
Dan Mancina is a skateboarder whose jaw-dropping videos get hundreds of thousands of views. Mancina also happens to be blind, and videos of him using his white cane (手杖) as he skateboards have gained admiration from fans around the world. 

"I've lost my vision slowly throughout my life,"Mancina said. It wasn't until his mid-20s that his condition—an eye disease started to affect his day-to-day life, stopping him from driving and biking. The Michigan native started skating at seven, and got into it more seriously at 13, saying the sport helps him express himself. He stopped skating for a couple of years. This period, the 35-year-old said, was his "lowest point".

However, mobility training helped him gain confidence. Slowly, he returned to doing what he loved. Mancina started filming short videos of his progress and posting them online and met a new group of people to skate with, gaining enough confidence to return to the streets. "I was just actually trying it, and then realized I was still the same person and that I could still do all the things that I love,"he said. 

Now, Mancina wants to create spaces where visually impaired (视力受损的) people can enjoy the sport. "I wanted to build the first skatepark designed for visually impaired people, so I started a foundation called 'Keep Pushing' and have been raising money ever since for a few years now,"he said. The park, set to be built in Michigan, will use adaptive methods, such as increasing the size of obstacles, to make it safe and accessible. 

"To change the perception of the visually impaired, I started my social media stuff. Some people think it's crazy for a blind people to skate. It's not that crazy in my head. I just enjoy skating. I encourage people to think that way—don't let other people decide what you can and can't do. You know. It's all up to you,"Mancina added. 

(1) Which of the following best describes Mancina skateboarding? A. Time-consuming B. Breath-taking. C. Labour-saving. D. Stres-educing.
(2) What happened to Mancina before he started skateboarding again? A. His eye disease had been cured. B. He lost all interest in skateboarding. C. His story inspired many disabled people. D. He experienced the worst moment of his life.
(3) What can be learned about Mancina as he started skateboarding again? A. He went through a lot of suffering. B. He had a sense of belonging gradually. C. He was very anxious about his performance. D. He was optimistic about the spread of the sport.
(4) Why does Mancina post videos of his skateboarding onine? A. To improve the image of blind people. B. To introduce the skatepark he has built C. To persuade more people to skateboard. D. To raise money for the visually impaired.
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Central Park

Explore Central Park, one of the largest city parks in the world and one of the most famous symbols of New York.

Let's have a look at its main sights.

Central Park is New York's largest city park and one of the biggest in the world, with an area of 843 acres (about 3.4km2). This park is home to man-made lakes, waterfalls, grass and wooded areas. You will also find the Central Park Zoo, among other attractions in this greenspace of New York.

Besides being the city's primary green lungs, Central Park is also a favorite spot for many New Yorkers. It is perfect for sunbathing, going for walks, or doing any outdoor sports. Something that we found curious is seeing so many people running with their babies in prams (婴儿车).

On Foot or by Bicycle

To get to know some of the wildest parts of Central Park we suggest walking. However, to get a general feel for the whole park, the best thing to do is hire a bicycle and enjoy the scenery.

If you decide to hire a bike, you will find lots of bike rental stores around Central Park that are not very expensive.

Open Time

From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends. From 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. on weekdays.


Entry to the Park is free. But if you visit some parts like Central Park Zoo, you need to buy a ticket.


Subway: Line 5, 6, 7, A, B, C and D. Bus: Line M1, M2, M3, M4 and M10.

Nearby places

Metropolitan Museum of Art (447 m) Guggenheim Museum (564 m)

American Museum of Natural History (688 m) Whitney Museum of American Art (1 km) The Frick Collection (1.3 km)

(1) What can we learn about the Central Park from the text? A. It is home to lakes and waterfalls. B. It is perfect for doing outdoor sports. C. It is the largest city park in the world. D. It is the most famous symbol of New York.
(2) Which one of the following things is free? A. Hiring a bicycle. B. Entrance to Central Park. C. Visiting Central Park Zoo. D. Going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
(3) Where can we find this text? A. In a science report. B. In a geography book. C. In a fashion magazine. D. In a travel guide.
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To enjoy convenience, preferential rates and the expertise and security of the HSBC Group, why not open a premier account now?

(1) You can choose 12 months' Airport Angel membership, if you________. A. deposit at least $60,000 within 90 days of account opening B. have qualified for the service C. deposit an equal amount of money within 90 days D. open a Premier account on 30 April
(2) The advertisement is mainly aimed at________. A. people who want to do business B. people who are over 34 years old and still single C. people who have friends and relatives in foreign countries D. people who have settled down abroad
(3) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the advertisement? A. You must know the detailed information before opening an account. B. To make the best of your money, you are sure to open a premier account. C. To enjoy the service, you must surf the Internet. D. It is certain that you can deal with your banking in 24 hours.
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Two and a half millennia ago, Socrates complained that writing would harm students. With a way to store ideas permanently and externally, they would no longer need to memorize. However, studies today have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to better understanding complex concepts.

For learning material by repetition, the benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The scribbling (涂鸦) on a page feeds into visual memory: people might remember a word they wrote down in French class as being at the bottom-left on a page.

One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in note-taking. Students typing on computers wrote down almost twice as many words directly from lectures, suggesting they were not understanding so much as rapidly copying the material. However, handwriting forces note-takers to process and organize ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing, resulting in better performance on tests.

Many studies have confirmed handwriting's benefits, and policymakers have taken note. Though America's curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade (roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it. In Sweden there is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices. England's national curriculum already includes the teaching of basic cursive writing (连写体) skills by age seven.

However, several school systems in America have gone so far as to ban most laptops. This is too extreme. Some students have disabilities that make handwriting especially hard. Nearly all will eventually need typing skills. Virginia Berninger, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, is a longtime advocate of handwriting. But she is not a purist; she says there are research tested benefits for "manuscript" print-style writing but also for typing.

Socrates may or may not have had a point about the downsides of writing. But no one would remember, much less care, if his student Plato had not noted it down for the benefit of future generations.

(1) According to the text, why does writing on paper have benefits for learning? A. It provides visual enjoyment in class. B. It improves the effect of memorization. C. It promotes the motor and sensory ability. D. It helps to remember the information forever.
(2) How does the author show the emphasis on handwriting instruction at school? A. By giving examples. B. By providing statistics. C. By making comparisons. D. By making classification.
(3) What is paragraph 5 mainly about? A. Difficulties faced by the disabled. B. Unreasonableness of forbidding typing. C. The research-tested benefits of typing. D. The longtime advocacy for handwriting.
(4) Why does the writer mention Socrates and Plato in the last paragraph? A. To thank Plato for his efforts. B. To defend Socrates' point of view. C. To show people's indifference to typing. D. To confirm the importance of handwriting.
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