
A new species of pygmy seahorse(豆丁海马)has been discovered off the coast of South Africa in Sodwana Bay, attracting scientists with its tiny size—only 2.7 centimeters.

An international research team studied the tiny pygmy seahorse in 2019, after it was spotted by chance by diving instructor Savannah Nalu Olivier who was exploring algae(海藻)on the seafloor of the bay, But it wasn't easy to see it at all, according to a press release from the University of Leeds in Australia. That's because these sea creatures are camouflaged by their stony golden-brown look.

This is the first time that a pygmy seahorse has ever been discovered in the Indian Ocean In fact, the closest known pygmy seahorse species live 8, 000 kilometers away in a region of the Pacific Ocean called Coral Triangle. Until now, all but one of the seven pygmy seahorse species have been found in the triangle, making this discovery particularly puzzling.

The study was led by Graham Short from the California Academy of Sciences. It discovers a number of detailed features that differentiate this species from other seahorses. While larger seahorses have gills(鳃)on each side of their head, the Sodwana Bay pygmy seahorse has only one gills slit on its back. "That would be like having a nose on the back of your neck, "Short said in an interview. The tiny seahorse also has a set of sharp spines(刺毛)on its back while other pygmy seahorses have flat-tipped spines. The researchers haven't figured out what they are used for yet.

The tiny pygmy seahorse reminds us that when we open our eyes, the natural world be-comes an endless mystery. Unknown species and even entire ecosystems are awaiting to be discovered in places we never thought possible.

(1) Which of the following can replace the underlined word "camouflaged" in paragraph 2? A. destroyed B. cheated C. identified D. hidden
(2) Where were most pygmy seahorse species found? A. In Coral Triangle. B. In Australia. C. In Sodwana Bay. D. In California.
(3) What makes the new species of pygmy seahorse different from other seahorses? A. Their color. B. Their food. C. Their gills and spines. D. Their necks and eyes.
(4) What does the author want to express in the last paragraph? A. The world is full of uncertainties. B. We should keep exploring the world. C. Discovering unknown species is difficult. D. The tiny pygmy seahorse opens our eyes.
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(1) What do Retribution and Energy Made Easy have in common? A. They have the same topic. B. They have the same author. C. They introduce the similar experiences. D. They have the same price of the e-book.
(2) Which book explains the inner passionate association of human progress? A. Intra-Operative Monitoring. B. Retribution. C. Energy Made Easy. D. Nature Is My Teacher.
(3) In which section of a magazine does the passage probably appear? A. Economy. B. Advertisement. C. Fashion. D. Entertainment.
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Scientists at the University of Washington (UW) have come up with an unusual way to help farmers get information about the plants in their fields. 

Farmers already use drones (无人机) to collect information about their crops. But they can only fly for 10 to 20 minutes, and can only travel for a few miles. Last year, the team at UW showed off "RoboFly", a tiny robot that weighed as much as a toothpick and could fly. But it can't fly far at all and it needs a laser (激光) for power. So the scientists began to think about things that already knew how to fly, which led them to the bumblebees (大黄蜂) that fly all day. Compared to many flying insects, bumblebees are so large and strong as to fly carrying almost as much as their own weight.

The UW scientists created a special device with sensors, a small battery, and a way of storing tiny amounts of information. This "backpack" weighs about as much as seven grains of dry rice.

To track the bee, the scientists send radio signals from several spots along the edges of the field where the bee is. The tiny computer on the bee's back uses the strength of the signals to figure out where it is. The backpack records information about the temperature and light. When the bee return s home at the end of the day, a device can wirelessly download the information the bee has collected. Another device can wirelessly recharge the backpack's battery.

In the UW experiment, the scientists cooled the bumblebees down so that they stopped moving, and then glued the backpacks onto the bees. But it would be difficult for farmers to do the same thing for hundreds of bumblebees. Besides, bumblebees don't live long — about a month. Farmers would need to be careful as the bees got older, otherwise the trackers could die while they are out in the field, leaving the electronic litter behind.

(1) What is the disadvantage of drones and RoboFly? A. They cost much. B. They need charging. C. They can't travel long. D. They aren't strong.
(2) What does the backpack on the bee do? A. Send radio signals. B. Guide the bee home. C. Collect crops' situations. D. Exchange the battery.
(3) What challenge do the farmers face when using the "backpacks"? A. Putting them on the bees more effectively. B. Making sure the bees live much longer. C. Recycling the electronic litter on time. D. Making them cheaper and cheaper.
(4) Which is the best title for the text? A. Bees Work Better Than Drones and RoboFly B. Scientists Invent Bee Robots to Help Farmers C. Bees Tell Farmers How Crops Get Along D. Scientists Make Sensors Bees Can Wear
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The Mona Lisa is the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting of a woman with a mysterious smile. This week, the painting gave up a secret.

Scientists used X-rays to examine the chemical organization of an extremely small part of the more than 500-year-old painting. The researchers discovered a technique Leonardo used in the work. A team in France and Britain discovered an oil paint used for the Mona Lisa was a special, new chemical mixture. It suggests that the Italian artist may have been in an experimental mood when he set to work on the painting early in the 16th century.

"He was someone who loved to experiment, and each of his paintings is completely different technically," said Victor Gonzalez. He is the study's lead writer. "In this case, it's interesting to see that indeed there is a specific technique for the ground layer of the Mona Lisa," he said in an interview with The Associated Press. Specifically, the researchers found a rare compound, plumbonacrite (水蛭石), in Leonardo's first layer of paint. The discovery, Gonzalez said, proved that da Vinci most likely used lead oxide to thicken and help dry his paint.

The scientists looked into its atomic structure using X-rays in a synchrotron (同步加速器). The machine moves particles at close to the speed of light, permitting researchers to look deeper into the paint structure. "Plumbonacrite is really a fingerprint of his recipe," Gonzalez said. "It's the first time we can actually chemically prove it."

Dutch artist Rembrandt may have used a similar mixture when he was painting in the 17th century. Gonzalez and other researchers have found plumbonacrite in his work, too. "It also tells us that those recipes were passed on for centuries," Gonzalez said. "It was a very good recipe."

But the Mona Lisa and additional works by Leonardo still have other secrets to tell. "There are plenty, plenty more things to discover," Gonzalez said. "What we are saying is just a little brick more in the knowledge."

(1) What is the secret of the painting of the Mona Lisa? A. The use of plumbonacrite. B. Leonardo's love for experiment. C. The way to dry the painting. D. The oil in the first layer.
(2) What is Gonzalez's attitude to the painting's secret? A. Unclear. B. Positive. C. Doubtful. D. Disappointed.
(3)  How does the author support the topic of the text? A. By making comparisons. B. By listing related examples. C. By describing the study process. D. By quoting experts' opinions.
(4)  What is the best title for the text? A. A Creative Painter B. A Smiling Mona Lisa C. A New Discovery in the Mona Lisa D. A Pioneering Painting
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