack the most energy into the smallest one. The lithium-ion (锂离子) battery is what powers our mobile devices, which can be recharged again and again. Making these batteries has an environmental cost. Lithium is taken from the earth, like the oil used to make gasoline. But the long-term cost is much smaller. "Once you burn gasoline, you can't recycle it, "says Jessika Trancik, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "But when you use up a battery, you can still recycle the material."

It's up to governments to make electric cars accessible to everyone. National policies can help. In the United States, an electric Chevy Volt costs about $35,000. Trancik says charging stations must also be made widely available. As part of an effort to fight climate change, America plans to build half a million of them in the U.S. by 2030. She hopes enough charging stations will be built soon. "It's important to put chargers where many different people can have access to them, " she says. "Not just wealthier people."

Last year, almost 5% of approximately 67 million new cars sold worldwide were electric. For Venkat Viswanathan, a professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, green electricity is part of the solution to climate change, and electric cars are just the beginning. He sees a future of solar-powered homes and electric flying cars. "Soon, a plug-in vehicle might be as cheap as a gas-powered car. It is now abundantly clear that electric is the future, "he says. "It will be a totally new world."

(1) What's Trancik's attitude to the lithium-ion battery? A. Conservative. B. Skeptical. C. Positive. D. Disapproving.
(2) What does Trancik indicate about charging stations in Paragraph 3? A. They should come down in price. B. They may be unfairly laid out. C. Enough of them have been built. D. They favor more ordinary people.
(3) What does Viswanathan want to convey? A. Green electricity will be widely used. B. The price of batteries will drop sharply. C. Gas-powered cars will be cheaper. D. Electric vehicles will beat climate change.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Charging Stations Are Needed B. Vehicles Have Clean Options C. Climate Change Fuels Electricity D. Our Cars Are Going Electric
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The team of researchers from the University of Lincoln, UK, is designing and building an app to help farmers in hot climates identify and record the spread of locusts(蝗虫) on their land.

By recognizing locusts through the smartphone's camera, the app will be able to identify the stage of the insect's growth and record its location. This information can then be utilized so that the farmers can use pesticides(杀虫剂) more accurately in the early stages of their life time, greatly reducing the amount of crop damage. This approach could also reduce remaining pesticide levels, leading to increased food safety while maintaining food security and protecting nearby water systems.

"Each year, approximately 18 million hectares of land are damaged by locusts, influencing hugely farmers and their productivity, " explains Dr. Bashir Al-Diri from the School of Computer Science at the University of Lincoln. Their monitoring techniques currently rely on field surveys by people through digging insect eggs, but this information only helps farmers to make mid and long-term forecasting decisions and can delay effective management measures. By digitally recording the exact number, age and location of locusts, we hope this new app will put more knowledge and more power into the hands of the farmers.

Dr. Al-Diri and his team of computer scientists work with the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology at the University of Lincoln, aiming to support and improve productivity, efficiency and farming through research, education and new technology.

With advanced technology, the developers hope that the app will also be used for a wide range in the future to capture and document information about the natural world. For example, it could easily be adapted to help individuals identify plant diseases or to digitally capture the number and type of birds and wildlife in specific locations as part of national and international surveys.

(1) What do we know about the app mentioned in the passage? A. It has helped farmers record the spread of locusts. B. It may cost the farmers more than they expect. C. It will be of great use for farmers in hot climates. D. It will remind farmers of what the locusts look like.
(2) Which can replace the underlined word "utilized" in the passage? A. Controlled. B. Accessed. C. Arranged. D. Progressed.
(3) What can we know according to Dr. Bashir Al-Diri? A. Farmers don't know how to deal with locusts. B. Their techniques can be used to dig insect eggs. C. Some steps must be taken before using the app. D. Farmers suffer greatly because of locusts.
(4) What is the purpose of Al-Diri and his team? A. To check if the app is useful in killing locusts. B. To educate farmers on how to protect themselves. C. To direct farmers to change their farming methods. D. To assist in raising agricultural production level.
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