
In the joyful summer Chadalavada spent with Jayasree, his grandmother in 2018, the pair watched endless movies. Late one evening, Jayasree, who had recently been diagnosed (诊断) with Alzheimer's, got up in her nightdress and went to make tea at her home in India. After she returned to her bedroom, Chadalavada went into the kitchen to find that his grandmother had left the gas on!

Chadalavada decided to invent a wearable device to help people like his grandmother. Now aged 17, Chadalavada is ready to start making the Alpha Monitor. The device, which can be worn as an armband, sets off an alarm when the wearer with Alzheimer's starts to move and warns a caregiver if the patient falls or wanders off.

Most similar devices run on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, so when a person moves out of their frequencies' limited range the connection is lost and with it the monitoring. But the Alpha Monitor can detect a person more than a mile away in cities and three miles in the countryside thanks to the long-range technology, known as LoRa, it uses.

Teaching himself with YouTube videos about robotics and electronics, Chadalavada has developed several prototypes (模型). To understand the needs of people with Alzheimer's, he spent time in a day centre run by the Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Society of India. There, the cofounder told him that the device "had to be something light that can be worn on any part of the body". She says: "Many patients don't like having to wear a watch and they take it off."

In March, when Chadalavada's school exams are over, he will put the finishing touches to the monitor, with the aim of getting the device ready for market by September. He is confident that it should be sold at an affordable price for most people.

Chadalavada hopes to study robotics at a university abroad. His aim is simple: "I want to create products to help people in India for the whole world."

(1)  Why did Chadalavada invent the Alpha Monitor? A. To treat Alzheimer's. B. To entertain senior citizens. C. To improve Alzheimer's caregiving. D. To ensure fire safety at the elderly's homes.
(2)  What is an advantage of the Alpha Monitor? A. It is more comfortable to wear. B. It has a longer service time. C. It offers a remoter monitoring. D. It uses higher frequency controls.
(3)  What did Chadalavada want to explore while he spent time in a day centre? A. Where his invention could be polished. B. What people with Alzheimer's felt like. C. How Alzheimer's disease could be cured. D. Whether his invention would be profitable.
(4)  What can we learn about Chadalavada from the text? A. He enjoys living simply. B. He has an innovative mind. C. He used to be a health worker. D. He longs to be a robotics professor.
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Officer Michael Rivers, a policeman who was snapped and the image shared on Facebook, as he sat sharing his lunch with a homeless woman at the side of the road in North Carolina, in the USA, is praised.

According to Chris Barnes, his wife Cassie took the photo while she was on her lunch break. She saw the pair sharing a pizza and soft drink while they were having a friendly chat. Mr. Barnes uploaded the image with the notes: "Cassie was out on her lunch break and observed the officer enjoying lunch with a homeless person."

Officer Rivers recalled seeing the woman earlier that day. He told Yahoo news: "I was leaving the parking lot of Walmart and she was standing by the stop sign. Her shirt read, ‘Homeless the fastest way of becoming a nobody.' I hated that she felt that way." He added: "I always try to talk the homeless just to see how they got into their situation. You know, because it can happen to any one of us, at any given moment."

After he drove away, he circled back to ask if the woman was hungry and if she wanted food. The officer said she was honored by his offer. He bought them both pizza and Mountain Dew and when the pair sat down to eat, he learned of her family struggles and told her: "Hey, you still got stuff to live for, you still got your life ahead of you. It's never too late."

Officer Rivers, who does recruiting for the Goldsboro PD, hopes to send a message of sympathy for others. He added: "When the younger or newer guys come in, I let them know, ‘Hey treating the community like human beings is the most important thing in the world.'"

"So, if we as police officers show that love and sympathy to everybody, no matter their age, financial background or race, the world would be a better place."

(1) Why did Chris Barnes share the photo on Facebook? A. Because it was taken by his wife. B. Because the officer was his friend. C. Because the officer was handsome. D. Because he was impressed by the officer's action.
(2) Why did the officer come back for the homeless woman?
A. Because she asked him for food. B. Because her situation was serious. C. Because he wanted to make a difference for her. D. Because he wanted to become an interact celebrity.
(3) What does the officer want to pass on to his new colleagues? A. Anyone can become homeless at any given moment. B. Policemen should be sympathetic and caring. C. Policemen should become heroes. D. People should learn to draw others' attention.
(4) What does the text mainly talk about? A. A policeman seen sharing lunch with a homeless woman. B. How policemen help the homeless. C. A lucky homeless woman. D. How to become a good model for policemen.
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Amazing Exhibitions to See in 2023

Looking for your next culture fix? Explore the must-see exhibitions for the coming year.

The Adventure of Pottery, Kettles Yard, Cambridge

4 March - 25 June 2023

The potter, Lucie Rie, was a key figure in British post-war art. Her technical innovations permanently extended the language of studio pottery. Her achievements range from functional tableware to elegant bowls and vases. Rie's early pots from the 1920s and 1930s underline the modernist principles of clarity and innovation.

Birds of America, Compton Verney

1 July - 1 October 2023

Audubon's Birds of America examines the artistry and legacy of one of the world's rarest and largest books. Published as a series between 1827 and 1838, Birds of America achieved international fame due to its epic scale and the book's outstanding ornithological (鸟类学) illustrations. Compton Verney's grounds are a wildlife reserve, making the perfect setting for the show.

Love Life, Charleston, East Sussex

1 September 2023 - 8 March 2024

David Hockney's rarely-seen drawings from the late 1960s and 1970s. In 2017, David Hockney, one of Britain's most popular and recognizable artists, painted the words "Love Life" on the final wall of the show. Explaining his actions, he said, "I love my work. And I think the work has love. Actually... I love life."

Impressionists on Paper, Royal Academy

25 November 2023 - 10 March 2024

In the late 19th century, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists in France totally transformed the future direction of art and challenged the traditional attitudes. They lifted the status of works on paper, drawings, watercolours, etc., from something left in a studio to artworks in their own right. This exhibition brings together around 70 works for visitors.

(1) Which exhibition would you go if you are interested in tableware? A. The Adventure of Pottery. B. Birds of America. C. Impressionists on Paper. D. Love life.
(2) What is special about Compton Verney? A. It's the leading exhibition hall of UK. B. It has a history of around 200 years. C. It's a safe place for wild animals to live. D. It enjoys international fame for innovation.
(3) How many exhibitions can people visit in December 2023? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
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One of Kenya's famous camping sites is found about 230 kilometers north of the capital, Nairobi, in the Ngare Ndare Forest Reserve. What visitors will find unique about this camping site is the forest reserve's 7-meter-high tree platform on which they can set up their tents and camp. Below the tree platform, campers can gather beside a fire site dug out under a giant tree while watching the African sunset as darkness sets in.

For tourists who enjoy group activities, the Rapids camp, located just an hour-and-a-half drive north of Nairobi is an ideal destination. Its closeness to Nairobi and the famed Thika Super highway makes it very easy to access. The camp lies close to the Sagana River and has a river camping site of about 450meters and Kenya's largest waterfall in terms of volume.

Camping lovers in Kenya can also visit the Crayfish camp, which offers travelers an adventure by Lake Naivasha. This approximately 177-square-kilometer lake is home to many varieties of plants and fish. The camp features well-maintained grounds with all major activities within easy reach of each other. The Crayfish Camp, located 18 kilometers from Naivasha town, also has green grounds that can accommodate 400 campers.

For visitors who love touring coastal areas, Kenya offers Mike's camp on Kiwayu island. in the Lamu Archipelago. The campsite sits next to two villages, Kiwayu, which is an hour's walk south of the camp, and Chandani, a 20-minute walk to the north.

(1) Which camp is the best for companies' weekend activities? A. Ngare Ndare Forest Reserve B. Rapids camp C. Crayfish camp D. Mike's camp
(2) What is the common feature of the Rapids camp and the Crayfish camp? A. Easy access. B. Water-based activities. C. Beautiful scenery. D. Big camp site.
(3) Which is NOT true about the camps? A. You can set up tents in the trees in the Ngare. Ndare Forest Reserve. B. You can enjoy beautiful view of a waterfall by a river in the Rapids camp. C. Both the Crayfish camp and Mike's camp feature diverse and unique fish in Kenya. D. In Mike's camp, you may have the opportunity to have a close contact with the locals.
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