
If you've ever started a sentence with, " If I were you…"or found yourself scratching your head at a colleague's headache over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear, there's a scientific reason behind it. Our own decision-making abilities can become declined over the course of the day causing indecision or poor choices, but choosing on behalf of someone else is an enjoyable task that doesn't suffer the same trouble.

The problem is "decision fatigue (疲劳)", a psychological phenomenon that greatly damages the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist.

Physicians who have been on the job for several hours, for example, are more likely to prescribe antibiotics (抗生素) to patients when it's unwise to do so. "Presumably (据推测) it's because it's simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further," Polman says.

But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else. When people imagine themselves as advisers and imagine their own choices as belonging to someone else, they feel less tired and rely less on decision shortcuts to make those choices. "By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker, one does not suffer the consequences of decision fatigue," he says. "It's as if there's something fun and liberating about making someone else's choice. "

Getting input from others not only offers a fresh perspective and thought process; it often also includes riskier choices. While this sounds undesirable, it can be quite good, says Polman. "When people experience decision fatigue-when they are tired of making choices-they have a tendency to choose to go with the status quo, " he says. "But it can be problematic, since a change in the course of action can sometimes be important and lead to a positive outcome. "

(1) What does the author say about people making decisions? A. They become exhausted when making too many decisions for themselves. B. They are more cautious in making decisions for others than for themselves. C. They are more likely to make decisions in the way advantageous to themselves. D. They show considerable variations in their decision-making competence.
(2) When do people feel less decision fatigue? A. When they take decision shortcuts. B. When they help others to make decisions. C. When they have major decisions to make. D. When they have advisers to turn to.
(3) What are people likely to do when decision fatigue sets in? A. Turn to physicians for advice. B. Make risky decisions. C. Adopt a totally new perspective. D. Resist trying something new.
(4) What does the phrase "the status quo" in paragraph 5 refer to? A. The decision fatigue. B. The existing situation. C. The different choice. D. The positive outcome.
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Shirley Raines makes the homeless community in Los Angeles's skid row(贫民区) neighborhood feel human. She is the founder of Beauty 2 The Streetz, a nonprofit that provides free food, clothing, hair, and makeup services to the homeless. And Shirley is now the CNN Hero of the Year.

In 1990, Raines' 2-year-old son Demetrius passed away from accidental poisoning while at his grandma's house. This event created a lot of pain for Shirley Raines. The pain lasted for many years. And she did not know what to do about it. She struggled to understand what her purpose was in life. Until one day. . .

Six years ago, Shirley visited skid row with a friend from church who asked her to volunteer. She met a lot of homeless people and realized how much help they needed. Not just in finding a home, but in finding themselves and their own worth and beauty.

Shirley started to volunteer each Saturday. As she got to know the homeless, they often praised her makeup, hair, and style. She started to offer to make up" the homeless. They loved it, she loved it, they loved her and she loved them. She found purpose. So she started an outdoor beauty salon to serve the homeless, which took most of her spare time.

Raines started sharing her efforts on Instagram with photos and even live-streaming some of her events. Things took off. She formed her nonprofit, Beauty2 The Streetz, and her followers quickly began donating to grow Shirley's impact. Her followers grew to over 200,000 people, including many beauty professionals such as licensed hairstylists, barbers, make-up artists. Many of them regularly donate money to keep the services rolling. Others donate their time to help Shirley serve the homeless.

Shirley's boldness, courage, and desire to take action have led to making a real impact on people's lives. And she also served as a role model and inspiration to others.

(1) What do we know about Beauty 2 The Streetz? A. It is formed by Shirley and other kind people. B. It aims to serve the homeless in several ways. C. It records some of Shirley's photos and events. D. It is a government organization that helps the homeless.
(2) Which of the following is TRUE about Shirley? A. She mainly helped the homeless make up. B. Her son passed away from a traffic accident. C. She just helped the homeless find their homes. D. She regularly donated money to the homeless.
(3) What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about? A. Shirley's impact on her community. B. The ways in which people help Shirley. C. Why Shirley founded Beauty 2 The Streetz. D. The growing impact of Beauty 2 The Streetz.
(4) What good qualities does Shirley have? A. Brave and smart. B. Devoted and independent. C. Selfless and caring. D. Ambitious and determined.
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The story of The emperor's new clothes is one of Andersen's best-known works. Cheaters fool the emperor into believing they have made him a fantastic suit. Courtiers (侍臣) dare not say that the omperor is naked; it takes a child to point out the obvious. How many companies have ploughed (辛勤耕耘)ahead with expensive projects that are favoured by the CEO, even when other managers have had doubts? The moral is that people are ofien too restricted by social practice to state their views. 

In his new book Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking, Matthew Syed argues that the key to dealing with this problem is "cognitive diversity",in other words, gathering a team of people with diffcrent perspectives and intellectual backgrounds. It is not just about selecting people for teams from both sexes and various races. Hire only Cambridge politics graduates or Stanford software engineers and they will have studied under the same professors and absorbed similar world views regardless of theit gender or skin colour. 

There is another element to selecting a good tearn: ensuring that those viewpoints are heard and respected. A study of over 300 projects by the Rotterdam School of Management found that those led by

junior managers were more likely to succeed than those led by senior managers—maybe because other tea in members were less scared about pointing out potontial dangers to someone of lower rank. 

The ability to speak up within an organization, without fear of punistment, is known as "psychological safety". Mr. Syed cites a study of teams at Google, which found that self-reported psychological safety was by far the most important factor behind successful teainwork at the technology giant. 

One way to overcome shyness while brainstorming, for instance, is for everyone to write down their ideas but ensure their names are never known. That way, opinions about thoughts are less closely tied to the status of the thinker and can be tested against each other with less fear or favour. 

(1) Why is The story of the emperor's new clothes mentioned? A. To confirm its popularity. B. To make fun of the adults. C. To argue for children's wisdom. D. To indicate the importance of speaking up.
(2) Which of the following makes an effective team? A. People with the same cognitive origin. B. People with more races and gender. C. People with various academic backgrounds. D. People following their leaders unconditionally.
(3) Why does ateam with a junior manager tend to succeed? A. It allows members to voice opinions. B. It creates a relaxing atmosphere. C. It encourages members to compete. D. It thinks lidle of social ranks.
(4) What do we know abcut "psychological safety"?     A. It is a term invented by Mr. Syed. B. It contibutes my drversity thinking. C. It is a secret weapon of the Google. D. It is a projeet done at the Rotterdam.
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As the world has changed, so has education. Since 2018, Nelly Cheboi and her non-profit TechLit Africa have been bringing computer technology into schools in Kenya, helping students join the digital world, and unlock their potential. With its own software programs, curriculum(课程)and teacher training programs, this non-profit hopes to change Africa.

In 2012, Cheboi received a scholarship to College in Illinois that changed her life. She grew up in poverty in rural Kenya, watching her mother struggle to support her family alone. Cheboi had no experience with computers before moving to the US to study. She hand wrote papers and then struggled to type them out on a laptop computer. Somehow she fell in love with computer science and began a career in the field. But she did not lose sight of her origins. "As an undergraduate, I invested all of my income from various campus jobs into my community back in Kenya, "she said on the TechLit Africa website. But soon she wanted to do more for it and that is how TechLit Africa began.

Cheboi recalled how her background helped her understand how important technological knowledge could be for children living in poverty. She built a school with the idea of bringing computer science as part of kids' curriculum growing up. But she found that it was going to be really hard to impact as many people as possible, because it was so hard to fund raise. Then in order to reach more students, she introduced computer training to existing schools. Cheboi physically dragged over 40 recycled computers that had been donated to them by various tech companies to Kenya in suitcases.

Now, since the non-profit has grown, it works with various companies that help them clean the donated computers of data and send them to Africa. TechLit Africa runs its own curriculum with its own software programs in 10 Kenyan schools, and the hope is to increase to 100 throughout Africa by next year. The students love learning about computers, and in turn are gaining skills that will help them make use of their talents into a way out of poverty.

(1) What has Cheboi been doing since 2018? A. Boosting her science career. B. Promoting digital education. C. Starting a scholarship program. D. Updating the computer courses.
(2) What inspired Cheboi to set up TechLit Africa? A. Her love for computer science. B. Her desire to help her hometown. C. Her dream of supporting her family. D. Her childhood experience in the US.
(3) What do we know about Cheboi from Paragraph 3? A. She hopes to help more kids. B. She plans to build new schools. C. She seeks to develop new courses. D. She calls for donations of computers.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Cheboi? A. Sensitive. B. Devoted. C. Considerate. D. Cooperative.
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