1. 阅读理解

I've never had a great sense of direction. And I often wander into shops and,upon coming back out,can't remember which way I've come from--left or right? Many people are like me,and why do some constantly have no idea where they are?

The hippocampus(海马体)is a region of the brain associated with memory and involved in sense of direction. And a nearby region has also been associated with sense of direction. There are four known types of navigation-related neurons(神经元)found in these regions: place cells,grid cells,border cells and head direction cells. 

In short,you can think of place cells as an internal cognitive(认知的)map; they identify where you are. Grid cells are like a GPS system in our brain; they tell us about the relationship of this place to other places we've been to. Border cells respond to the presence of environmental boundaries at a specific direction and distance from us. Lastly,head direction cells are activated when our head faces a specific direction. These cells will fire electrical impulses when we enter familiar locations,with each group of cells relating to a specific place. 

Our reliance on GPS and smartphones may have decreased the ability to use our internal maps. Older adults who regularly used GPS had less activity in their hippocampus,compared with those who did not use GPS. They also performed slightly worse in a cognition test. In contrast,a study involving London taxi drivers found they had significantly larger hippocampus than ordinary people. 

You can improve your way-finding ability specifically by practicing the skill,according to Aziz,PhD of neurology at Temple University School of Medicine. "The more you get out and go to places,the better, "he says. Physical exercise improves the blood flow to the brain, while mental exercise,such as doing puzzles or learning a new language,stimulates the development of new nerve cells and connections in your brain.

(1) How does the author introduce the topic of the text? A. By raising a question. B. By making a comparison. C. By stating personal opinions. D. By referring to scientific researchs.
(2) What can we learn about the four types of navigation-relat A. They depend closely on each other. B. They will decrease in numbers as one ages. C. They are responsible for different jobs. D. They will fail to function in unfamiliar situations.
(3) What will happen if we rely too much on GPS? A. We will easily be misled. B. Our cognitive ability will be affected. C. Our hippocampus will get enlarged. D. We will have our hippocampus relaxed.
(4) What are we advised to do according to the last paragraph? A. Build up our body. B. Take training courses. C. Try different brain exercises. D. Get out to connect with people.
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TEAN is committed to giving students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience studying abroad in a new and exciting culture. We recognize that in many instances additional funding is necessary to make the study abroad experience both affordable and realistic. These scholarships were created as an attempt to help students with the financial commitments required for an international education experience.

TEAN provides numerous scholarships, including an annual full ride scholarship, need- and merit-based scholarships, diversity scholarships, even a photography scholarship, plus others.


The Education Abroad Network Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad. The scholarship can be used for any Summer or Fall TEAN program and covers tuition, program fees, orientation and housing.


● Students must have their study abroad office complete the Statement from University form in order to be considered for the scholarship.

● Must meet GPA (Grade Point Average) requirement for the individual program that they want to attend.

● Must be a university student in the United States.

● Students can only apply for the scholarship once per application cycle; applicants should select their top program choice when applying for the scholarship.

● Scholarship applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


● Will be based on the overall application materials, including a personal essay addressing the following question: "Why have you selected this program? How is it tied to your major?"

● Applications will be judged by a panel of TEAN staff members.

● Assessment will be based on the following: excellence in academics, active participation in extra-curricular activities, achievement in leadership skills, awareness of the value of international education and the personal essay.

● No interview required.


June 1, 2024

(1) How many times is the full ride scholarship offered in a year? A. Anytime B. Once C. Twice D. Self-determined
(2) What may be the reason if an applicant fails to be accepted? A. He or she has made a random program choice. B. He or she has the statement form completed. C. The application is submitted up to the deadline. D. He or she has missed the date of the interview.
(3) How many aspects does an admission base on to all qualified applicants? A. 4 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9
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2. 阅读理解

I had always dreamed of living and working in New York, which promised endless opportunities. But as soon as I arrived, I realized that my journey was going to be filled with countless setbacks and challenges. 

My first major failure came when I landed my dream job at a famous company. However, after just a few months, I was let go due to budget cuts. I was shocked and felt like all of my hard work had been for nothing. 

Determined to bounce back, I applied for a new job at another company. This time, things seemed to be going better. I was making progress and gaining valuable experience, but then I was suddenly laid off again due to company restructuring. 

Feeling defeated and hopeless, I decided to take a break from the job search and focus on self-improvement. I enrolled in courses and attended workshops to learn new skills and expand my knowledge. But even with all of this effort, I still couldn't find the right job.

One day, while searching online job listings, I found an opportunity that seemed too good to be true. It was a remote position that offered a competitive salary and flexible hours. Without hesitation, I applied and was thrilled when I received an offer letter. 

However, as soon as I started working remotely, I realized that it wasn't the same as being in an office with colleagues (同事) around me. I struggled to communicate effectively and found it difficult to stay motivated without the support of my team.

Despite these challenges, I refused to give up. I reached out to my colleagues and tried to build relationships with them through virtual meetings and social media. With their help and encouragement, I was able to adapt to the new environment and excel in my role. Looking back on my journey, I realized that success is not about avoiding failure, but rather about learning from it and persevering through the tough times. I encouraged others who may be facing similar challenges in their own careers to never give up on their dreams and to keep pushing forward even when things get tough.

(1) How did the author feel about his journey when he arrived? A. Better. B. Promising. C. Tough. D. Well-paid.
(2) What caused him to be laid off by the first company? A. Company restructuring. B. Financial problems. C. Being short of skills. D. Working attitude.
(3) Why did the author keep in touch with his colleagues? A. He wanted them not to give up. B. He wanted to get support from them. C. He wanted to be better than them. D. He wanted to hold a meeting with them.
(4) Which of the following can best describe the author? A. Perseverant. B. Modest. C. Imaginative. D. Generous.
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Gabby Goodwin and her mother, Rozalynn, had a problem: Even after careful styling, barrettes (发夹) kept slipping out of the 5-year-old's hair. Gabby hated losing bows, and her mom was tired of buying replacements. As Rozalynn shared her frustration with other parents on social media, someone suggested that the Goodwins try creating their own barrettes.

"I was super excited," said Gabby, now l4. "I was nagging (唠叨) my mom every single day about these barrettes." Gabby's persistence persuaded her mother, and they began to deal with the problem.

First they examined Gabby's hair bows to see why they were falling out. Then they came up with a design for a double-face, double-snap barrette that attaches securely to hair.

When the Goodwins first showed their design to business investors, it was rejected. The product wasn't the right fit or the business plan wasn't good, companies told them. The setbacks made Gabby more determined.

Gabby and her mother didn't give up, and in 2014 they began selling the bows online. The barrettes were so popular that the Goodwins received a patent. Today Gabby is chief of Confidence by GaBBY Goodwin, and the barrettes-called GaBBY Bows-are available online and in 74 Target stores across the country. In 2018 Black Enterprise selected Gabbyas its Teenpreneur of the year. The following year, Gabby and Rozalynn set up a virtual academy to help girls learn business skills.

If you watch Gabby deliver a speech on a Facebook video, it's hard to imagine the South Carolina eighth-grader as anything other than confident. But learning to be the public face of her company was "really hard at first," she said.

Over the years, with a lot of practice speaking to audiences, Gabby grew more comfortable in her role. She offers this advice to kids: "Keep doing what you're passionate about, then you'll be able to grow in confidence."

(1) What did the Goodwins do after listening to someone's suggestion? A. They asked for help online. B. They designed a new barrette. C. They looked for stylish barrettes. D. They bought more replacements.
(2) How did Gabby react to some companies' rejection? A. She sold her products online. B. She gave up working on barrettes. C. She decided to redesign her barrettes.    D. She told her business plan to a virtual academy.
(3) How is Gabby's business going? A. It has suffered a downturn. B. It is expanding fast. C. It has failed to get a patent. D. It hardly makes ends meet.
(4) What does Gabby's advice to kids show? A. Every dog has its day. B. Never be ashamed to fail. C. Confidence is important in public speaking.    D. Interest and hard work lead to success.
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