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Summer Programs are available to students upon application. Please consult individual course descriptions for restrictions and requirements. 

Intensive Beginning Swahili

Intensive Beginning Swahili is a summer abroad course for students who have no prior proficiency (熟练)in the Swahili language. The course is taught in Swahili and focuses on acquiring beginner-level skills to perform basic communication functions in the culture of Swahili speakers. 

Open to current first year undergraduates, sophomores(大学二年级学生)and juniors. 

Dates:25 June-20 August

Intermediate Chinese

This course is a four-week summer intensive language course, conducted in person at Princeton Theological Seminary. Students work on developing a strong foundation for modern spoken and written Chinese, with emphasis on the reading of contemporary Chinese dialogue. 

Enrollment by application or interview. 

Dates: 10 July-6 August

Studies in Spanish Language and Style

This is an intensive, full immersion(沉浸) course in Spanish language and Argentine history, culture and art. Students develop advanced language skills while studying language in context, through the exploration of the city of Buenos Aires, its architecture, museums, and cultural and political life. 

Open to students who have completed the Spanish language requirement. 

Dates:18 July-20 August

Accelerated Summer Study

Taught at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy, the course will be team-taught by a resident Princeton faculty and an SNS faculty member. The course is designed to increase students' writing and speaking language proficiency levels and enable students to understand Italian culture, history and literature while exploring the foreign city. Not open to Seniors. 

Dates:24 July-24 August

(1) Which course begins earliest? A. Intermediate Chinese. B. Accelerated1 Summer Study. C. Intensive Beginning Swahili. D. Studies in Spanish Language and Style.
(2) What can the students taking Intermediate Chinese do? A. Attend online lectures. B. Practice spoken Chinese. C. Develop people skills. D. Learn classical Chinese.
(3) What do the last two courses have in common? A. They follow the idea of learning by doing. B. They are taught in the same target language. C. They last for the whole month of July. D. They are open to any college student.
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1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

There's no shortage of health food trends on TikTok, but which ones are actually sensible? And should you skip any of them altogether? We asked registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto, and here's what you need to know.

Emily Mariko's Salmon Bowl

Made with rice, baked salmon, soy sauce and spicy mayo—and to be clear, there are a lot of different variations of it online—this passes Rissetto's test because it's healthy, fast, easy and has good flavor.

Rissetto says that while she would recommend this recipe, she would also suggest changing the white rice for brown rice for increased nutrients and more fiber.

Healthy Cookie Dough

Cookie dough that's healthy? This is too good to be true, right? The answer is probably yes.

Rissctto says that while this may be healthy, it probably doesn't taste good.

"I'm certain this tastes like cardboard, "she said."If you don't care about taste—then this is for you. "

Lettuce Water For Sleep

While harmless, the TikTok trend of pouring boiling water over romaine lettuce leaves to make

"lettuce water" for better sleep probably won't cure your sleep disorder—and it probably doesn't taste great, either.

"This is not a thing. There's no evidence to prove it, "Rissetto said. "Instead, steep a banana peel in boiling water to help aid with sleep. "

Nature's Cereal

As Rissetto points out, it's basically a fruit smoothie bowl.

"I am all for having berries and coconut water, "she said." Nutrition-wise, this has lots of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. It's basically a fruit salad that would be super refreshing on a hot day or post-workout"

(1) What is special about Emily Mariko's salmon bowl? A. It doesn't taste great. B. It is good for health. C. Its recipe is not fixed. D. It uses two kinds of rice.
(2) Which recipe doesn't Rissetto recommend? A. Emily Mariko's salmon bowl. B. Healthy cookie dough. C. Lettuce water for sleep. D. Nature's cereal.
(3) Which food suits you best after playing a football match? A. Emily Mariko's salmon bowl B. Healthy cookie dough. C. Lettuce water for sleep. D. Nature's cereal.
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When people think of word innovators throughout history, male writers likely come to mind. Shakespeare is credited with inventing more than 1,700 words, including "bedroom", "courtship" and "swagger". Charles Dickens is said to have first used the words "butterfingers" and "doormat", and Dr. Seuss reportedly came up with "nerd".

But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls. Women lead up to 90 percent of linguistic (语言的) changes, as sociolinguist William Labov observed in the early 2000s. In fact, he wrote, women are often linguistically ahead of men "by a full generation".

Now women are leading the charge online. Though Oxford University Press'2023 word of the year, "rizz", meaning charm, was coined by a man, several runners-up, including "situationship" and "swiftie" were inspired or first used by women. The term "goblin mode", which refers to lazy behavior, was Oxford's 2022 word of the year and appears to have been first used by a woman on Twitter in 2009.

It's often impossible to tell who first used new words. But whether or not young girls invent new phrases, they are more likely to be early adopters of the latest lingo (术语), says University of Toronto linguist Sali Tagliamonte, "They're pushing changes forward."

There are a handful of possible reasons why girls lead lexical (词汇的) innovation. According to Gretchen McCulloch, author of Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language, women tend to be more socially aware. They have larger social circles and may be exposed to more language diversity. And because women tend to be caregivers, boys usually learn language from their mothers, whereas women and girls learn words from other women.

(1) Why does the author mention some words coined by male writers? A. To compare male and female writers. B. To introduce some well-known writers. C. To lead in the topic to be talked about. D. To put forward a point to be proved.
(2) Which of the following words was invented by a male? A. Rizz. B. Situationship. C. Swiftie. D. Goblin mode.
(3) Who thinks women's social awareness contributes to lexical innovation? A. Dr. Seuss. B. William Labov. C. Sali Tagliamonte. D. Gretchen McCulloch.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. New Words Are Added to English Dictionaries B. Female Teens Take a Lead in Linguistic Changes C. Women Are More Sensitive to Language Diversity D. New Terms Make Communication More Colorful
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Most air conditioners and fridges rely on contracting and expanding a liquid to either absorb or release large quantities of heat. While these systems are relatively cheap and simple to produce, they aren't very efficient and require lots of energy. Besides, many of the coolants (冷却剂) used are environmentally harmful.

Now, Emmanuel Defay at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and his colleagues have developed a coolant-free refrigeration device made from the metals lead, scandium(钪) and tantalum(钼). It can reach maximum efficiencies of more than 60%, almost double that of typical single-room air conditioning units. The technology is based on a principle called electrocaloric cooling, in which an electric field applied across a material changes the direction of electric charges, causing a temporary increase in temperature and a succeeding decrease when the electric field is removed.

To make their cooling system, Defay and his colleagues piled up eight strips of the material known as lead scandium tantalate, which is electrocaloric, on top of one another and dipped them in a heat-carrying liquid, silicone oil. When an electric field is switched on and the strips heat up, the liquid moves to the right, and when it cools down, it moves to the left, creating permanent regions of hot and cold of about 20℃difference. These regions can be used as hot and cold reservoirs from which the oil can be circulated through pipes to cool or heat rooms or objects as desired.

"Although the efficiency of the device is theoretically 67%, the efficiency of the current design is around 12%. This could be improved if a better conductor of heat than the lead scandium tantalate were found," said Defay.

"A highest performance has been achieved by combining known elements," said NeilMathur at the University of Cambridge. However, he added, the team only looked at the cooling power of the pile of metal strips themselves, while it would be interesting to see how the entire device performs together.

(1) What does the author think of the system of traditional air conditioners? A. Efficient. B. Expensive. C. Highly energy-consuming. D. Environmentally-friendly.
(2) What is the third paragraph mainly about? A. The aim of Defay and his colleagues. B. The material of the new cooling system. C. The proposal of Defay and his colleagues. D. The working principle of the new cooling system.
(3) What matters in the current efficiency of the device researched by Defay's team? A. The extensive experiments. B. The proper equipment. C. The ideal temperature. D. The appropriate materials.
(4) What's the author likely to talk about next? A. The performance of the new cooling system. B. The research team's next arrangement. C. The sales promotion of the new device. D. Neil Mathur's comments on the device.
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