
Robotic surgery is one thing, but sending a robot inside the body to carry out an operation is quite another, which has long been a goal of some researchers to produce tiny robotic devices. These devices are capable of traveling through the body to deliver drugs or to make repairs without the need for a single cut, the possibility of which has just got a bit closer.

However, unlike the plot of one film-which featured a microscopic crew and submarine traveling through a scientist's bloodstream-this device could not be put into blood vessels (血管) because it is too big. While other types of miniature robots that can be swallowed were developed in the past, their role has mostly been limited to capturing images inside the body. In a presentation this week to the International Conference, Daniela Rus and Shuhei Miyashita of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described a robot they have developed that can be swallowed and used to collect dangerous objects accidentally taken in.

To test their latest version, Dr. Rus and Dr. Miyashita designed a robot as a battery hunter, which might seem to be an odd task. However, more than 3, 500 people in America alone, most of them children, swallow the tiny button cells used in small electronic devices by accident every year. To start with, the researchers created an artificial esophagus (食道) and stomach made out of silicone (硅胶). It was closely modeled on that found in a pig and filled with medical liquid; the robot itself is made from several layers of different materials, including pig intestine (肠), and contains a little magnet (磁铁). This is folded up and wrapped in a 10mmx27mm capsule of ice. Once this reaches the stomach, the ice melts and the robot unfolds which is moved and guided with the use of a magnetic field outside the body. In their tests, the robot was able to touch a button battery and draw it with its own magnet, and during dragging it along, the robot could then be directed towards the intestines where it would eventually be gotten rid of through the anus. After it, the researchers sent in another robot loaded with medication to deliver it to the site of the battery to speed up healing.

The artificial stomach being transparent on one side, the researchers can see the batteries and visually control the robots. If not, that will require the help from imaging system, which will be a bit more of a challenge, but Dr. Rus and Dr. Miyashita are determined to succeed.

(1) According to the passage, the robot operation will probably be able to            . A. travel through a scientist's bloodstream B. photograph the body to convey it to the doctor C. enter the body to deliver drugs or make repairs D. operate on a person outside the body completely
(2) We learn from paragraph 3 that              . A. the researchers did the experiment on a chosen animal B. the robot took necessary drugs besides a little magnet C. digesting the swallowed batteries is difficult for children D. the actual size of the robot may be larger than the capsule of ice
(3) What may the experiment mean to the medical world? A. The surgeries will cost patients much money. B. Patients will suffer less for some surgeries. C. Fewer children will swallow the button cells. D. A robot will be invented traveling blood vessels.
(4) Which can be the most suitable title for the passage? A. An Experiment on Robot B. Tiny Robot, Significant Role C. The Robotic Voyage in Body D. The Exploration of Robot Technology
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Many of our family traditions centered around food. We'd gather in the kitchen for every birthday and holiday and enjoy delicious food. My grandparents always held Christmas dinner, which included chicken cacciatore, sausage, meatballs and salad. But right before we sat down to eat, my grandmother would pull me aside to show me the dish she made just for me: fresh pasta (意大利面) with tomato sauce.

It was a simple dish, but to me it was warm food that filled me with happiness. But more than that, it made me feel like I belonged. I was a shy kid and, in many situations, I felt ignored. And here was my grandmother, showing me that I mattered.

Years went by; I moved away and got married. I'd visit throughout the years and my grandmother would serve up a plate of pasta.

When my daughter was born in 2020, for the first time in my life I wasn't about to make the trip back home for Christmas. I cooked my family's traditional foods and my husband and I had a big meal that included, of course, fresh pasta. I had a video call with my grandmother and showed her the pasta. Shortly after the holidays she passed away unexpectedly.

It seemed so unfair that my grandmother passed away soon after I became a parent. I'd hold my daughter and think about how I could tell her what an amazing great-grandmother she had.

In my sadness I came to an answer: food. Late at night after my daughter had gone to bed, I'd go to the kitchen and learn how to make fresh pasta, cooking my grandmother's recipes. Before long I started experimenting, making a bit changes to classic recipes. When my daughter got a little older, I began making special dishes for her with my grandmother's flavors in mind.

I know that no matter how hard I try, my daughter will never have a bowl pasta with sauce exactly like the ones my grandmother would make for me. While that makes me sad, she'll still get to have my pasta sauce. I know there're two things she'll never lack for in this life: pasta and love.

(1) What did the author say about her grandmother's homemade pasta? A. It was a special birthday gift for her. B. It brought her a sense of belonging. C. It was loved by every family member. D. It took a lot of time and energy to prepare.
(2) What made the author's 2020 Christmas dinner different from previous ones? A. She didn't share pasta with her husband. B. She didn't give her grandmother a call. C. She didn't prepare many traditional family foods. D. She didn't have a chance to eat her grandmother's pasta.
(3)  Why did the author learn to make fresh pasta late at night? A. To honour her grandmother. B. To give her daughter a surprise. C. To meet her grandmother's wish. D. To be a role model for her daughter.
(4) What can we learn about the author's pasta sauce? A. It isn't easy to make. B. It isn't to her daughter's liking. C. It tastes exactly the same as her grandmother's. D. It shows her love for her daughter.
(5) What's the best title for the text? A. Different types of pasta B. The origin of pasta C. Love through pasta D. Pasta for Christmas
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Every year, young, talented, and ambitious nature conservationists from all over the world shoot their shot for the Future For Nature (FFN) Award, an honorable international award.

The Future For Nature aims to:

·Reward and fund individuals for their outstanding efforts in the protection of species of wild animals and plants.

·Stimulate award winners to sustain their dedicated work.

·Help winners to raise their profile, extend their professional network and strengthen their funding basis.


·The winners each receive 50,000 euros and may make their own decision to spend the money in the service of nature conservation.

·FFN offers the winners a platform and brings their stories to the attention of conservationists, financiers and a wide audience, allowing them to increase their impact and gain more access to funds.

·FFN is building a growing family of winners, dedicated people who form a community of people with the same interest. FFN offers them the opportunity to meet each other and continue to learn with each other in order to continue their fight for nature as efficiently and effectively as possible.


The candidate:

·Must be born on or after the 31st May 1988 and before the 31st May 2005.

·Is able to explain his/her conservation work in fluent English (written and spoken).

·Has achieved substantial and long-term benefits to the conservation status of one or more animal or plant species.

·Must be determined to continue his/her conservation work, as the award aims to stimulate the winner's future work. It is not an "end of career" prize.

Additional Remarks

For the 2023 Future For Nature Award, we are again searching for natural leaders, who have proven that they can make a difference in species' survival.

From all applications, 6 to 10 nominees (被提名者) will be selected. These applicants will be asked to provide additional information, which will be used to select the final awardees. Ultimately, three inspiring wildlife heroes are selected as the winners.

Application Process: Apply online through the Apply Now link.

Application Deadline: May 1st, 2023.

(1) Which is one of the aims of the Future For Nature? A. To aid more green groups. B. To fund academic education. C. To inspire conservation efforts. D. To raise environmental awareness.
(2) The winners will get the chance to ________. A. consult top specialists B. meet like-minded people C. benefit the local community D. promote self-created platforms
(3) To apply for the 2023 Future For Nature Award, candidates must ______. A. meet the age requirement B. apply via mail by the deadline C. turn in the application in English D. provide additional personal information
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On the eve of this week's rail strikes, it was reported that the industry bosses are planning to weed out paper train tickets and close almost 1,000 station ticket offices in England. The transport secretary, Grant Shapps, has made no secret of his desire to see costs saved in this way. Some stations sell only a handful of tickets each week and the vast majority of transactions (交易) have moved online.

 In the name of cost-cutting, station ticket offices are likely to follow the telephone booth on the corner and become memory. For those who have grown used to the benefits of organizing travel via smart phones, there will be little to feel sorry for. But for people without online access or skills, who tend to be older, poorer, and more fragile, another social barrier will have been built.  

 From medical appointments to payment apps for parking, more and more key services are now delivered digitally. As this revolution takes place, the interests of a significant minority are being ignored to some extent. In the case of health and social care, for example, it will often be those most in need of assistance who are least able to employ electronic devices.  

 The debate over ticket offices offers an opportunity to reflect more broadly on the increasing role of technology in our social landscape. The unavoidable trend towards technology is predictable, but its possible consequences need to be managed with more care. With the expanding range and increasing complexity of digital requirements, the aged are gradually withdrawing from increasing social services in their lives. Ros Altmann, the former pensions minister, recently wrote of being contacted by an elderly woman who no longer drives to her local park, because she cannot download the car parking app required.  

 Much more needs to be invested in helping gain easy online access. Alternative offline options must be maintained for important services. Contactable telephone numbers of relevant staff should always be available. These will cost more. But that is the price of digital transformation.  

(1) What does the underlined "weed out" mean in the first paragraph? A. Pass on to. B. Give in to. C. Get rid of. D. Put up with.
(2) Who will be kept out of service by the plan to sell tickets online?  A. The aged. B. The young. C. The rich. D. The strong.
(3) What can be inferred about the digital transformation?  A. It will meet the demand of consumers. B. It will cost much less than planned. C. It will need to be updated constantly. D. It will result in new social problems.
(4) What is the text mainly about?  A. The accessibility of important offline services. B. The attitudes of the elderly towards technology. C. The barriers caused by digital transformation. D. The pros and cons of marketing tickets online.
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