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As the costs of fuel, groceries and housing increase suddenly around the world, scientists are fighting inflation (通货膨胀) at the bench. Almost all items needed to conduct science are more expensive than they were just a year ago. And that means that nearly every researcher is feeling the pressure. "Nobody is immune to this economy," says Tola Olorunnisola, who leads innovation in the lab at Avantor, an international science-management company in Pennsylvania. Olorunnisola visited labs in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Ireland to help researchers find ways to enlarge their budgets. "Scientists are becoming more conscious of costs," she says.

The increase in lab costs has forced scientists to make some difficult choices. Scientific budgets are pretty fixed. If they pay double for something, it means they're not buying something else. Scientists can keep their research projects moving forward, but to avoid overspending on their budgets, they'll probably need to adjust their buying habits and take steps to make their labs more efficient.

Julien Sage, a cancer researcher and geneticist at Stanford University in California, estimates that lab supplies historically account for roughly 20%of his overall budget, but he says that the balance is shifting. 

Without significant boosts in funding to keep pace with inflation, it's up to scientists to find creative ways to diminish costs. One option is to rethink experimental design.

"It will probably take more than discounts from lab-supply companies to truly protect scientists from the impact of rising prices," Sage says. "Unless something is done on a large scale to either stabilize costs or increase funding, science is likely to suffer. If you have less money, you're going to have fewer people or be less productive, which means you're going to have fewer grants (拨款) which means you're going to have fewer people. That's probably happening to a lot of labs these days, and the question is: When is it going to stop?"

(1) For what did Olorunnisola visit some labs in different places? A. Seeing how researchers struggle against inflation. B. Proving everyone has to face the rising price. C. Learning about the pressure of researchers. D. Helping researchers overcome economic difficulty.
(2) What is paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The cause of increasing lab costs. B. The effects of the rising lab costs. C. The tough choices of researchers. D. The ways of making labs efficient.
(3) What does the underlined word "diminish" mean in paragraph 4? A. Reduce. B. Calculate. C. Restore. D. Keep.
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. Scientists face many problems B. The price of goods is rising quickly C. Labs have to tighten supplies budgets D. People hold different opinions of price
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Take A Scenic Ride On The World's Steepest Railway For Passengers—If You Dare!

Originally built for mining in 1878, the Scenic Railway is now a tourist ride that can take your breath away! In the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia, the former mining railway became a tourist attraction in 1945. It currently holds the Guinness World Records as the steepest passenger train with the steepest railway gradient (坡度).

The gradient of 52 degrees is comfortably viewed from inside an 84-seat, glass-enclosed carriage car. The passenger car travels along on a cable-driven system of rails as it navigates the steep terrain. During the tour, passengers will see the train travel through sandstone cliffs and a rock tunnel next to Orphan Rock.

Orphan Rock was once available for trail climbing. Following rock slides in the 1950s, the trail was partially closed. The trail access was completely closed in 1974 and never reopened due to potential risks.

On the Scenic Railway, you will see stunning views from a slightly different angle than Orphan Rock. The railway is open every day of the year, making the trip along the rails every ten minutes.

Sight-seeing passengers can ride the steepest railway up from the Jamison Valley or travel on the cable car. Either option affords incredible scenic views of the Blue Mountains. The glass roof in the passenger cars allows for a fantastic view from every seat on the train.

Just take a look for yourself!

(1) Where might the Scenic Railway originally lead to? A. A village. B. A mine. C. A mountain. D. A valley.
(2) What can be known about the trail access to Orphan Rock? A. It is out of use. B. It is a rock tunnel. C. It is partially open. D. It is a 10-minute trip.
(3) What might be the Scenic Railway trip like? A. Eco-friendly. B. Absurd. C. Demanding. D. Adventurous.
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The Neurosurgical Simulation (神经外科模拟) and Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre hired 70 medical students to perform virtual brain tumor removals.

Researchers randomly assigned students to receive instruction and feedback by either an AI tutor or a remote expert instructor, with a third control group receiving no instruction. An AI-powered tutor called the Virtual Operative Assistant (VOA) used a machine learning algorithm to teach safe and efficient surgical technique and provided personalized feedback, while a deep learning system and a team of experts assessed student performance. In the other group, remote instructors watched a live feed of the surgical simulations and provided feedback based on the student's performance.

The researchers found that students who received VOA instruction and feedback learned surgical skills 2.6 times faster and achieved 36% better performance compared to those who received instruction and feedback from remote instructors. Surgical skill plays an important role in patient outcomes both during and after brain surgery. VOA may be an effective way to increase neurosurgeon performance, improving patient safety while reducing the burden on human instructors. "Artificially intelligent tutors like the VOA may become a valuable tool in the training of the next generation of neurosurgeons," says Rolando Del Maestro, senior author of the study in JAMA Network Open. "The VOA significantly improved expertise while fostering an excellent learning environment. Ongoing studies are assessing how in-person instructors and AI-powered intelligent tutors can most effectively be used together to improve the mastery of neurosurgical skills."

"Intelligent tutoring systems can use a variety of simulation platforms to provide almost unlimited chances for repetitive practice without the constraints imposed by the availability of supervision," says Ali Fazlollahi, the study's first author. "With continued research, increased development, and dissemination (宣传) of intelligent tutoring systems, we can be better prepared for ever-evolving future challenges."

(1) What can we learn about VOA? A. It is a kind of Al-powered tutor. B. It will gradually replace in-person instructors. C. It definitely improves patients' safety and reduces their burden. D. It has successfully helped students remove patients' brain tumor.
(2) What's the author's attitude towards VOA? A. Critical. B. Ambiguous. C. Supportive. D. Indifferent.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Ali Fazlollahi is the only author of the study. B. Traditional tutoring systems need fewer observations. C. Intelligent tutoring systems have largely been used in medical education. D. Intelligent tutoring systems still need more time to develop and broadcast.
(4) What's the best title for the text? A. AI Helps Medical Education B. AI Develops Well in Medicine C. AI Replaces Human Instructors D. A New Study Improves People's Life
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3. 阅读理解

Architects have long turned to the past for inspiration.In this age of concrete and steel,however,they're more likely to look for aesthetic( 美 学 的 )influence than technical know-how.But an ancient Chinese construction technique called dougong is a remarkable exception.

Consisting of a series of wooden brackets(支架)with no nails or fasteners,it's over 2,500 years old and commonly found in Chinese architecture,such as Beijing's Forbidden City.Many structures built during the Tang and Song dynasties featured "curtain walls"which were non-load-bearing.As a result,the unsupported wood shouldering the weight might break.Designers needed a technique which would more evenly spread the burden across their structures.Their solution was dougong.

Engineering has come a long way since the ancient Chinese building technique was in fashion.But there's a timeless quality to it.Modern-day designers in many areas are adopting it to produce amazing and stable work of architecture.Among them is Japanese architect Kengo Kuma,who used dougong-inspired methods for his recent buildings:Yusuhara Wooden BridgeMuseum andCafe Kureon,a 2,120-square-foot restaurant.

For architect Terrence Curry,the attraction of using ancient methods is about finding something that can "speak to Chinese identity".His structure Dougong Cube,now part of the School of Architecture,Tsinghua University in Beijing,was constructed using classical-style brackets and over 2,000 boards."It has fundamental structures of dougong,but we just aren't using it in the way it was intended to be used.We're really pulling it out —emphasizing its beauty and complexity,and the way it works,"said Curry."The shape and function of dougong is directly related to properties of wood,and the ability of people who make these buildings.In this way,there's little need for decoration because the structure and design give it its distinctive look."

(1) Why is dougong considered an exception? A. It has existed for a very longtime. B. It keeps stable with no concrete or steel. C. It was ignored by architects in the past. D. It meets both structural and decorative needs.
(2) What was the function of dougong in ancient times? A. To.beautify the structures. B. To avoid nails and fasteners. C. To distribute weight of buildings. D. To replace unstable curtain walls.
(3) What does the author want to show by mentioning Kengo Kuma's buildings? A. Dougong holds lasting appeal. B. Dougong makes for great buildings. C. Dougong deserves wide recognition. D. Dougong plays a big role in engineering.
(4) What can be learned about Dougong Cube? A. It aims to explore Chinese identity. B. It's more complex than common structures. C. It reproduces traditional use of dougong. D. It's a combination of tradition and innovation.
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