1. 阅读理解

On Feb. 3,a train carrying dangerous chemicals flew off the rails and started a massive fire just outside East Palestine,a small town in Ohio of about 5,000 residents. No injuries or deaths were reported. 

The violent fire continued to spread through the weekend and locals said little information was communicated to them until the night of Feb.5,when forced evacuations(撤退) began due to concerns that the train wreck would explode. 

The remaining residents in the town crazily packed bags overnight and some were forced to abandon beloved pets. One woman left town a day early because her youngest son's "eyes turned red as tomato and he was coughing a lot,"after the train derailed(脱轨). 

On Wednesday,two days after the controlled burning and five days after the derailment,officials lifted evacuation orders and told residents they could return to their homes. Authorities said air and water samples had been analyzed and came back normal. Investigators say the train derailed because of a broken axle(车轴): 

As some residents began to come back into town,unfortunately,they reported strange smells and dead animals. People were also surprised and worried by the sounds of passing trains,already running through the village again so soon after the accident. A couple who live about five miles from where the train derailed spotted hundreds of dead fish. Other people reported dead chickens and shared social media photos of dead dogs and foxes in the area. 

An official declared chemicals had entered the waterways and-killed fish but the drinking water was safe. 

And yet,some East Palestine locals are choosing not to return home,and questioning whether it will ever be safe to do so. Some residents took to social media with doubts about the handling of the accident and whether they can trust what officials are telling them about the safety of the town. 

Lately,a dangerous materials expert said that residents shouldn't be allowed back into the evacuation zone,so soon following the controlled burning. He thought that 5 to 20 years down the line locals may see many people will suffer cancer. 

(1) Why did one woman leave town a day early according to paragraph 3? A. She was forced to leave by the local government. B. Her son was too afraid of the accident to stay. C. She was badly injured in the train accident. D. Her son was in urgent need of medical care.
(2) What was to blame for the train accident? A. The locals' ignorance. B. The train's problem itself. C. The driver's careless driving. D. The government's poor management.
(3) What does the fifth paragraph stress most? A. The train derailment's background. B. Locals' complaints on authorities. C. The consequences the train derailment brought. D. Government's measures to handle the accident.
(4) What can we infer from what the dangerous materials expert said in the last paragraph? A. He was surprised to see residents get back home. B. Many locals in the area have been suffering cancer. C. He thought it correct for residents to get back home early. D. It's certain to predict what will happen in the following 5 to 20 years.
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A new species of pygmy seahorse(豆丁海马)has been discovered off the coast of South Africa in Sodwana Bay, attracting scientists with its tiny size—only 2.7 centimeters.

An international research team studied the tiny pygmy seahorse in 2019, after it was spotted by chance by diving instructor Savannah Nalu Olivier who was exploring algae(海藻)on the seafloor of the bay, But it wasn't easy to see it at all, according to a press release from the University of Leeds in Australia. That's because these sea creatures are camouflaged by their stony golden-brown look.

This is the first time that a pygmy seahorse has ever been discovered in the Indian Ocean In fact, the closest known pygmy seahorse species live 8, 000 kilometers away in a region of the Pacific Ocean called Coral Triangle. Until now, all but one of the seven pygmy seahorse species have been found in the triangle, making this discovery particularly puzzling.

The study was led by Graham Short from the California Academy of Sciences. It discovers a number of detailed features that differentiate this species from other seahorses. While larger seahorses have gills(鳃)on each side of their head, the Sodwana Bay pygmy seahorse has only one gills slit on its back. "That would be like having a nose on the back of your neck, "Short said in an interview. The tiny seahorse also has a set of sharp spines(刺毛)on its back while other pygmy seahorses have flat-tipped spines. The researchers haven't figured out what they are used for yet.

The tiny pygmy seahorse reminds us that when we open our eyes, the natural world be-comes an endless mystery. Unknown species and even entire ecosystems are awaiting to be discovered in places we never thought possible.

(1) Which of the following can replace the underlined word "camouflaged" in paragraph 2? A. destroyed B. cheated C. identified D. hidden
(2) Where were most pygmy seahorse species found? A. In Coral Triangle. B. In Australia. C. In Sodwana Bay. D. In California.
(3) What makes the new species of pygmy seahorse different from other seahorses? A. Their color. B. Their food. C. Their gills and spines. D. Their necks and eyes.
(4) What does the author want to express in the last paragraph? A. The world is full of uncertainties. B. We should keep exploring the world. C. Discovering unknown species is difficult. D. The tiny pygmy seahorse opens our eyes.
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Former Colorado high school state wrestling (摔跤) champion Jonathan Andreatta will be hosting an open— and most importantly free —wrestling camp at Pueblo West High School for anyone that falls between 6th-12th grade from July 26 27.

Andreatta is a three time state champion and two time NCAA All American wrestler with an NCAA DivisionⅡNational Championship under his belt. He is currently an assistant wrestling coach at Glenville State University in West Virginia.

I'be camp is something Andreatta tries to do every year when he comes back to Colorado during the summertime. When he isn't coaching at the collage.Andreatta tries to give hack to a wrestling community that has given him so much in the past.

"The camp will be four sessions over two days ,and each session will be about two hours," Andreatta said. "We will work on techniques, but most importantly it's a way for me to give back and help grow the sport of wrestling in Colorado."

Andreatta hosts the camp in Pueblo as it's close to his hometown of Walsenburg.

Camp sessions will be on July 26 and 27 at Pueblo West High School. There will be two sessions each day —the first session is from 2.30 —4:30 p. m. and the second session is from 5:30-7:30 p. m.. There will be T-shirts available for purchase during the camp as a way of giving back to the coaches and those putting on the event.

This camp does require reservations before the start of the camp. If you are interested in joining. contact CoathJoe Gonzales at 719-369-8799. Reservations are welcome up to the day before the event starts.

(1) What is the most attractive for the campers? A. The excellent host. B. No charge at all. C. The flexible schedule. D. The qualified coaches.
(2) Why is Andreatta willing to host the camp? A. He wants to give back. B. He wants to show his skills.

C He hates northern Colorado.          D. Pueblo is his hometown.

(3) Which of the following can join the camp? A. Jack is free after 7:30 p. m. on July 27. B. Tom is free but forgets his reservation. C. Mike makes his reservation on July 25. D. Jim, a high grader, comes from California.
阅读理解 未知 普通

Russia is launching a new module (舱) for the International Space Station(ISS), after more than a decade of delays. The Nauka module is set to lift off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on top of a Proton-M rocket at around 15:00 GMT today, along with a new robotic arm for the station created by the European Space Agency.

The ISS is composed of modules and equipment from different space agencies including Europe, Japan and Canada, but the major part of the station is composed of two main sections, a Russian part and a US part. At 13 meters long and weighing more than 20 tonnes, Nauka, also called the Multipurpose Laboratory Module, will be among the largest in Russia's half.

After launch, Nauka will take eight days to reach the ISS. Once attached, it will act as a new centre for the Russian part of the station. "It's a science laboratory, and it also provides a lot of important service systems," says Anatoly Zak, editor of a website. Planned research includes biological and materials science experiments. "It's a step in making the Russian part more independent (from the US part)." This includes a new toilet inside the module and sleeping rooms for the crew.

The launch of Nauka has been a long time coming, with construction of the module beginning in the 1990s. Technical and supply issues since then, such as the loss of components from Ukraine following the Russian annexation (兼并) of Crimea in 2014, have seen development stumble (蹒跚而行). "It's much more complex than anything the Russian space programme has tried to build in the last few years," says Zak. Russia's last module — Rassvet — was carried to the ISS by a US spacecraft in 2010.

(1) What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us? A. The size of the ISS. B. The major part of the ISS. C. The formation of the ISS. D. Some information about Nauka.
(2) What can we say about Nauka? A. It will rely on the US section. B. It is a comprehensive module. C. It serves as a supporting module. D. It will make the Russian part dependent.
(3) Which of the following best describes Nauka? A. Eventful. B. Pleasant. C. Dangerous. D. Costly.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Ways of space exploration. B. Meaning of Nauka to ISS. C. Great functions of a launch. D. Launch of a new module.
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