1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

An artificial intelligence can decode (解码) words and sentences from brain activity with1 surprising accuracy. Using only a few seconds of brain activity data, the AI guesses what a person has heard. It lists the correct answer in its top 10 possibilities , researchers found in a primary study.

Developed at the parent company of Facebook, Meta, the AI could eventually be used to help thousands of people around the world who are unable to communicate through speech, typing or gestures.

Most existing technologies to help such patients communicate require risky brain surgeries to put in electrodes (电极). This new approach "could provide a possible path to help patients with communication problems, avoiding the use of surgeries, " says neuroscientist Jean-Rémi King, a Meta AI researcher.

King and his colleagues trained a computational tool, also known as a language model, to detect words and sentences on 56, 000 hours of speech recordings from 53 languages. The team applied an AI with this language model to databases from four institutions that included brain activity from 169 volunteers. In these databases, participants listened to various stories and sentences, while the people's brains were scanned by magnetoencephalography (MEG)(脑磁图).

Then with the help of a computational method that helps account for physical differences among actual brains, the team tried to decode what participants had heard using just three seconds of brain activity data from each person. The team instructed the AI to match up the speech sounds from the story recordings with patterns of brain activity that the AI computed as corresponding to what people were hearing. It then made predictions about what the person might have been hearing during that short time, given more than 1, 000 possibilities. Using MEG, the correct answer was in the AI's top 10 guesses, the researchers found.

"The new study is decoding of speech recognition, not production, " King agrees, "Though speech production is the final goal, for now, we're quite a long way away. "

(1) What is the main advantage of the new technology? A. Avoiding dangerous operations on patients. B. Freeing patients from risky brain operations. C. Providing a path to communicate with others. D. Helping patients with communication problems.
(2) What does the AI require to make its prediction? A. Top ten guesses. B. Speech production. C. Patterns of brain activity. D. Volunteers with disability.
(3) What does Jean-Rémi King think of the new study? A. Disappointing. B. Promising. C. Surprising. D. Exciting.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. A New Way to Decode Speech B. The Application of MEG Technology C. A New Study on Artificial Intelligence D. A Solution to Communication Problems
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A school district in Michigan has banned all backpacks from school buildings, in response to growing safety concerns. 

Flint Community Schools announced last week that backpacks would be banned and the ban would be in place for the rest of the school year. The new policy went into effect on Monday. 

"We are doing all that we can to create a safe and secure environment for our scholars, families, teachers and staff," Superintendent (主管) Kevin Jones wrote in a letter posted on the school district's website. 

Jones cited growing threatening behavior happenings across the country, including weapons being brought to schools, as the reason for the backpack ban. 

"Backpacks make it easier for students to hide weapons, which can be taken apart and harder to identify than hidden in pockets, inside books, or under other items," he said. 

Following the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, last May, where 19 students and two teachers died, schools began taking policies requiring students to use clear backpacks. However, Flint Community Schools have gone a step further and banned clear backpacks from school buildings, with the superintendent saying that it doesn't resolve the issue. 

"By banning backpacks altogether and adding an increased security presence across the district, we can better control what is being brought into our buildings," Jones said. 

Students are allowed to store personal items like wallets, keys, hygiene products (卫生用品) and phones in small purses, bring lunchboxes or place their gym clothes in clear plastic bags, all of which will be subject to searches. 

If a student brings a backpack to school, parents or guardians must pick it up from the school, according to Jones. 

The Flint Board of Education, the district's administration and headmasters approved the policy change, Jones said, adding that the district received support from the Flint Police Department. 

(1) What is the basic reason for the ban? A. Because weapons are flooded in the district. B. Because people's lives are threatened. C. Because other schools have led the tide. D. Because it is required by the government.
(2) Which does not belong to the safety rules according to the report? A. All backpacks are banned in Flint Community Schools. B. More security guards are on the campus in the district. C. All the things students take to school will be checked. D. Parents are required to pick up their children from schools.
(3) What can be safely concluded from the passage? A. The ban is a joint effort of the Flint district. B. All bags are banned in the schools of the district. C. A student will get punished if taking backpacks to school. D. There may be accidents after the shooting at Robb Elementary School.
(4)  What is the best title for the report? A. Safety Concerns in Flint Community Schools B. Weapon Threats in Flint Community Schools C. Backpacks Banned in Flint Community Schools D. Flint Community Schools Follow Suit Banning Bags
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In July 2007a BBC concert showcased the Buskaid Soweto String Ensemble at a hall in London. The performance ended to a big round of applause. Among the crowd was 41-year-old Dr Luis Dias. He had heard of this chorus and knew it consisted of children from South Africa's poorest towns, but had never seen them performing live.

Born in 1966 to a family of Goan doctors, Dias followed in his family's foot steps, but he had a great passion for music. In 1998he went to work in London. After watching the Buskaid performance, Dias began to explore the possibility of starting a similar effort for disadvantaged children in India.

In 2008 he and his wife gave up their comfortable life in the UK and returned to their home in Panjim, Goa. In just one year the couple founded Child's Play In- dia Foundation. Realizing that setting up the project and teaching music would be a full-time effort, Dias abandoned his medical career and became a poorly paid music teacher.

Yet, it was not easy getting such an enterprise off the ground. Aside from get-ting the necessary fund it was important to find a place that would safely house the children teachers and equipment. They eventually found the perfect partner, a woman behind Hamara School, a shelter for disadvantaged children in Panjim. From these difficult beginnings, Child's Play gradually grew. Child's Play puts on at least two concerts a year to which the children's families and general public are invited. The parents, many of whom are street-side vendors(小贩), had never imagined that their children would find a place on center stage, appreciated and applauded by a wildly enthusiastic audience.

(1) Why did Dias want to found Child's Play India Foundation? A. To show his great affection for music. B. To win instant fame as a music teacher. C. To make disadvantaged kids shine on stage. D. To hold a wonderful concert like Buskaid did.
(2) Where can you find the reason for Dias quitting his previous career? A. In paragraph 1. B. In paragraph 2. C. In paragraph 3. D. In paragraph 4.
(3) What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean? A. Starting Child's Play was not an easy task. B. Making Child's Play officially approved was hard. C. Finding a place for Child's Play was a tough thing. D. Getting financial help for Child's Play was difficult.
(4) What does the audience think of the performance of the kids in Child's Play? A. Terrible. B. Excellent. C. Ordinary. D. Boring.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 

 The Roman Colosseum was built almost two thousand years ago. Despite its age and a 14th century earthquake that knocked down the south side, most of the 150-some foot building is still standing. Scientists and engineers have long suspected a key to the building' s durability (使用年限) is the use of a specific Roman concrete. But exactly how this solid concrete has contributed to the architecture' s strength has been a mystery to researchers across the globe.  

 A team of researchers recently discovered a potential answer to why these ancient Roman buildings have been able to weather the test of time while many modern concrete structures seem to fall apart after a few decades. The answer is self-healing concrete.  

 The material has three components: limestone (石灰石), volcanic material and water. What the researchers found was that the self-healing feature might be simply caused by chemistry accidentally. The limestone in the concrete is likely the secret.  

 When the ancient Romans made mortar (灰浆), they heated up the lime to turn it into a substance called " quicklime" . And, because they introduced water to the quicklime during mixing, the heat it produced set up a chemical foundation that could strengthen the concrete later. When tiny cracks start to form later, the quicklime stops them from becoming bigger. When it rains, the lime reacts with the water to recombine as various forms of calcium carbonate (碳酸钙), quickly filling the crack or reacting with the volcanic ash to " heal" the material.  

 For materials scientist Ainissa Ramirez, this new understanding of ancient Roman concrete is a welcome discovery. " This is one way that the material can be more environmentally friendly," says Ramirez. " It' s sort of like a message in a bottle. The Romans made the material. We had to kind of figure out how they did it so that we can make better materials — and then, you know, in turn, be better protectors of our environment. "  

(1) What can we learn from paragraph 1?  A. The secret of Roman concrete has been revealed. B. The Roman Colosseum was built in the 14th century. C. The whole Roman Colosseum survived the earthquake. D. Roman concrete is essential to the architecture' s strength.
(2) What does the underlined word " weather" in paragraph 2 mean?  A. Take. B. Stand. C. Avoid. D. Fail.
(3) What do we know about the self-healing process?  A. The lime itself could fill the crack later. B. The quicklime should be made on rainy days. C. The chemical foundation could weaken the concrete. D. Combining water and quicklime would produce heat.
(4) What can be inferred from Ramirez' s words?  A. People can be inspired to make greener materials. B. The secret of Roman concrete is hidden in a bottle. C. Roman concrete has greatly improved the environment. D. Roman concrete is popular in making modern architecture.
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