1. 阅读理解

Football fans can hardly accuse Qatar of being tight-fisted.The Arab state has reportedly spent ﹩300 bn in the 12 years since it won the rights to host the men's World Cup.It only expects the tournament to invest ﹩17 bn back into its economy.Much of that spending has gone into building infrastructure,including an advanced new metro system built to accommodate the 1.5 m visitors expected to show up to football's biggest party.Organisers insist all the construction will serve a purpose even after the final goals are scored. 

Between 1964 and 2018,31 out of 36 big events (such as World Cups or Summer and Winter Olympics) suffered heavy losses,according to researchers at the University of Lausanne.Of the 14 World Cups they analyzed,only one has ever been profitable:Russia's in 2018 generated a surplus (盈余)of $235 m, buoyed by a huge deal for broadcasting rights.Still,the tournament only managed a 4.6% return on investment. [The data for Mexico's World Cup in 1986 is incomplete.It probably ran a deficit (赤字).] 

Almost all the main expenses fall on the host country.FIFA,the sport's governing body,covers only operational costs.Yet it takes home most of the revenue (收入):ticket sales,sponsorships and broadcasting rights go into its coffers (金库).The last World Cup,for instance,scored FIFA a cool ﹩5.4 bn,part of which is then transferred to national teams. 

The Lausanne data only includes expenses related to venues,such as constructing a stadium,and logistics (后勤),such as staffing costs.It ignores the value of indirect projects,like Qatar's metro infrastructure and new hotels.Some infrastructure projects make economies more productive in the long term. 

Residents of host cities have begun questioning the benefits of their governments spending billions of dollars on large sporting events.As a result,fewer countries are volunteering as hosts.Seven cities bid to host the Summer Olympic Games in 2016;for 2024 there were only two eventual bidders. 

These huge costs are new to the sporting world.The World Cup in 1966,featuring 16 teams,cost around ﹩200,000 per footballer (in 2018 prices).In 2018,that figure jumped to ﹩7 m.Costs have been driven by building more new stadiums for every tournament.In Qatar,seven of the eight stadiums have been built from scratch;in 1966 England did not build any.

(1) What does Qatar expect the event to do____ A. Show the economic power. B. Improve future productivity. C. Please global football fans. D. Make up for the investment.
(2) What does the underlined word "buoyed" in Paragraph 2 mean____ A. Backed. B. Increased. C. Controlled. D. Treated.
(3) Who will mainly benefit from the football event financially____ A. FIFA. B. Local government. C. The host country. D. International teams.
(4) Why is this tournament in Qatar so costly____ A. Because of maintaining seven new stadiums. B. Because it makes the least profit from the event. C. Because of the improving cost of each footballer. D. Because of building new infrastructure and courts.
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From Mozart to Metallica, tons of people enjoy listening to various types of music while they paint, write, or draw. Many believe that music helps inspire creativity, but an international Study conducted by English and Swedish researchers is challenging that idea.

Psychologists from Lancaster University, The University of Gavle, and The University of Central Lancashire say that their findings indicate music actually prevents creativity.

To come to their conclusions, researchers had participants complete verbal insight(洞察) problems designed to inspire creativity while sitting in a quiet room, and then again while music played in the background. They found that background music "significantly impaired( 削弱)" the participants' ability to complete tasks associated with verbal creativity.

The research team also tested background noises such as those commonly heard in a library, but found that such noises had no impact on subjects' creativity.

The tasks were simple word games. For example, participants were given three words, such as dress, dial, and flower. Then, they were asked to find a single word associated with all three that could be combined to form a common phrase or word. The single word, in this case, would be "sun" (sundress, sunflower, etc.)

Participants completed the tasks in either a quiet room, or while exposed to three different types of music; music with unfamiliar lyrics, instrumental music, or music with familiar lyrics.

"We found strong evidence of impaired performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions," says co-author Dr. Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University.

Dr. McLatchie and his colleagues theorize that music interferes (干 扰) with the verbal working memory processes of the brain, preventing creativity. Also, as far as the library background noise having seemingly no effect, the study's authors believe that was the case because library noises create a "steady state" environment that doesn't prevent concentration.

It's worth mentioning that even familiar music with well known lyrics impaired participants creativity, regardless of whether or not it produced a positive reaction, or whether participants typically studied or created while listening to music.

"To conclude, the findings here challenge the popular view that music inspires creativity, and instead show that music, regardless of the presence of semantic(语义的) content (no lyrics, familiar lyrics or unfamiliar lyrics), always prevent creative performance in insight problem solving", the study reads.

(1) What conclusion can most probably be drawn from this passage? A. Background music inspires creativity. B. Background music impairs creativity. C. Background noises have bad influence on creativity. D. Different music has different effects on creativity.
(2) The participants were asked to______________. A. do some reading in a library B. design some verbal insight problems C. do some word games D. listen to some background music
(3) Why can't the participants perform well? A. Because the music prevents concentration. B. Because they aren't familiar with music. C. Because the tasks are too challenging D. Bee the background is not creative.
(4) Which of the connections about background music with their learning effects is true? A. The music with a positive reaction has a positive effect. B. The effects depend on the contents of music. C. Quiet music does good to learning effects. D. All background music is bad for learning effects.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

Scientists are poor forecasters of the future. But two trends can be confidently predicted. First, the world will get more crowded. There will be more than 9 billion people by 2050. Second, the world will get warmer and some governments won't prioritize the long-term measures needed to deal with climate change, even though science offers us a road-map to a low-carbon future.

That's why we should be promoters of new technology—without it the world can't provide the food and sustainable energy needed for an expanding population. But we should also be cautious, as new technologies, such as AI, may be hard to control. AI will undoubtedly become more aggressive in the future. Records of our movements, health and financial transactions will be stored in the cloud. The data may be used for justifiable reasons, such as protein folding and drug development, or to warn us of initial health risks, but its availability to Internet companies is already shifting the balance of power from governments to global-scale corporations.

Actually, it's beyond Earth that AI has the most enormous potential. Humans may have established bases beyond Earth by the year 2100. But don't ever expect mass emigration(移民)from Earth. It's a false belief that space offers an escape from our problems. Dealing with climate change on Earth is a piece of cake compared to terraforming(地球化)Mars.

Nevertheless, we should cheer on these brave human space adventurers. They'll be ill-adapted to a Martian habitat, so they'll have a super motive to redesign themselves. It's they, not those of us adapted to life on Earth. who will pioneer the post-human era (时代).

If post-humans make the shift from flesh and blood to fully artificial intelligence, they won't need an atmosphere of even gravity, so it's in deep space —not even on Mars that non biological "brains" may develop powers that we can't imagine. They may end up being mentally different from us. AI could jump-start a huge emigration and thus even more complex intelligence spreads through the universe.

But let's refocus from the science fiction of the far future, closer to the here and now. This century is special. It's the first, in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history where one species-ours—holds the planet's future in its hands. Our intelligence could initiate billions of years of post-human evolution(演化), even more amazing than that which led to us. On the other hand, humans could cause biological, environmental or cyber catastrophes that foreclose all this potential. If science is to save us, we need to think globally, sensibly and long-term—empowered by science, but guided by values that science alone can't provide

(1) Why does the author mention the two trends in the first paragraph? A. To justify the governments' policies.                               B. To criticize scientists' poor prediction ability. C. To advocate for advancements in tech.                           D. To highlight the challenges faced by scientists.
(2) According to this passage, AI can               A. put an end to climate change B. facilitate mass human migration C. speedup the competition in medical fields                   D. bring about potential threats from big companies
(3) As for the future, which of the following will the author agree with? A. Post-humans will echo the history of humans. B. Complex intelligence will dominate the universe. C. Non-biological brains may invite unknown disasters. D. Fully artificial intelligence may inhabit outer space.
(4) Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Future of Humanity: Could AI Save Us?                   B. Change or Die: Will Science Lead Further Evolution? C. Towards a Sustainable Future: What Can We Do?    D. Unstoppable Trend: Is Complex Intelligence Coming?
阅读理解 未知 困难

Natural. High quality. Unique.

That's Almased.

Selected ingredients (原料), an exceptional mix and production process: that's how we create the unique Almased effect.

➢ Combination of ingredients that's more effective than individual nutrients.

➢ No artificial flavourings, fillers or sweeteners.

➢ Supports fat-burning during digestion.

➢ Supports resistance to common diseases.

Many products promise what only Almased can deliver. In order to achieve the unique Almased effect, it takes more than just mixing soy, yogurt and honey. The recipe for our Almased powder is as simple as it is unique: high-quality and natural soy, honey and yogurt.

SOY|The high-quality non-GMO soy (非转基因大豆) used in Almased is an environmentally friendly, sustainable source of plant protein. A single serving of Almased supplies 27 grams of protein.

HONEY|Unlike most regular honey, which is heat-treated, the raw honey in Almased is bursting with freshness even after it is canned. The honey's natural ingredients are still living and active when you open the can.

YOGURT|Cows that are naturally fed can even in turn encourage grass growth. This is why Almased sources its milk and yogurt from happy cows in Ireland and northern Germany, where they live in green grasslands.

Being a natural product, Almased has a very plain taste and can be prepared in many different ways. Whether you like it sweet or fruity, there are no limits to how you flavour it. This ensures Almased doesn't get boring and suits your personal taste perfectly. So quick and easy to prepare, Almased can be fitted into your daily routine with ease.

(1) If you are on a diet, Almased could be a good choice because                . A. its nutrients are easier to absorb B. it can help burn fat C. secret ingredients are included D. it cures common diseases
(2) Why does Almased stand out among other similar products? A. It manages to mix different ingredients together. B. Selected ingredients can stay fresh as ever. C. Soy, yogurt and honey are specially treated. D. Superior natural materials generate uniqueness.
(3) What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Almased can replace our regular routine diet. B. It's hard to make Almased appeal to everyone. C. There seem various ways of serving Almased. D. Almased has just the same taste as plain yogurt.
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