
Each year,as many as one billion birds are killed in the US from collisions (相撞) with glass windows and buildings every year. Birds that crashed into Philadelphia buildings began to be collected in the 1890s. Nearly 100 species of birds are known to have died out from crashes with buildings and other structures in Philadelphia. Many other species are probably affected in the city.

Called Lights Out Philly, the voluntary program in Philadelphia encourages buildings to turn out or dim unnecessary external and internal lights between midnight and six o'clock early in the morning to protect birds as they pass through during migration seasons.

Bird migration seasons are from April 1 to May 31 in spring and from August 15 to November 15 in fall. Each year, millions of birds pass through Philadelphia along a migration route known as the Atlantic Flyway. Bird-glass crashes are very common for migrating birds, most of which travel at night. Glass is difficult for them to recognize as hard surfaces, and artificial light can fool them into crashing with buildings and outdoor structures. Turning off lights between midnight and sunrise helps minimize the effect of artificial light when most birds are migrating.

On Oct. 2, 2020, a stormy and foggy day, Philadelphia had its largest mass collision event in more than 70 years with an estimated 1, 000 birds crashing with buildings in one 3.5-square block area in just one day. Paired with a terrible storm of weather and fog conditions, the bright city and building lights attracted and confused the migrating birds, causing them to crash with buildings and outdoor structures.

Even if you don't play a part in managing the lights of a big building, you can help birds avoid crashes by making the glass opaque to reduce the amount and intensity of artificial light at night, changing the color of lighting to blue or green, shortening the duration lights are on, directing the lighting downward or screening lighting.

(1) What is the first paragraph mainly about? A. The rich biological diversity in Philadelphia. B. Great efforts to protect migrating birds in Philadelphia. C. The present and the past of the bird conservation in America. D. The serious consequence of bird-glass crashes in Philadelphia.
(2) What added the danger to the migrating birds on Oct. 2, 2020? A. Bad weather conditions. B. Traveling in the day. C. The mistaken route. D. Too many buildings.
(3) What does the underlined word "opaque" mean in the last paragraph? A. Light-reflecting. B. Delicate. C. Lightproof. D. Clean.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. It Is Difficult to Save the Migrating Birds B. Philadelphia Turns out Lights to Save Migrating Birds C. External and Internal Lights Affect the Bird Migration D. Lights Out Philly Program Helps Save Endangered Birds
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The first model of Apple's iPhone was launched in June 2007. Since then, many different smartphones have been introduced. The devices now influence our daily lives in many ways. One thing that has changed is that many people now use their phones to easily take pictures without the need for a camera. Not surprisingly, this change has caused major business problems for camera manufacturers.

Of course, the camera built into the first iPhone 15 years ago did not include a high-quality camera able to compete with separate camera models. But over the years, smartphone makers have invested heavily in research and development to change that. Today, many smartphones have high-quality cameras designed to produce better pictures. And most phone devices also offer powerful tools to improve the quality of the pictures we take.

Japan's Camera & Tmaging Products Association (CIPA) said the digital camera market continually expanded starting in 1999. It experienced its first decrease in 2009—and continued to fall thereafter. The biggest change appeared from 2010 to 2020, when worldwide camera shipments fell about 93 percent, CIPA reported. The decreases were mainly caused by drops in shipments of digital cameras that have built-in lenses.

However, camera makers have had more success selling digital cameras with interchangeable lenses. This is because these cameras are generally targeted at professional photographers who demand higher quality. Such cameras can produce "high image quality that distinguishes them from smartphones," CIPA said.

But this does not mean that professional photographers never use smartphones to capture pictures. Brynn Anderson is based with the AP in Atlanta, Georgia. She said: "Sometimes being a photographer with a larger camera can be intimidating to the person being photographed. Using a phone makes it easier for me to get comfortable moments that might not happen otherwise. " Rodrigo Abd, an AP photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina says using the iPhone makes it easier for him "to always be attentive" to everyday events when not covering a news story. Oded Balilty is based in Tel Aviv, Israel. "It is definitely an alternative tool," he said of the iPhone. But he added: "It's the photographer not the device, that determines the quality of a photo."

(1) What is the potential cause of the first decrease of digital cameras in 2009? A. Less money was invested to improve digital cameras. B. Cameras had been built into smartphones and improved. C. Fewer digital cameras with built-in lenses were produced D. The digital camera market stopped promoting new products.
(2) Why do digital cameras with interchangeable lenses enjoy good sales. A. They are more affordable.     B. They have superb shooting quality. C. They offer the power to beautify photos.     D. They are specially designed for professionals.
(3) What does the underlined word "intimidating " in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Amusing. B. Demanding. C. Rewarding. D. Scaring.
(4) What does Oded Balilty mean? A. The level of the photographer depends on the iPhone. B. The iPhone completely replaces his professional tool. C. The professional skills of the photographer is crucial. D. The iPhone enables him to work at any time and place.
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An Australian professor is developing a robot to monitor the health of grazing cattle, a development that could bring big changes to a profession that's relied largely on a low-tech approach for decades but is facing a labor shortage.

Salah Sukkarieh, a professor at the University of Sydney, sees robots as necessary given how cattlemen are aging. He is building a four-wheeled robot that will run on solar and electric power. It will use cameras and sensors to monitor the animals. A computer system will analyze the video to determine whether a cow is sick. Radio tags(标签) on the animals will measure temperature changes. The quality of grassland will be tracked by monitoring the shape, color and texture(质地) of grass. That way, cattlemen will know whether they need to move their cattle to another field for nutrition purposes.

Machines have largely taken over planting, watering and harvesting crops such as com and wheat, but the monitoring of cattle has gone through fewer changes.

For Texas cattleman Pete Bonds, it's increasingly difficult to find workers interested in watching cattle. But Bonds doesn't believe a robot is right for the job. Years of experience in the industry and failed attempts to use technology have convinced him that the best way to check cattle is with a man on a horse. Bonds, who bought his first cattle almost 50 years ago, still has each of his cowboys inspect 300 or 400 cattle daily and look for signs that an animal is getting sick.

Other cattlemen see more promise in robots. Michael Kelsey Paris, vice president of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, said a robot could be extremely useful given rising concerns about cattle theft. Cattle tend to be kept in remote places and their value has risen, making them appealing targets.

(1) What will Sukkarieh's robot be able to do? A. Monitor the quality of grass. B. Cure the diseased cattle. C. Move cattle to another field. D. Predict weather changes.
(2) Why does Pete Bonds still hire cowboys to watch cattle? A. He wants to help them earn a living. B. He thinks men can do the job better. C. He is inexperienced in using robots. D. He enjoys the traditional way of life.
(3) How may robots help with cattle watching according to Michael Kelsey? A. Increase the value of cattle. B. Bring down the cost of labor. C. Make the job more appealing. D. Keep cattle from being stolen.
(4) What is a problem with the cattle-raising industry? A. Soil pollution. B. Lack of workers. C. Aging machines. D. Low profitability.
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In a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers at Ohio State University show how artificial intelligence (AI) can follow clinical trials to identify drugs for repurposing, a solution that can help advance innovative treatments.

Repurposing drugs is legal and not unusual. When doctors prescribe drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for purposes different from what is printed on the labels, the drugs are being used "off - label". Just because a drug is FDA - approved for a specific type of disease does not prevent it from having possible benefits for other purposes.

For example, Metformin, a drug that is FDA - approved for treating type 2 diabetes, is also used to treat PCOS (a disease of women), and other diseases. Trazodone, an anti - depressant with FDA - approval to treat depression, is also prescribed by doctors to help treat patients with sleep issues.

The Ohio State University research team created an AI deep learning model for predicting treatment probability with patient data including the treatment, outcomes , and potential confounders (干扰因素).

Confounders are related to the exposure and outcome. For example , a connection is identified between music festivals and increases in skin rashes (红疹). Music festivals do not directly cause skin rashes. In this case, one possible confounding factor between the two may be outdoor heat, as music festivals tend to run outdoors when the temperature is high, and heat is a known cause for rashes. When working with real - world data, confounders could number in the thousands. AI deep learning is well-suited to find patterns in the complexity of potentially thousands of confounders.

The researcher team used confounders including population data and co-prescribed drugs. With this proof -of-concept, now clinicians have a powerful AI tool to rapidly discover new treatments by repurposing existing medications.

(1) What do we know about a drug used off-label? A. It is sold without a label. B. It is available at a low price. C. Its uses extend beyond the original. D. Its clinical trials are rejected by doctors.
(2) What do Metformin and Trazodone have in common? A. They are used off-label. B. They treat rare diseases. C. They result in sleep issues. D. They are medical breakthroughs.
(3) What can be inferred about "confounders"? A. They are possible treatments. B. They are environmental factors. C. They can be easily recognized in data. D. They should be taken into consideration.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. AI examines benefits of existing drugs. B. AI identifies off-label uses for drugs. C. AI proves the power of drug research. D. AI finds new drugs for common diseases.
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