
The Best Way to Nap

A study published in the journal Heart found a link between healthy napping (打盹)and a lowered risk of heart disease. The American Psychological Association points out that naps can improve memory, learning capacity and mood. Sara Med nick, PhD, a neuroscience at the University of California explains that when you fall asleep, your body moves through stages that each play a role in health. Ideal napping times are based around this four-stage cycle.

Stage 1

The "dozing off"(打瞌睡)period

Stage 2

muscles, heart rate and brain activity slow down

Stage 3

deep, restorative sleep

Stage 4

REM(rapid eye movement)sleep, when brain activity increases and you're most likely to dream

The 20-minute nap

Between 20 and 30 minutes is one napping sweet spot, according to Mednick, who explains that you get enough Stage 2 sleep to switch your body and mind into full relaxation mode, aiding with memory.

The 60-minute nap

Stage 3 sleep is a time for your body to repair tissue, strengthen the immune(免疫)system and recharge energy stores. But waking up during this phase can make you feel uncomfortable and sleepy, Med nick says. Most people start to move out of Stage 3 after around 60 minutes, which makes it a good time to set your alarm.

The 90-minute nap

A complete sleep cycle is about an hour and a half, and napping for a full cycle can have big benefits. But naps longer than 90 minutes can disturb nighttime sleep and might even weaken memory.

Not a regular napper? That's OK. " Everyone needs to rest, but not everyone necessarily needs to nap," says Med nick.

(1) During which phase may you have a dream? A. Stage 1. B. Stage 2. C. Stage 3. D. Stage 4.
(2) How long may the first 3 stages last? A. A quarter. B. One hour. C. Half an hour. D. One and a half hours.
(3) Which section is the text probably taken from in a newspaper? A. News. B. Education. C. Lifestyle. D. Health.
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In November 2020, US climber Emily Harrington, 34, took on El Capitan—a 3000 foot(914 meters) rock formation(岩层) in Yosemite National Park, US. She accomplished her feat within a day and became the first woman to free-climb the Golden Gate route.

It used to take weeks for rock climbers to reach the top of El Capitan, even with the help of a partner and climbing aids. In recent years, only three people—all men—had free-climbed the Golden Gate route on El Capitan in 24 hours, according to CNN.

Although rock climbing has long been dominated by men, the number of female climbers has been rising in recent years. Even in the pandemic, many of them have made great achievements and pushed human limits.

"I spent a lot of years feeling like I didn't belong, like maybe I hadn't earned my place to be a Yosemite climber," she told the San Francisco Chronicle. "But throughout this experience I learned that there is no belonging or not belonging, no formula to achievement up there. "

The rising number of female climbing enthusiasts should come as no surprise. According to the website Climbing. com. "Climbing is one of the few sports where it's possible to level the playing field. Women's flexibility helps offset anything we may lack in strength, bridging the gap between the sexes. "

Legendary Austrian climber Angela Eiter is another strong female figure in the climbing world. In 2020 Eiter made news as she climbed the unknown face she calls Madame Ching in her home country.

According to the New York Post, the route was free of traces. That means Eiter has to search for the holds and predict how the moves were going to play out by herself. Worse still, the rock there is really fragile and some holds had to be fixed with glue. But after intensive indoor training to visualize(构思) the route and build up her strength, Eiter, who stands 154 cm high and weighs 46 kg, made it.

"I am not the strongest woman and I am very small, and I am happy that I can show other women that they can also do it," she told the New York Post.

As Climbing. com noted, this battle with oneself embodies(体现) the spirit behind the sport. "Maybe that's why more women feel more empowered to find their own way, break free of the mold(模式) and climb what we want to climb. Women have decided to follow their hearts. "

(1) What did Emily Harrington accomplish? A. She was the first person to take on El Capitan successfully. B. She reached the top of El Capitan within a day. C. She free-climbed the Golden Gate route within weeks. D. She climbed the Golden Gate route with climbing aids.
(2) The underlined word "offset" in paragraph 5 can be replaced by ________. A. bring about B. make up for C. build up D. make for
(3) What difficulty did Angela Eiter meet with when climbing Madame Ching? A. There were no traces to follow. B. There were no holds to use. C. Her prediction about the route was wrong. D. she didn't bring necessities like glue.
(4) What can we learn from Harrington and Eiter? A. Work hard to be a role model. B. Find where you belong. C. Always battle others. D. Be brave and pursue your goal.
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A week ago, "Sports for Life" programme was sent to the parents, requiring them to select a sport that they wanted their child to play. Since then, our staff have received lots of calls from parents asking for more information about it. Here is a memo (备忘录) for your reference when you answer the phones.

 Sport 1: Basketball.  

 We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports. Therefore, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible. Students will take a private bus to and from the Kwun Tong Sports Park. To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time. There will be four basketball courts with one teacher monitoring each game.  

 Sport 2: Gym.  

We will be using the St. Peter's Memorial Park. There are two reasons for choosing this park. First, it is not very busy and crowded before 6:00 pm. Second, it has a lot of trees with plenty of shade. Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent thirst. Three activities — skipping, jogging, and outdoor aerobics (有氧运动) are all free of charge. And there will be a teacher on duty for each of the activities.

 Sport 3: Hiking.  

 Hiking will take place at the Kowloon Peak. The activity will start at 2:30 pm and finish 90 minutes later. Three teachers will accompany the students, and a hiking instructor will accompany each group of 15 hikers. Each instructor will cost $75 per hour. Students are advised to bring plenty of water and sunscreen.  

 Sport 4: Swimming.  

 The Kowloon City Aquatic Centre is a 10-minute walk from our school. Four teachers will go to the pool and conduct the students from the poolside. We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour (2:45 pm to 3:45 pm). Only students skillful at swimming can take up this activity. The pool will have two lifeguards present. Girls must wear a swimming suit. The cost is $10 per visit.  

(1) Who is the memo intended for?  A. The parents. B. The students. C. The workers. D. The teachers.
(2) Why is the gym recommended in the St. Peter's Memorial Park? A. It provides free-for-all activities. B. It offers shelters from the sun. C. It covers the cost of transport. D. It remains uncrowded all day.
(3) What is a student required to do if taking part in swimming?  A. To pay $10 in all. B. To arrive at 4:00 pm. C. To wear a swimming suit. D. To be good at swimming.
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Rural Patagonia is famous for its wonderful nature. A Google search for "bicycle tour Patagonia" led my friend Rachel and me to the Carretera Austral: a 770-mile stretch of mostly unpaved highway. We packed our bikes into hoxes and flew to Puerto Montt, a port city some 650 miles south of Santiago. From there, we continued south for several days and set foot on the Carretera.

It took about two weeks to cycle the route through wild forests, windswept plains, and snow-capped mountains. On our last full day along the Carretera-and three days into a constant rainstorm-we found ourselves at a loss for where to sleep. We were cold and wet.

We were still 30 miles from Villa O'Higgins, which marked the end of the Carretera and the promise of a hot shower. From there, we'd ride about 600 miles further along somewhat better roads to Ushuaia.

There was no way we were going to make O'Higgins by nightfall. We hadn't passed a nice campsite in hours. We'd just stopped beside a small stream when we spotted a cowboy-looking man walking out of the trees. And we saw that the stream led to a small house.

The man came to the road. "Do you know a dry place to camp?" Rachel asked. The man invited us into his home. We shared hot chocolate and conversation in his warm. rough kitchen. He brought out an old copy of Patagon Journal, and we were amazed to see a photo of our host, Erasmo Betancourt, on the cover. It turns out that our new friend was a well-known cowboy-turned-activist who had been an outspoken opponent of the damming (筑坝) of Patagonia's rivers. In recent decades, local farmers, fishermen, and conservationists have fiercely resisted the construction of hydroelectric(使用水力发电的) dams on the region' s mighty rivers. Our adventure wouldn't have been possible if not for their fierce love of this beautiful land and devotion to its protection.

The next morning, we thanked our host and hit the road. Is there anywhere on Earth so remote that one cannot encounter humanity?

(1) Where were the author and Rachel headed the next day? A. Ushuaia. B. Santiago. C. Puerto Montt. D. Villa O'Higgins.
(2) What was the major problem facing the author and Rachel that night? A. Where to find a dry campsite. B. How to satisfy their hunger. C. How to find their way in the forest. D. Where to get some drinking water.
(3) What was Betancourt's attitude to building hydroelectric dams on Patagonia's rivers? A. Supportive. B. Disapproving. C. Tolerant. D. Uncertain.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Dams on mighty rivers ruined our adventure. B. A bicycle tour of Patagonia revealed nature to us. C. A cowboy-turned-activist saved Patagonia's rivers. D. We encountered kindness in one of the wildest places on Earth.
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